ThuMay 1

International Doodle Dog Day – May 1, 2025

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International Doodle Day is celebrated May 1 this year. It’s a celebration for all poodle-mix breeds from all around the world. It’s time for fur parents to get their doodles on a day of a fun playdate, dog parade, fur party, or simply just spoil them with treats. Make no mistake — it’s not just for the dogs. Today’s also for the dog parents to have some fun. You can meet fellow doodle owners where you can socialize, make friends, and ask for dog parenting advice. Ultimately, nothing beats seeing your dog having the best time. They’re always there for you on any occasion — now, it’s time to return the favor.

History of International Doodle Dog Day

The doodle dog is perhaps one of the most popular dog breeds today. However, not many people know its interesting history and the serendipitous moment when this mixed-breed began. It began in the early 1980s with Will Conroy — “Royal Guide Dog Australia’s” breeding manager. His job was to only breed the best labrador guide dogs. However, a blind woman came to his office one day, seeking a guide dog that doesn’t shed hair because her husband is allergic. Conroy’s first solution was to train a minimally shedding poodle to be a guide dog. It may sound easy, but this wasn’t a walk in the park. He spent the next three years training at least 33 poodles but to no avail. This experimental failure made him realize that poodles just aren’t qualified to be guide dogs.

Conroy didn’t want to disappoint the blind woman, so he thought of something outside of the box. In 1989, he mated a standard poodle with a labrador guide dog. His aim was for the trainability of a labrador, yet the low shedding quality of a poodle. This resulted in three crossbreed puppies he later called ‘labradoodle.’ He then announced to the press that he invented a new breed of dog, but was meant to be a joke. Little did he know, it took the world by storm and everyone suddenly wanted a labradoodle.

Today, the poodle has been mixed with at least 44 different breeds. From Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, and Aussiedoodles, to sheep doodles, these mixed breed dogs have truly captured the hearts of fur parents around the world.

International Doodle Dog Day timeline

Donald Campbell’s Naming Claims

In 1955, British speed racer — Donald Campbell — jokingly names his dog ‘labradoodle’ because he’s a mix between a labrador and a poodle.

Will Conroy: Inventor of Labradoodle

Australian breeding manager, Will Conroy mates a labrador and a poodle to create a low-shedding guide dog for a blind woman.

The Goldendoodle

The 1990s is the start of the goldendoodle’s popularity worldwide.

The First International Doodle Dog Day

The first International Doodle Dog Day is held across the world.

International Doodle Dog Day FAQs

What is the calmest doodle breed?

The calmest doodle breed is the ‘Maltipoo’ — a breed between a Maltese and a toy poodle.

What is the smallest doodle dog breed?

The smallest doodle dog breed is the Mini Aussiedoodle —weighing only 15 to 35lbs.

What doodle needs the least amount of exercise?

The Shih-Poo or Cavapoo needs the least amount of physical activity for mental stimulation.

International Doodle Dog Day Activities

  1. Host a party with fur parents

    International Doodle Dog Day is the perfect time to host a party with your fellow fur parents. Arrange a program where other doodle dogs can play and eat treats.

  2. Take it to social media

    Nothing beats a cute photo of you and your doodle. Snap your best picture together and upload it on your social media. Make sure to use the hashtag #InternationalDoodleDogDay.

  3. Walk your doodle in the park

    Do you know what excites doodle dogs the most? A walk in the park with their fur parents. Grab their leash and take them out for a good amount of exercise under the sun.

5 Surprising Facts About Doodle Dogs

  1. People are allergic to dander

    Contrary to common belief, people’s allergic reaction comes from a dog’s dander —not their fur.

  2. Goldendoodles live long

    Goldendoodles are known to live for an average of 10 to 14 years.

  3. Doodles are born athletes

    Doodles are known for their agility, high energy, and love for exercise.

  4. They’re ideal service pets

    Doodles are naturally obedient, making them a perfect companion for older people or hospital patients.

  5. They’re not all small

    Doodles can weigh anywhere between 25 to 100lbs.

Why We Love International Doodle Dog Day

  1. It’s a day to reciprocate our love

    Doodles are extremely friendly and loving breeds. The International Doodle Dog Day gives fur parents a chance to reciprocate their love and care for their dogs.

  2. They’re perfect outdoor companions

    Some dog owners love to spend International Doodle Dog Day outdoors. Whether going on a hike or laying on the beach — doodle dogs are always up for anything.

  3. A great way for doodles to socialize

    If your doodle is the lone dog in your family, this day is a great opportunity to find your doodle a playmate. Parks are usually full of doodle dogs this time of the year. It’s time to unleash your beloved fur baby and let them mingle with their fellow doodles.

International Doodle Dog Day dates

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2025 May 1 Thursday
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