Teen CEO Month – May 2025

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Teen CEO Month is celebrated in May annually. This holiday encourages teenagers who are CEOs to amplify their stories. Some teenagers use their businesses and platforms to solve issues ranging from climate change to homelessness while some are revolutionizing industries with radical ideas. Some of these teenage CEOs make millions of dollars in revenue while going to school — which is very inspiring. Throughout the month, you may show your appreciation for and support for a teenage CEO as they embark on their business ventures.

History of Teen CEO Month

An organization’s chief executive officer (C.E.O.), often called the chief administrative officer, the central executive officer, or simply the chief executive (C.E.), is in charge of managing an autonomous legal entity, such as a firm or nonprofit organization. Companies of many kinds, from public to private to nonprofit, employ CEOs. The C.E.O. of a company often reports to the board of directors and is tasked with increasing the firm’s value, which may involve increasing the share price, market share, revenues, or some other factor. C.E.O.’s in the non-profit and government sectors often focus on producing outcomes that are directly relevant to the organization’s purpose.

It is up to the board of directors or other governing body of an organization to determine the C.E.O.’s duties and expectations. In a formal delegation of authority in the realm of business administration, they can be as broad or as specific as the recipient desires. Decision-makers, leaders, managers, and executors are among the typical tasks of C.E.O.s. There are two types of roles in an organization’s hierarchy: communicator and decision-maker. The communicator is responsible for communicating with both the organization’s internal leadership as well as external stakeholders.

C.E.O.’s are in charge of providing regular updates to their boards of directors on the company’s progress and serving as a source of inspiration for their workforce as a whole. Managing the day-to-day operations of a firm is the C.E.O.’s primary responsibility. The C.E.O. is the person who is ultimately responsible for all of a company’s business decisions, including those in operations, marketing, business development, finance, human resources, etc. A company’s chief executive officer (C.E.O.) is not always the company’s founder.

Teen CEO Month timeline

The Term C.E.O.

[The Term C.E.O. enters the lexicon when the modern corporate management structure is put in place.

The Sandwich Store

At the age of 17, DeLuca and a family friend, Peter Buck, open their first sandwich store in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

The Social Media Giant

At age 19, Mark Zuckerberg creates the social media giant, Facebook.

The Cosmetics Guru

At 17, Kylie Jenner founds Kylie Cosmetics.

Teen CEO Month FAQs

What qualities should a teen C.E.O. have?

A teen C.E.O. needs to have foresight, be trustworthy, flexible, adaptable, have motivation, confidence, strong communication, and relationship-building skills, emotional intelligence, and so many other qualities.

How do I know which business to build?

There is no restriction on what type of business to build. It could solve issues locally or globally, and use innovative approaches to technology, or you could start a business you are passionate about.

Why are teen C.E.O.'s important?

They are important because other than solving the unique problems of their peers, they also contribute to the economy, are employers of labor, and encourage other teenagers to pursue entrepreneurship.

Teen CEO Month Activities

  1. Buy from a teenage-owned business

    You can celebrate Teen C.E.O. Month by buying from a teen business. From bath bombs to socks to cookies, you can find several products you can buy from a teen.

  2. Invest in a teen-owned company

    Teenagers are solving issues from healthcare to social justice issues. These businesses are usually looking for investment, especially in the beginning. You can help them fundraise or guide them to secure venture capital or allow them to use your platform to publicize their businesses.

  3. Offer mentorship

    Offer mentorship to that teenager who is just starting out in business. Provide some form of guidance to help them navigate owning and operating a business.

5 Facts About Teen CEOs

  1. They leverage the internet

    They are constantly replying to emails or continuously tweeting about their company — technology is important to them and they leverage it.

  2. The power of collaboration

    To create even more cutting-edge products, today's successful young entrepreneurs collaborate.

  3. They engage in honest communication

    Teen CEOs believe in honesty and transparency when running their businesses and when dealing with their clients.

  4. They’re willing to take chances

    Young entrepreneurs understand that no one has ever achieved greatness by being cautious. They are willing to take chances to reap the sweet, sweet rewards.

  5. They put in the effort

    Teen CEOs aren't hesitant to put in 60-100 hours a week to achieve their dreams. They are hardworking go-getters.

Why We Love Teen CEO Month

  1. Encourages entrepreneurship among teens

    The month encourages teenagers to venture into entrepreneurship. It allows other teens to know that age cannot be a hindrance to running a successful business.

  2. It validates dreams

    Having Teen CEOs shows that anyone can build a successful business. It proves that with passion and the ability to rise above challenges, anyone can succeed.

  3. It can help in solving problems

    These teens have a unique insight into the problems that fellow teenagers are facing. That they can provide solutions to these challenges is a blessing to the entire society.

Teen CEO Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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a nurse on National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
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Teen CEO Month
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