National Youth Traffic Safety Month – May 2025

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National Youth Traffic Safety Month is observed every May to spread awareness about road safety measures. Teenagers are increasingly becoming a significant risk behind wheels. The increasing number of cases every year raises the need for education for teenagers about road safety rules. Did you know that more young drivers die in summers compared to winters? May is the designated month for explaining the safety measures as the summer will soon reach its prime.

History of National Youth Traffic Safety Month

Measures for road safety have a long history. Before 1904, road safety signs were erected by motoring and cycling organizations, and there was no uniformity in their design. Though local authorities erected direction signs, they were often carried out indifferently. The Motor Car Act was passed in 1903, which addressed this problem and stipulated that local authorities should erect warning signs at dangerous corners, crossroads, and steep points. In 1904, the Local Government Board issued guidelines on the designs of these signs. These signs were used until the 1930s, even though they were modified in 1921 to include the new road numbering system on direction signs and warning symbols with a title plate underneath.

In 1905, the Automobile Association was established, and it started to undertake several road safety initiatives, including setting up a research foundation. In 1905, speed bumpers were used for the first time in the U.K. In 1909, the International Automobile Traffic and Circulation Congress was established. In 1910, the road board was established to administer grants to local authorities for road improvements but was disbanded in 1918 when the new Ministry of Transport took over its functions. Finally, in 1916, London Safety first council was established to reduce accidents by providing training for drivers in the industry and public transport, street safety measures, and public campaigns.

National Youth Traffic Safety Month timeline

Motor and Cycle Organizations Erected Signs

The Local Government Board issues guidelines on the designs of the signs for uniformity.

Automobile Association is Established

The Automobile Association start to take up several road safety initiatives.

London Safety Council is Established

The London Safety Council is established to reduce the number of road accidents.

Seat Belts Become Mandatory

Seat belts, padded dashboards, and other safety measures became mandatory in automobiles.

National Youth Traffic Safety Month FAQs

What age group is the safest on the road?

People between the ages of 60 and 69 are the safest drivers.

What state has the highest rate of car accidents?

Texas has the highest number of car accidents, followed by California.

What state has the best drivers?

Arkansas, followed by Florida, has the best drivers.

How to Observe National Youth Traffic Safety Month

  1. Research and read up

    Read up on why road safety measures are essential. There can be many rules which you are unaware of.

  2. Educate people

    Educate people about the necessary safety measures. Spread the word about the importance of road safety to save countless lives.

  3. Join a driving class

    Nothing is better than joining a class to learn how to drive correctly. You will learn all the proper safety measures and how to help others.

5 Facts About Underage Car Accidents

  1. Accidents attributed to teenagers

    17% of car fatalities involve drivers between the age of 15 to 20 with a blood alcohol level of 0.8 or higher.

  2. Underage drinking and driving kills

    Every year over 1,200 people die because of underage drinking and driving.

  3. 10% of drivers are distracted

    10% of drivers between the ages of 15 and 19 are involved in collisions because of distraction.

  4. Not wearing a seatbelt kills

    60% of 15 to 20-year-old drivers and passengers die in collisions because they were not wearing a seat belt.

  5. U.S. driving fatalities

    3,500 deaths occur in a year in the United States due to teen driving fatalities.

Why National Youth Traffic Safety Month is Important

  1. It spreads awareness

    It is vital to make people aware of teen driving fatalities. This month is dedicated to teaching people about safety measures.

  2. It protects the community

    It protects the community by teaching them the proper measures. Unfortunately, many young people remain unaware of the correct driving measures.

  3. It aims at at-risk people

    Being a teenager is a volatile age, and youth need proper guidance at this time. This month aims to teach at-risk youths.

National Youth Traffic Safety Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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