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ThuMay 1

Phone in Sick Day – May 1, 2025

Phone in Sick Day is celebrated on May 1 every year. It is a day set aside to appreciate the average working-class citizen and give him a day of rest. Phone in Sick Day is celebrated as casually as it sounds, but the motivations are more nuanced. People call in sick on this day to protest against longer work hours, less free time, a decreased quality of life, and to voice their displeasure with the “rat race” of modern living. Since they hold some of the lowest-paying occupations, the working class doesn’t have much power individually; thus, the day is specially designed to provide them a chance to unite and demonstrate their economic strength.

History of Phone in Sick Day

Phone in Sick Day has existed for about two decades and has origins in Britain. A now-defunct British group called Decadent Action, which referred to itself as a “consumer terrorist organization,” started this movement.

In 1997, Decadent Action called for “a day of rest” in the U.K. and later announced that about 2,000 British Airways employees had fallen ill and couldn’t go to work. Similarly, following an investigation the following year in 1998, they claimed that a huge proportion of Irish police and London guards were away from work that day. The same year in 1998, Remark, an anti-corporate group based in California, announced that Phone in Sick Day would be observed in the U.S. In its inception around Europe and America, Phone in Sick Day was celebrated on April 6.

The celebration date was changed to May 1 in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. in 2000. Some other countries adopted May 2 to be celebrated as Phone in Sick Day. The date was modified to coincide with May Day, commonly known as International Workers’ Day. The fact that May is nearer to summer is another justification for moving the celebration to the month. Everyone applauded the decision because Phone in Sick Day includes entertainment as one of its main components. The day is observed by essentially refraining from performing any “work.” You can choose to spend the day as you want, whether you’re an introvert who prefers to stay inside sipping whatever takes your fancy or an extrovert who likes to go out and have fun.

Phone in Sick Day timeline

Rest Day

Decadent Action calls for "a day of rest" in the U.K. and marks the first Phone in Sick Day.

Police and Guards Join In

A huge proportion of Irish police and London guards stay away from work.

Phone in Sick Day Begins in America

Remark, an anti-corporate group based in California, announces that Phone in Sick Day would be observed in the U.S.

The Date Change

The celebration is changed to May 1 in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., while some other countries adopt May 2.

Phone in Sick Day FAQs

What are believable sick day excuses?

Back pain and injury caused by accidents are among the most believable excuses when calling in sick.

Can my employer ask why I am sick?

Employers are free to ask why you are sick and when you expect to return to work. No federal law prohibits employers from asking you why you are sick.

How many hours notice do you need to call in sick?

Most employers require employees to call in sick at least two hours before their shift, but it entirely depends on the company’s policy.

How to Observe Phone in Sick Day

  1. Call in sick

    Celebrate the day by calling in sick. This is the most obvious way to start celebrating this day.

  2. Spread awareness

    Spread awareness about the day. Let others know what the day is all about. Help everyone around realize the perils faced by the working class.

  3. Have fun with friends

    Go on a fun trip, stay indoors watching movies or whatever you and your friends prefer to do for fun. Whatever you do on this day, make sure you make the most of it as it's celebrated just once a year.

5 Tips To Ease “Flu” Symptoms

  1. Stay home and get plenty of rest

    Everyone needs to realize that when they have the flu, they should stay at home and take a rest.

  2. Drink plenty of fluids

    Water, fruit juices, sports drinks, and broth-based soups like chicken noodle soup keep your respiratory system hydrated and help turn mucus into a thin liquid you can cough up and spit out.

  3. Treat aches and fever

    If you're uncomfortable and have a high fever, consult a doctor immediately.

  4. Take care of your cough

    Use over-the-counter treatments to treat your cough, such as an expectorant which turns mucus into liquid so you can cough it up.

  5. Sit in a steamy bathroom

    Let your shower run hot until the room fills with moist steam, which helps turn mucus into liquid.

Why Phone in Sick Day is Important

  1. We get a break from work

    We never get too many breaks from work. However, on this day, one can choose to report sick, stay at home, and take a much-required break from work.

  2. We get to have some fun

    Phone in Sick Day ushers in a lot of fun. We get to do the recreational activities we love on this day.

  3. It fights for workers' rights

    Since they hold some of the lowest-paying occupations, the working class doesn't have much power individually. Thus, the day is specially designed to provide them a chance to unite and demonstrate their economic strength.

Phone in Sick Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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