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National Recommitment Month – May 2025

National Recommitment Month is celebrated in the month of May. It is a significant month for us to reevaluate the important areas of our lives. This month reminds us of the things we care about and the commitments we made at the start of the year. Consider this month as a check post that ticks the boxes of the commitments we made and gauges our progress. If you are making steady progress, then congratulate yourself. If not, then re-think why you made those commitments and whether they matter at all now. You are the captain of your destiny, and this National Recommitment Month is here to remind you of that.

History of National Recommitment Month

The whole concept of commitments and oaths is an interesting one. Some philosophers believe an oath to be a ritual act, while some believe it to be a speech act. The act of committing is to express an intention that is not limited by time or the present moment. It is a promise to follow the words through the act. The history of oaths dates back centuries in Western Europe. In antiquity, religious and governmental leaders were demanded to swear their loyalty. Similarly, in ancient Rome, oaths were demanded of soldiers. The most solemn military oath was considered the Sacramentum, which invoked the Roman gods. By taking this oath, soldiers swore their allegiance to their general or commanding consul and the emperor.

In the early Middle Ages, Christians took oaths in the name of God and often held a religious object like a relic of a saint or a book of the Gospels. Kings also took coronation oaths, swearing to rule justly, and lesser nobles took oaths of fealty to greater nobles. In 1787, while drafting the U.S. Constitution, the founding fathers incorporated one of the British legal practices which was the swearing of oaths upon entering federal governmental service, and these oaths were taken to pledge loyalty to the Constitution.

While the origin of the Recommitment Month is unclear, the focus is on taking stock of what is important to you and making the important issues a priority again. It could range from relationship goals, more downtime, and more exercise to saving and spending time with loved ones. It is a month that reminds you that if it’s significant to you, it matters. We could take an oath, or lift a glass, to that.

National Recommitment Month timeline

3000 B.C.
Oaths Are Demanded Out of Leaders

Religious and governmental leaders must pledge an oath to express their loyalty.

476 A.D.
Oaths in The Name of God

Christians take oaths in the name of God and often hold a religious object like a relic of a saint or a book of the Gospels.

Oaths in Trials

Oaths by respected members of the community testify to the accused’s honest character, which results in punishment or bail of the accused.

Swearing of Oaths in Constitution

While drafting the U.S. Constitution, the founding fathers incorporate the swearing of loyalty to the Constitution upon entering federal governmental service.

National Recommitment Month FAQs

What does commitment mean in life?

Commitment means dedicating yourself and your time to something. It can be anything, a person, or even a hobby.

What is commitment and why is it important?

Commitment helps you focus and makes you stick to your plans.

What does Bible say about commitment

There are numerous references in the Bible addressing the Christian’s commitment: to our families, neighbors, employers, the church, our health, and in all things we do and say.

National Recommitment Month Activities

  1. List your goals

    Make a comprehensive list of all your goals. Prioritize your goals and set them in order.

  2. Recommit to forgotten goals

    Recommit to goals you had sworn to achieve but have sidelined now. Consider if they are influential in your life, and if they are, recommit to them and do your best to achieve them.

  3. Commit to new things

    Clear up your schedule and make time for new things! Commit to new things and spice up your life.

5 Interesting Facts About Commitment

  1. It is a choice

    Commitment is a choice, and it cannot be forced on anyone.

  2. It requires honesty

    It requires one to be honest to the self, and in the words of Shakespeare, “to thine own self be true.”

  3. It is regular exercise

    Committing to anything requires regular effort and requires continuous work.

  4. It is a promise

    It is a promise to the self to be better and to work hard.

  5. It applies to future events too

    It isn’t something that is about the present moment, but it applies to the future too.

Why We Love National Recommitment Month

  1. It is the month for oneself

    National Recommitment Month is to focus on the self. It gives you the space to prioritize yourself and make wise decisions.

  2. It is to work hard

    This month tells you that you need to work hard and recommit to the promises you made to yourself. Make a list of promises to yourself and commit to them.

  3. It celebrates second chances

    May is the month that tells you to reflect and to give yourself a second chance. Be nice to yourself and give yourself this chance. And then motivate friends and family to do the same.

National Recommitment Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Lei Day
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May Day
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