Steelmark Month – May 2025

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Steelmark Month in May recognizes the workers in America’s steel industry as well as the role this metal plays in daily life. Steel is a very valuable commodity in the world today. It is a useful product that supports many livelihoods and has numerous uses. Steel is one of the most important materials in history. It is fundamental to thousands of products that are part of the everyday life of most people on this planet. Moreover, the steel industry makes a vital contribution to the American economy, which demands equipment, raw materials, and the services of other industries. The steel industry has created a distinctive symbol for its products, called the ‘steelmark.’ This symbol is used to identify products made of steel and to boost public awareness of the importance of steel to the United States.

History of Steelmark Month

Steel has been used for more than 1,000 years. Researchers put the age of the earliest steel product as 4,000 years old at the beginning of the Iron Age. Steel has survived and thrived throughout many centuries. By a joint resolution approved on November 2, 1966, the U.S. Congress established the month of May of each year as Steelmark Month. Congress also requested the President to issue a proclamation for the observance of this month. On April 8, 1967, Lyndon B. Johnson, the president of the United States of America at the time, called upon all the people of the country to observe the month of May every year as Steelmark Month with suitable proceedings and ceremonies.

This holiday falls under federal observances (periods designated by the United States Congress for the commemoration or observance of different activities, events, or topics). Aside from the federal observance, The Men and Women of Steel Awards recognize individuals for their innovative uses and applications of steel at work and in the community. The awards demonstrate how steel is a technologically advanced material used in various applications and new vehicle designs, working to enhance occupant protection. The Men and Women of Steel Awards are presented annually during the North American International Auto Show.

Seeing how steel is a valuable material, take some time to learn how far the steel in different appliances traveled to get to you. And congratulate yourself for supporting an industry that helps the world economy to keep going.

Steelmark Month timeline

The Modern Steel Industry is Born

Henry Bessemer develops a way to use oxygen to reduce the carbon content in iron.

America’s First Skyscraper

The first skyscraper (Home Insurance Building) in the U.S. is built using steel as one of the materials.

Automotive Advancements

The first steel automobile is made.

From America to the World

By 1920, 60 million tons of American steel is going around the world yearly.

Steelmark Month FAQs

How many grades of steel exist?

According to the World Steel Association, there are more than 3,500 different grades of steel.

Can steel rust?

Under some conditions, stainless steel can rust if the alloy gets contaminated during manufacturing.

Who is the world’s top steel-producing country?

China currently produces more than half of the world’s steel.

Steelmark Month Activities

  1. Read about steel

    Steel is a very interesting material. A lot goes into its making and transformation into different forms for various applications.

  2. Post on social media

    This is one of the lesser-known holidays. Posting about it on social media will help to spread the word to more people.

  3. Attend a steel fair

    If there are any steel exhibitions in your location, pop in at one for a few hours. It’s a fun way to learn about steel from the experts.

5 Interesting Facts About Steel

  1. It’s highly elastic

    Steel is more elastic than rubber because it’s able to revert to its original shape faster.

  2. It’s a long-lasting material

    Steel roofs can last for more than a half-century, compared to wood shingle roofs, which typically last about 15 to 20 years.

  3. It creates employment

    It’s estimated that over two million people work in the steel industry worldwide.

  4. It’s good for the planet

    Most steel products and objects are made of recycled steel — steel has a global recycling rate of roughly 60%.

  5. A material-intensive bridge

    The Golden Gate Bridge used 83,000 tons of steel in its construction.

Why We Love Steelmark Month

  1. We learn cool stuff

    Steelmark Month is the time to learn all about steel. We can’t get enough of all the cool facts about this metal.

  2. It celebrates industrial workers

    Numerous people work in the steel industry, turning this metal into valuable forms. This month honors their efforts.

  3. We dive into its history

    Steel has a long history dating back thousands of years. In Steelmark Month, we learn about the origins of this metal and its uses over the years.

Steelmark Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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a nurse on National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
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Steelmark Month
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