Clean Air Month – May 2025

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Clean Air Month is observed each year across the United States during May. The month focuses on ways we can contribute to making our air cleaner. There has also been a renewed focus on improving the quality of indoor air. In addition, the day brings to light the many ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprints and keep in check our use of fuels and other non-renewable energies. Clean Air Month is an important observance as it encourages people to make our planet greener, healthier, and more liveable for future generations. By putting in the time and effort, we can significantly contribute to making the air cleaner.

History of Clean Air Month

Clean Air Month is observed in May each year in association with the American Lung Association. It started as a week-long event in 1972 and turned into a month-long one in 1994. Clean Air Month awareness campaigns aim to educate everyone about the impact of air pollutants and the importance of clean air for a healthy life. The celebrations also encourage people to adopt steps to improve air quality, both locally and globally.

Clean Air Month also celebrates the improvements that have been made to make the air cleaner in the last 40 years since the campaign kicked off. The Clean Air Act, initiated by Clean Air Month, was included in legislation in 1970. Poor air quality can have serious repercussions on one’s health and can pave the way for cancer, bronchitis, allergies, and asthma. Poor air quality has also been linked to the deterioration of our emotional and mental well-being.

Clean Air Month allows us to learn more about how our daily activities affect the quality of the air around us. It features special days such as Bike to Work Day and Car Share Day to promote sustainable activities among Americans. The American Lung Association led many of the activities. They also educate community members about the importance of good air quality and the steps they can take at individual and local levels to improve air quality. Clean Air Month is one of the consistent initiatives in America that aids in building a sustainable future.

Clean Air Month timeline

The First Air-Conditioning Unit

Willis Carrier invents the first modern air-conditioning unit.

The American Lung Association

The American Lung Association is founded in Chicago, U.S.

An Air Humidifier is Invented

Raymond Banks invents the first air humidifier.

Ozone Holes are Discovered

Ozone holes are discovered by Jonathan Shanklin.

Clean Air Month FAQs

When was the Clean Air Act signed?

The Clean Air Act was signed by President Richard Nixon on December 31, 1970, to improve human health and the environment.

What does ‘clean air’ mean?

Clean air is the air that has no harmful levels of pollutants in it.

What happens when the air is dirty?

Headaches, coughing, and wheezing can be caused by dirty air. Breathing in air pollution can trigger asthma, allergies, heart attacks, and strokes.

How to Observe Clean Air Month

  1. Take action

    Speak to your local councilor about ways to improve air quality in your area. Clean Air Month is a great time to form an action plan and implement it.

  2. Plant trees

    Trees are a tried and tested way to improve air quality. Plant as many trees and saplings as you can during Clean Air Month, and also encourage your friends and family to do the same.

  3. Live a sustainable life

    Ditch your car for bicycles, a carpool, or public transport during Clean Air Month. This will not only reduce air pollution but is also one of the best ways to reduce your overall carbon footprint.

5 Facts About Air And Pollution

  1. Air isn’t just gas

    Air also contains tiny particles called aerosols.

  2. Air helps us hear

    Air carries the vibrations of sound, helping us hear.

  3. Vehicles are the biggest air polluters

    They emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, hydrocarbons, and other toxins into the air.

  4. Smog affects our health

    It causes difficulty in breathing and dizziness.

  5. It helps with afforestation

    Winds carry seeds that get planted and germinate into new plants.

Why Clean Air Month is Important

  1. Clean air means healthy lives

    Clean air is important for a healthy life. It not only lessens the risk of us developing serious illnesses due to toxins in the air but also improves our mental and emotional well-being. Clean Air Month helps us live a long and healthy life.

  2. It promotes a green future

    Observances such as Clean Air Month ensure that we leave behind a clean, green, and sustainable planet for future generations. The time to start is now.

  3. It allows us to honor the environment

    By celebrating Clean Air Month, we also fulfill our duty to the environment. It’s a way of saying thanks to the environment and leaving it pristine for future generations to come.

Clean Air Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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International Sunflower Guerilla Gardening Day
Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 Day
Labor Day Philippines
Learn to Ride a Bike Day
Lei Day
Marshall Islands Constitution Day
May Day
Mother Goose Day
National Black Barber Shop Appreciation Day
National Chocolate Parfait Day
National Day of Prayer
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National Loyalty Day
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Clean Air Month
Community Action Month
Correct Posture Month
Creative Beginnings Month
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Date Your Mate Month
Deck Safety Month
EDS Awareness Month
Electromagnetic Radiation Awareness Month
Family Wellness Month
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Food Allergy Action Month
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Gardening for Wildlife Month
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Labor History Month
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a nurse on National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
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Tuberous Sclerosis Awareness Month
Ultraviolet Awareness Month
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Zombie Awareness Month

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