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Jewish American Heritage Month – May 2025

Stories of triumph and bravery always get us in the mood for celebrations, and this Jewish American Heritage Month in May is no different. From contributing important scientific discoveries to raising the flag for the abused and neglected, the Jewish population has had a huge role to play in where America stands today on the world stage. The more than 350-year history has given us names like Albert Einstein and Ruth Bader Ginsburg — both of whom fought through hard times to emerge victoriously. In order to honor the Jewish communities’ continued achievements, May was declared as Jewish American Heritage Month by former president George W. Bush back in 2006.

History of Jewish American Heritage Month

Jews first arrived on American soil back in 1654 in New Amsterdam. In search of better opportunities and lifestyles, they made the U.S. their new home base, finding in it a space where they could openly practice their faith and lead their lives freely without the fear of persecution. The efforts to create a Jewish American Heritage Month had been in the pipeline since 1980. The U.S. Congress passed and authorized a bill that would allow President Carter to designate a special week in either April or May for Jewish heritage celebrations. Finally, in April of 2006, the whole month of May was dedicated to recognizing and honoring Jewish contributions and achievements. 

Albert Einstein and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are some of the most prominent Jewish American figures. Einstein faced ridicule and bullying growing up with many of his teachers giving up on him. If he had succumbed to society’s ugliness, we, as human beings, might have missed out on a lot of great things today. Likewise, Ginsburg faced sexism at her workplace. People did not want to work with her just because she was a woman and many still believed that a woman’s place was in the kitchen. However, she pushed on and became the harbinger of many helpful laws, including abortion rights. 

Jewish people have also been great advocates for other minorities and their rights in America. They participated in the Civil Rights Movement, having showed up at voter registrations, rallies, sit-ins, e.t.c. All the achievements by Jewish people, big and small, deserve to be recognized and celebrated and there’s no better time than in Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM). 

Jewish American Heritage Month timeline

JAH Bills and Laws in Congress

In honor of Jewish American Heritage (JAH), the first set of laws and proclamations are introduced and passed in the U.S. Congress.

JAHM Coalition

The Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM) Coalition is formed, bringing together all organizations and parties that wish to take part in the occasion.

More than 5 Million Miles Traveled

Garrett E. Reisman, the first Jewish astronaut to go to space, takes the original 2006 JAHM proclamation bill to space, and it travels around the Earth 186 times.

National Partnerships

JAHM teams up with national organizations to fight through the coronavirus pandemic.

Jewish American Heritage Month FAQs

Is April Arab Heritage Month?

The culture of Arab Americans is honored in April, reflecting that the group’s contributions to the U.S. “are as old as America itself,” according to ABC17 News.


Is there a National Jewish Day? 

International Jewish Day is an international day observed annually on August 2. It is a day of global celebration of the Jewish people and culture.


Is there a Polish American Month? 

According to the American Presidency Project, Proclamation 5548 — Polish American Heritage Month, 1986: “In October, we celebrate Polish American Heritage Month in the United States.”

How To Observe Jewish American Heritage Month

  1. Read up on Jewish Americans

    There are tons upon tons of famous Jewish American figures. Albert Einstein and Ruth Bader Ginsburg are just two, and their contributions, while extremely significant, are just the tip of the iceberg. So go on and research more on iconic Jewish personalities, both living and dead.

  2. Celebrate with your Jewish loved ones

    There’s no better way to honor the day than by spending it with those who are being celebrated. Make a day (or a month, in this case) out of it by spending time together, going to museums, reading about Jewish history, and listening to your friends’ and their families' journeys.

  3. Donate to Jewish organizations

    You can donate to Jewish organizations to help them achieve their goals. If you cannot donate, you can promote them in your circles by mentioning them on your social media accounts.

5 Facts About Another Famous Jewish Person, Bob Dylan, That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Bob Dylan was a fake name

    When Bob Dylan was born, he was named Robert Allen Zimmerman and he only changed his name after he started going to the University of Minnesota.

  2. Dylan’s fascination with rock and roll

    Originally, Dylan was a fan of rock and roll and he listened to Elvis and the Golden Chords.

  3. 50 dollars as first payment

    Dylan recorded on a harmonica as a professional musician and, for his work, he was given 50 dollars.

  4. Booed by fans

    Dylan experimented with an electric guitar once on stage in 1965 but his fans disliked the new sound so much that they booed him off stage.

  5. One of the most successful musicians

    As of 1944, Dylan has sold more than 100 million records, which makes him one of the most loved musicians of all time.

Why We Love Jewish American Heritage Month

  1. It’s a celebration of Jewish American achievements

    Despite facing persecution and racism through time, the Jewish American community did not give up and has come through each time. If it were not for them considering America their home and dedicating their achievements to the country, the American image might have been very different today.

  2. It’s a celebration of resilience

    Never giving up is a core tenet of taking full advantage of life. If Jewish Americans had given up in the face of hardships and difficulties, a lot of brilliant minds and ideas would have been lost.

  3. It’s a celebration of humanity

    No matter from which religion we come, our skin color, or our socioeconomic backgrounds, we are all human beings at the end of the day. Remembering our humanity and work for its betterment together is the only way to survive and thrive.

Jewish American Heritage Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Hurricane Preparedness Week
National Physical Education and Sport Week
Agriculture and Labor Day
Blessing Day
Calan Mai
Couple Appreciation Day
CSS Reboot Day
Executive Coaching Day
Frequent Flyer Day
Global Love Day
International Doodle Dog Day
International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day
Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Day
Labor Day Philippines
Learn to Ride a Bike Day
Lei Day
Marshall Islands Constitution Day
May Day
Mother Goose Day
National Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day
National Chocolate Parfait Day
National Day of Prayer
National Day of Reason
National Infertility Survival Day
National Loyalty Day
National Mantra Day
National Purebred Dog Day
National Rotate Your Beer Day
New Homeowners Day
Phone in Sick Day
Save The Rhino Day
School Principals' Day
Silver Star Banner Day
Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day
World Password Day
Worthy Wage Day
ALS Awareness Month
American Cheese Month
American Wetlands Month
Anxiety Awareness Month
Arthritis Awareness Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Awareness of Medical Orphans Month
Be Kind to Animals Month
Bealtaine Festival
Better Sleep Month
Better Speech and Hearing Month
Bladder Cancer Awareness Month
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
Brain Cancer Awareness Month
Building Safety Month
Celiac Awareness Month
Chip Your Pet Month
Chronic Fatigue Awareness Month
Clean Air Month
Community Action Month
Correct Posture Month
Creative Beginnings Month
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Date Your Mate Month
Deck Safety Month
EDS Awareness Month
Electromagnetic Radiation Awareness Month
Family Wellness Month
Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
Food Allergy Action Month
Fungal Infection Awareness Month
Gardening for Wildlife Month
Get Caught Reading Month
Gifts From The Garden Month
Global Employee Health and Fitness Month
Global Youth Traffic Safety Month
Haitian Heritage Month
Heal the Children Month
Healthy Vision Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
Homeschool Awareness Month
Huntington's Disease Awareness Month
Indian Heritage Month
Internal Audit Awareness Month
International Business Image Improvement Month
International Civility Awareness Month
International Drum Month
International Respect for Chickens Month
International Victorious Woman Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
Labor History Month
Latino Books Month
Leaders of Tomorrow Month
Lettuce Month
Local and Community History Month
Lung Health Awareness Month
Lupus Awareness Month
Make May Purple /Action On Stroke Month
Maternal Mental Health Month
May Measurement Month
MCS Awareness Month
Meditation Month
Mediterranean Diet Month
Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Military Appreciation Month
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month
National Asparagus Month
National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bicycle Safety Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Chocolate Custard Month
National Comfort Month
National Digestive Disease Awareness Month
National Duckling Month
fried egg on national egg month
National Egg Month
National Foster Care Month
National Hamburger Month
National Heritage Month
National Inventors Month
a nurse on National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
National Moving Month
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
National Pet Month
National Photography Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National Physiotherapy Month
National Physiotherapy Month
National Preservation Month
National Prom Graduation Safety Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
National Salsa Month
National San Architect Month
National Service Dog Eye Examination Month
National Share a Story Month
National Show Your Smile Month
National Sight-Saving Month
National Strawberry Month
National Teen Self-Esteem Month
National Tennis Month
National Toxic Encephalopathy and Chemical Injury Awareness Month
National Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
National Vinegar Month
National Walking Month
National Youth Traffic Safety Month
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Month
Neurofibromatosis Month
Older Americans Month
Personal History Awareness Month
Pet Sitter Safety Month
Responsible Animal Guardian Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month
Small Business Month
Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
Steelmark Month
Strike Out Strokes Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Syringomyelia Awareness Month
Teen CEO Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
Ultraviolet Awareness Month
Women's Health Month
Zombie Awareness Month

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