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National Asparagus Month – May 2025

It’s National Asparagus Month this May. Asparagus is in season from February until June. Asparagus contains folate, vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants. It is an excellent complement to your vegetable diet, and it is among the most nutritionally complete vegetables available. It ranks first among all produce foods in terms of the variety of nutrients necessary for a healthy diet.

One of the best things about asparagus is how simple it is to cook. Asparagus is already bursting with fresh, spring taste. It’s best eaten raw or gently cooked, and it just takes minutes to prepare. Whatever way you choose to cook asparagus, when it gets a wonderful bright green color, it’s done. If the color begins to fade, it is overdone.

History of National Asparagus Month

Ancient cultures in the Mediterranean area planted asparagus. The term ‘asparagus’ is derived from the Greek word ‘asparagos,’ which means ‘new sprout.’ The Greeks enjoyed asparagus recipes, but the Roman people were the first to produce this delicious vegetable. Asparagus recipes became popular in the 17th century and were cultivated across Northern Europe. Asparagus earned the moniker ‘royal vegetable’ since it became an essential item in the royal court’s cuisine. Asparagus arrived in the United States with the colonists, but cultivation did not commence until the 19th century.

Asparagus is among the most delicious, nutritious, and costly vegetable harvests. Farmers tend to the planting during the first two or three years after planting, adding fertilizers, removing weeds, and loosening the soil. Harvesting lasts two weeks the first year, one month the second year, and the whole season the third year. The British asparagus season lasts from May to June and is often regarded as the greatest in the world. It is one of the earliest plants to bloom in the spring, and young shoot harvesting starts in mid-April and continues until mid-June.

Asparagus typically comes in three colors— purple, green, and white. The white type is cultivated in the dark to prevent the color from developing, the purple is popular in Europe, although it is also widely accessible in the U.K. The bulk of asparagus in the United Kingdom is green.

National Asparagus Month timeline

The French Grow Asparagus in Greenhouses

King Louis VIX of France orders gardeners to cultivate asparagus in greenhouses to allow him to get the produce throughout the year.

Asparagus is Introduced in New England

Colonialists from France introduce asparagus to New England.

Asparagus is introduced In California

Asparagus is planted in Northern California and soon California becomes the largest source of the vegetable.

The First Asparagus Month is Celebrated

The month of May is set aside as National Asparagus Day.

National Asparagus Month FAQs

Is there a National Asparagus Day?

National Asparagus Day is celebrated on May 24.

Where is the Asparagus Festival in Michigan?

Hart, Michigan is home to the National Asparagus Festival festival, which is held annually during the second weekend in June.

How do you tell whether asparagus is fresh?

Fresh asparagus stalks are sturdy to the touch, can stand straight up, and have a smooth texture. Stalks that seem limp or withered should be avoided.

National Asparagus Month Activities

  1. Visit an asparagus farm

    A good way to celebrate asparagus day is to visit an asparagus farm and learn all you can about the vegetable. Learn about its history, the nutrients it carries and the ways it can benefit your health.

  2. Make an asparagus dish

    Research an asparagus recipe on the internet and try preparing a meal. There are plenty of interesting ways to incorporate asparagus into your diet.

  3. Check out the asparagus festival

    Attend the Asparagus Festival, which will be held in Stockton, California. There you will find the different types of asparagus, different recipes, and interesting methods of cooking and cultivating it.

5 Fascinating Facts About Asparagus

  1. Growing a plant takes three years

    You may harvest asparagus after roughly three years of growing it.

  2. China produces the most asparagus globally

    Though yields have dropped in recent years, China still has 57,000 hectares of asparagus.

  3. Asparagus cures hangovers

    Asparagus contains 93% water, so there is an aspect of hydration, but the vegetable is also a diuretic, which helps in breaking down ethanol.

  4. Asparagus is not a lily

    Although many sources indicate asparagus is a lily, it belongs to the ‘Asparagaceae’ family.

  5. Asparagus prevents heart disease

    The anti-inflammatory properties of asparagus and the high quantities of antioxidants may help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Why We Love National Asparagus Month

  1. It increases immunity

    Asparagus includes inulin, a prebiotic fiber that promotes the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. This bacteria helps boost immunity while also improving digestion.

  2. It aids in weight loss

    Asparagus has several properties that make it an ideal weight-loss food. It has a low-calorie count, a high water content, and high fiber.

  3. It is adaptable

    Aside from being nutritious, asparagus is also delicious and simple to incorporate into your diet. It can be prepared in many ways, including boiling, steaming, grilling, and roasting.

National Asparagus Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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