
Chip Your Pet Month – May 2025

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Chip Your Pet Month is celebrated in May annually. Each year, about 10 million pets are lost in America, with millions ending up in animal shelters. Only 15% of dogs and 2% of cats in these shelters without microchips are reunited with their owners. The goal of Chip Your Pet Month is to encourage pet owners to microchip their animals so that they can be quickly found and brought back to their owners if they go missing. The microchips are placed beneath the pet’s skin, typically between the shoulders. Veterinary offices or animal shelters can use the contact information on these implants and get in touch with you in case you lose your pets.

History of Chip Your Pet Month

The solid integrated circuit, or microchip as it is now known, was unveiled by Texas Instruments on March 24, 1959, at the Institute of Radio Engineers’ annual trade show in the New York Coliseum. This invention has changed our way of life, from the calculator to the internet. Over the years, the chip was also used to identify pets.

A microchip implant, around the size of a huge grain of rice, is an identification integrated circuit inserted under the skin of an animal. It uses passive radio-frequency identification (R.F.I.D.) technology and is also known as a Passive Integrated Transponder (P.I.T.) tag. Standard pet microchips are usually about 11 to 13mm long and two millimeters in diameter. The microchip was once used to restore a cat and its owners 13 years after it got lost. It is a story that would warm the hearts of pet lovers. The cat named George was the pet of Frank Walburg and his wife, Melinda Merman.

With the help of the implanted microchip, George, who had been missing since 1995, was located. He was given back to Walburg and his wife in 2008. This was one of the many instances where the full potential of microchip utilization was observed. Installing microchips in pets has gained popularity over the years due to the positives of the chip. Now, veterinarians, animal shelters, and animal control officers routinely look for microchips to return lost pets to their owners. This helps them avoid expenses for housing, food, and medical care.

Chip Your Pet Month timeline

20,000— 40,000 Years Ago
Domestication of Dogs

Scientists can date the domestication of dogs to between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago by examining the rates of change to the D.N.A. from the earliest specimen.

Invention of Microchips

Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce invent microchips.

AVID Patents Animal Microchip

AVID, a California-based pet microchip manufacturer, files for a patent on the technology.

Pets Introduced to Microchips

The U.K. implants the first microchip into pets.

Chip Your Pet Month FAQs

How far do cats roam when lost?

Most indoor cats roam 128 feet away from home, while outdoor cats travel more than 984 feet farther away.

How often do people lose their pets?

According to the American Humane Association, one in three pets is lost at some point in their lifetime.

Does a dog feel pain when euthanized?

Within seconds of the euthanasia solution being injected into the dog’s vein, the dog becomes unconscious and experiences no pain or suffering.

Chip Your Pet Month Activities

  1. Take your pet out for a walk

    Celebrate your pets and pamper them! Taking your pet for a walk is a sure way to treat them nicely.

  2. Visit a vet

    Celebrate the day by having a Vet check their microchip to ensure it is still functional. Get the battery replaced if required. If you haven't got your pet microchipped, today is the day.

  3. Treat your pets with their favorite food

    Give your pets their favorite meal today to spoil them. Purchase them some ice cream and brand-new playthings.

5 Interesting Facts About Pets

  1. Dalmatians are born without spots

    Dalmatian spots start appearing after they are at least a week old.

  2. Cats have no collarbone

    The absence of the collar bone makes cats extremely flexible.

  3. Dogs have unique nose prints

    As every human has a unique fingerprint, dogs have unique nose prints.

  4. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds

    Dogs have about 10 vocal sounds, whereas cats have over one hundred.

  5. Dogs have a better sense of smell

    Dogs have a sense of smell 1,000 times greater than a human's.

Why We Love Chip Your Pet Month

  1. It shows our love for pets

    Pets demonstrate unconditional love to us. The least we could do for them is to show them the same affection and treat them well. Chip Your Pet Month is one of the best occasions to do so.

  2. It's easy to find them if they are lost

    Many pets across the world go missing every year. Chip Your Pet Month reminds us to get our pets microchipped. It will be easy to identify them if found and can be returned to their owners.

  3. It gets them used to a vet

    Many pets are not very comfortable seeing a vet. Chip Your Pet Month reminds us to visit the vet. This makes the animal more familiar to the veterinarian so that the next time it visits, it won't be as anxious.

Chip Your Pet Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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