
National Salsa Month – May 2025

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Here’s the spicy truth behind salsa. It’s no ordinary condiment. It’s an ancient Aztec recipe that was revealed to the world through the written word of a Franciscan missionary. One who had lived with the Aztecs and learned their ways. So let’s treat National Salsa Month, in May, with reverence. Bow to this ancient recipe and give in to our taste buds. Try out as many different types of salsa as you can. Trust us, the month will end but you will not run out of new and tasty recipes to try. That’s how hot salsa is all over the world.

National Salsa Month timeline

Lone Star salsa

Tortilla chips and salsa became the official state snack of Texas.

Officially a Vegetable

The U.S. Department of Agriculture designated salsa as a vegetable in order to get more and more schools to serve it to children.

The First National Salsa Month

National Salsa Month was created to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Pace Salsa .

Salsa Beats Ketchup

Move over ketchup — salsa became the nation's largest selling sauce.

National Salsa Month Activities

  1. Sauce it up a notch

    Get a little crazy this month. Don't just use salsa as a condiment. Flavor curries. Use it as a marinade or a spread. How about spiking a cocktail with salsa?

  2. Host a salsa-making competition

    If your recipe wins you get a prize. And if you lose you still get to eat salsa. It's a win-win!

  3. Join the fun on social media

    Fans of salsa post pictures, recipes, fun facts, and more this month. Don't be left out.

5 Sizzling (and Saucy) Salsa Facts

  1. It's so spicy they named a dance after it

    Salsa, the dance, actually takes its name from the real thing in order to emphasize the spiciness of the moves. It's a robust mix of Hispanic, Caribbean, and African dance styles.

  2. Rooster beak salsa? Really?

    Yes, Pico de gallo literally means rooster beak salsa. Perhaps because this chunky salsa was eaten with the thumb and forefinger that resembled a pecking rooster!

  3. Holy Jalapeño!

    Every year Pace Foods uses 22 million pounds of fresh jalapeno. That's more than any other salsa company in the U.S!

  4. Get the right tools

    Traditionally, salsa is prepared with a mortar and pestle made from black volcanic rock. These are used to puree the tomatoes and chilies with other ingredients.

  5. Relish and salsa are sisters

    Relish, like salsa, is a condiment used to increase the flavor of foods and can be eaten cooked or raw. The difference is that the word 'relish' is French and 'salsa' is Spanish. European sisters!

Why We Love National Salsa Month

  1. Everyone has their favorite recipe

    And National Salsa Month is the perfect time to make it. Salsa comes in as many different forms as there are people. Roja, cruda, verde, negra, brava...for the love of salsa!

  2. It brings people together

    We've heard of people bonding over a bowl of salsa. With some chips and tacos to share, you will never be short of friends.

  3. It's a super sauce

    First, it's full of vegetables. Second, its got vitamin C, lycopene, and fiber. It may even protect against cancer!

National Salsa Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Hurricane Preparedness Week
National Physical Education and Sport Week
Agriculture and Labor Day
Blessing Day
Calan Mai
Couple Appreciation Day
CSS Reboot Day
Executive Coaching Day
Frequent Flyer Day
Global Love Day
International Doodle Dog Day
International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day
Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Day
Labor Day Philippines
Learn to Ride a Bike Day
Lei Day
Marshall Islands Constitution Day
May Day
Mother Goose Day
National Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day
National Chocolate Parfait Day
National Day of Prayer
National Day of Reason
National Infertility Survival Day
National Loyalty Day
National Mantra Day
National Purebred Dog Day
National Rotate Your Beer Day
New Homeowners Day
Phone in Sick Day
Save The Rhino Day
School Principals' Day
Silver Star Banner Day
Therapeutic Massage Awareness Day
World Password Day
Worthy Wage Day
ALS Awareness Month
American Cheese Month
American Wetlands Month
Anxiety Awareness Month
Arthritis Awareness Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Awareness of Medical Orphans Month
Be Kind to Animals Month
Bealtaine Festival
Better Sleep Month
Better Speech and Hearing Month
Bladder Cancer Awareness Month
Borderline Personality Disorder Awareness Month
Brain Cancer Awareness Month
Building Safety Month
Celiac Awareness Month
Chip Your Pet Month
Chronic Fatigue Awareness Month
Clean Air Month
Community Action Month
Correct Posture Month
Creative Beginnings Month
Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month
Date Your Mate Month
Deck Safety Month
EDS Awareness Month
Electromagnetic Radiation Awareness Month
Family Wellness Month
Fibromyalgia Education and Awareness Month
Food Allergy Action Month
Fungal Infection Awareness Month
Gardening for Wildlife Month
Get Caught Reading Month
Gifts From The Garden Month
Global Employee Health and Fitness Month
Global Youth Traffic Safety Month
Haitian Heritage Month
Heal the Children Month
Healthy Vision Month
Hepatitis Awareness Month
Homeschool Awareness Month
Huntington's Disease Awareness Month
Indian Heritage Month
Internal Audit Awareness Month
International Business Image Improvement Month
International Civility Awareness Month
International Drum Month
International Respect for Chickens Month
International Victorious Woman Month
Jewish American Heritage Month
Labor History Month
Latino Books Month
Leaders of Tomorrow Month
Lettuce Month
Local and Community History Month
Lung Health Awareness Month
Lupus Awareness Month
Make May Purple /Action On Stroke Month
Maternal Mental Health Month
May Measurement Month
MCS Awareness Month
Meditation Month
Mediterranean Diet Month
Melanoma / Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month
Mental Health Awareness Month
Military Appreciation Month
Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month
National Allergy and Asthma Awareness Month
National Asparagus Month
National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
National Barbecue Month
National Bicycle Safety Month
National Blood Pressure Month
National Chocolate Custard Month
National Comfort Month
National Digestive Disease Awareness Month
National Duckling Month
fried egg on national egg month
National Egg Month
National Foster Care Month
National Hamburger Month
National Heritage Month
National Inventors Month
a nurse on National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
National Moving Month
National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
National Pet Month
National Photography Month
National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
National Physiotherapy Month
National Physiotherapy Month
National Preservation Month
National Prom Graduation Safety Month
National Recommitment Month
National Salad Month
National Salsa Month
National San Architect Month
National Service Dog Eye Examination Month
National Share a Story Month
National Show Your Smile Month
National Sight-Saving Month
National Strawberry Month
National Teen Self-Esteem Month
National Tennis Month
National Toxic Encephalopathy and Chemical Injury Awareness Month
National Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
National Vinegar Month
National Walking Month
National Youth Traffic Safety Month
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Month
Neurofibromatosis Month
Older Americans Month
Personal History Awareness Month
Pet Sitter Safety Month
Responsible Animal Guardian Month
Revise Your Work Schedule Month
Small Business Month
Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
Steelmark Month
Strike Out Strokes Month
Stroke Awareness Month
Syringomyelia Awareness Month
Teen CEO Month
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month
Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
Ultraviolet Awareness Month
Women's Health Month
Zombie Awareness Month

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