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National San Architect Month – May 2025

The U.S. marks National SAN Architect Month in May every year. This month recognizes the professionals responsible for managing and the systems that store data about the entire United States. It is a month for the American people, providing them a chance to celebrate, recognize, and commend the systems and professionals who manage their data as a country. Storage area network (SAN) architects do a remarkable job in managing the Information Technology infrastructure of the American people. They organize voluminous data networks, handle I.T. security, and guard against data breaches. It is fitting to have a month to appreciate them.

History of National San Architect Month

Storage area networks (SANs) are the most common form of storage networking used by enterprises for business-critical applications that need to deliver high throughput and low latency. A SAN is a dedicated network for data storage. SANs are sometimes referred to as the network behind the servers. In addition to storage, SANs allow for the automatic backup of data and the monitoring of the storage as well as the backup process.

More and more SAN deployments are rapidly leveraging all-flash storage to gain their high performance, consistent low latency, and lower total cost when compared to spinning disk models. By holding data in centralized shared storage, SANs enable organizations to use consistent methodologies and tools for data protection, security, and disaster recovery.

A SAN is a combination of hardware and software. This system grew out of data-centric mainframe architectures that allowed clients in a network to connect to several servers that store different types of data. Storage area network architects are engaged in every aspect of corporate life, yet there is virtually no recognition of their extensive contributions. Unknown to shareholders, SAN architects work hard in obscurity, keeping America’s data safe.

In most cases, corporate management will not mention the people who build and maintain their storage area networks unless there is a disastrous data breach. For a large portion of their working life, SAN architects labor in the shadows behind the walls of data centers for organizations that range from Fortune 500 companies to SMBs and virtually all government agencies.

National San Architect Month timeline

Earliest Storage Device

I.B.M. invents the first hard disk drive: The Model 350 Disk File.

Advances In Storage Management

The Common Information Model (C.I.M.) manages storage devices and provides interoperability.

A Day of Celebration

K.C.I, Inc. establishes May 3 as National SAN Architect Day.

Latest Technology

Multimode optical fiber cables begin to work in SANs.

National San Architect Month FAQs

What are the types of SAN Architecture?

There are two types of SAN architecture: network-centric SAN architecture and storage-centric SAN architecture.

What is the difference between Storage Area Network and Network-attached Storage?

SAN can use Ethernet and Fiber Channel, while NAS is Ethernet-based.

Is there a SAN Architect Day?

National SAN Architect Day falls on May 3.

National San Architect Month Activities

  1. Use a SAN architect’s services

    Engage a SAN architect to manage your business or personal data. It would help you keep your private information away from the public eye.

  2. Post about it

    Share posts on social media talking about the importance of SAN Architects. It creates awareness about this month and ensures that SAN Architects feel recognized and appreciated. Don’t forget to use #SANArchitectDay.

  3. Show gratitude

    Visiting a data management office or writing a review on a data management company’s website is a fantastic way to celebrate. Thanking SAN architects for their works will make them feel appreciated.

5 Interesting Facts About SAN Architecture

  1. Three vital components

    SAN architecture is composed of hosts, fabric, and storage.

  2. Usage in media

    SANs are useful in video editing systems that require high data transfer rates and low latency.

  3. Early SAN technology

    When SANs were first built Fiber Channel had to be implemented over copper cables.

  4. Data in the cold

    Facebook has a data center near the Arctic Circle called the Luleå Data Center.

  5. Recyclable tech

    Around 80% of the equipment on a server and a data storage farm is recyclable.

Why We Love National San Architect Month

  1. It’s a time of appreciation

    SAN architects do an incredible job at managing data. On National San Architect Month, we show our appreciation for their efforts.

  2. It creates awareness

    Many people don't know about the value of SAN architects. This month educates the public about these service providers.

  3. It keeps our data safe

    As more people learn about data management, they’re more likely to work with SAN architects. Thus more data is kept safe.

National San Architect Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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