Homeschool Awareness Month – May 2025

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Homeschool Awareness Month is celebrated in May and aims to demonstrate how homeschooling can be a better option than regular schooling for many kids and that they can have the same, if not better, growth while learning from home. Homeschooling Awareness Month wants to show parents how they too can be involved in the growth and learning of their children. This can actually help them become better parents while their kids enjoy a well-rounded upbringing and development. Parents want the best education for their children, and having a strong educational base is so important for children to be accepted for tertiary education or top-tier scholarships.

History of Homeschool Awareness Month

Homeschool Awareness Month has been promoted since 2010 to spread awareness about the benefits of homeschooling to parents of school-age children and the public in general. Homeschooling started to emerge during the 1970s and became quite popular very quickly. With this increase in parents who wanted to have their kids homeschooled, the action was called the ‘homeschool movement.’ And, from 1970 to today, the most common motivation for parents to have their children homeschooled is their dissatisfaction with the local schools as well as a desire to be more involved in their kids’ growth and learning.

Various surveys and data show a consistent rise in children being homeschooled from 1994 until today. This shows that, day by day, more and more parents are opting to keep their kids away from formal education. Homeschooling has grown almost 4% in the last 10 years and involves children being taught at home, be it by their parents, educators, or tutors. Around 1.5 million or 2.9% of school-age children in the U.S. were being homeschooled in 2007.

However, homeschooling is not for everyone. It takes a lot of commitment on behalf of the parents. Good organizational skills, a suitable environment, the right tutor, and other factors are necessary. Keeping track of everything, including their grades and curriculum, is only a small part of it. However, if parents think homeschooling their kids is going to be a mammoth task, they are mistaken. Every day, there are more and more online resources available to make the job simpler for you. It can be an enriching experience, not just for kids, but for parents, too.

Homeschool Awareness Month timeline

An Education Law Challenged

Three Amish families challenge the Wisconsin compulsory education law and claim that they have a right to educate their children according to their own values.

First Homeschooling Magazine

“Growing Without Schooling,” written by John Holt is published, which serves as a resource for homeschooling families for the next 24 years.

Home School Legal Defense Association

Mike Smith and Mike Farris, attorneys and homeschooling fathers, establish the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) to preserve and advance the rights of parents to direct the education of their children.

More than a Million

The number of homeschooled children grows to an estimated 1.8 million, i.e., approximately 3% of the school-age population in the U.S.

Homeschool Awareness Month FAQs

How many hours a day should I homeschool my child?

For elementary years, it is one to two hours a day, for middle school, it is two to three hours a day, and for high school, it is three to four hours a day.

Which country has the most homeschoolers?

The countries where homeschooling is most prevalent are the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the U.K.

What countries do not allow homeschooling?

Countries that do not allow homeschooling include Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and, to a certain extent, Sweden.

How to Observe Homeschool Awareness Month

  1. Spread awareness

    Reach out to more people and make them understand the importance of how homeschooling can be a better option for their kids. Educate them about the plus points of homeschooling.

  2. Reach out to homeschooling parents

    Parents who have opted for homeschooling for their kids may need help with their schedules. Talk to them and see how you can help them.

  3. Spread awareness on social media

    Use your social media platforms to spread the word about Homeschool Awareness Month. Share resources, articles, and use the hashtags #HomeschoolAwarenessMonth or #HomeschoolAwareness.

5 Facts About Homeschooling That You Should Know

  1. The world is the classroom

    Homeschooling allows your child to find education anywhere, from the library and the park to the museum, and more.

  2. More reading time

    Homeschooling allows you to sow the seeds of a healthy reading habit in your child.

  3. No public-school schedule

    There are no strict six to seven hours of learning in homeschooling and kids get to engage in more extracurricular activities.

  4. Life skills

    Homeschooling enables parents to teach their kids more life skills, like budgeting, taxes, and even applying for a credit card.

  5. Customized education

    Parents get to choose a curriculum that is best suited for their child, including the schedule, education activities, and more.

Why Homeschool Awareness Month Is Significant

  1. It shows the plus points of homeschooling

    Homeschool Awareness Month demonstrates the fact that opting for homeschooling is not that tough a decision to make. It is very simple and very much effective for children.

  2. All-around development of the child

    Homeschool Awareness Month celebrates the overall development of the child, something that regular schooling cannot always provide. This includes customized educational activities and more.

  3. Helps parents get involved

    Homeschool Awareness Month shows how parents can get involved in their kids’ growth. Homeschooling allows parents to take part in the activities along with their kids.

Homeschool Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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