Fungal Infection Awareness Month – May 2025

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Fungal Infection Awareness Month is observed in May. This month is set aside to raise awareness about the dangers of fungal infections. It highlights the kind of damage they can do to people who have been infected. They frequently go undiagnosed. That increases the risk of health complications and death for patients who have been infected. With the increasing rise of resistance to medications, treating fungal infections has become harder. Early identification and treatment become crucial to ensure that patients can be cured. This month raises awareness among people about what these infections can look like, and raises funds for research and treatment development.

History of Fungal Infection Awareness Month

Fungal Infection Awareness Month is observed in the U.S. every year in May. This observance is intended to raise awareness about fungal infections and the dangers they pose to people around the world. Fungal infections are also called mitosis. These infections can be found in the skin, under tissues below the skin, as well as within the body’s organs and pathways. These infections have varying degrees of seriousness. Systemic infections that affect the body’s organs are extremely dangerous and can be fatal.

While the majority of fungi do not cause diseases, the relevant ones are quite dangerous. Signs and symptoms of these infections vary dramatically. That makes it easier for fungal infections to go unreported and undiagnosed for long periods. This often results in additional complications for patients. Mild fungal infections are subcutaneous (just under the skin). They usually present themselves as a rash, lump under the skin, or other changes in the skin. Deeper fungal infections may present through pneumonia or meningitis-like symptoms.

Early identification and diagnosis are crucial to ensure accurate treatment. Based on the signs and symptoms, medical practitioners have diverse tools and treatments. They may use tools like microscopy, culture, biopsy, and medical imaging to track the infection’s roots and how it has spread before administering treatment. Scans, ultrasound, and M.R.I. may be used to help diagnose them. Treatment involves antifungal creams or injections. In situations where the infection has atrophied tissues, the affected tissue might need to be removed surgically to allow them the opportunity to heal.

Fungal Infection Awareness Month timeline

500 B.C.
Possible Case of Thrush Recorded

Hippocrates records a case of ulcers in the mouth which is likely thrush, a common fungal infection.

Reports of Fungi Causing Infections

Microscopist David Gruby reports the possibility of fungi causing infections in human beings.

Fungal Infections Occur Alongside Viruses

Viral infections like SARS are accompanied by fungi in as many as 33% of the patients impacted.

Antifungal Resistance Observed

Resistance to antifungal agents is observed in human pathogenic fungi which worry scientists.

Fungal Infection Awareness Month FAQs

What is the most common fungal infection?

Ringworm is the most common fungal skin infection. This comes from the sand where animals such as cats have been.

How do I get rid of fungus on my skin?

Skin infections caused by fungi are treated by antifungal drugs in the form of creams or injections.

What kills fungus fast?

Hydrogen peroxide and rubbish alcohol can be used to kill the fungus that’s on the surface of the skin.

How to Observe Fungal Infection Awareness Month

  1. Spread the word

    Share information about common fungal infections and their symptoms. The more people are informed, the faster they’ll be able to catch potential infections and get the treatment they need.

  2. Support lifesaving research

    Contribute towards fundraisers and support researchers who are looking into treatments for pathogenic fungi. New research is even more important now that fungi can resist common treatments.

  3. Get informed about common infections

    It is vital to stay informed about the different fungi and how they can cause infections. Awareness will ensure that you can take appropriate precautions and prevent infections.

5 Facts About Fungal Infections That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. They’re very common

    Most fungal infections are mild and appear as a rash on the skin.

  2. They’re a leading cause of bloodstream infections

    Fungal infections like candidemia affect the bloodstream and are very common in the U.S.A.

  3. Climate change is aggravating infections

    With climate change, fungi are becoming more aggressive and resistant to common treatments.

  4. Immunocompromised people are at risk

    People with compromised immune systems are at greater risk for fungal infections as most infections are opportunistic.

  5. They have a high economic impact

    Antifungal drugs are expensive and infected patients spend longer periods in hospitals which increases the economic impact of these infections.

Why Fungal Infection Awareness Month is Important

  1. We want people to be informed

    We think that people dismiss fungal infections and don’t understand how serious they can be. We want to make sure people know how dangerous they can be.

  2. We want to remove the stigma

    We find that there is a stigma around fungal infections because of where they occur. Fungi thrive in dark, damp spaces, and these include the groin, so most people avoid getting treatment out of embarrassment.

  3. We want to discuss aggressive fungi

    We think that people aren’t worried enough about the antifungal resistance developing in fungi. We want to discuss and support researchers looking into combating aggressive pathogens.

Fungal Infection Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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