FriMay 2

National Tuba Day – May 2, 2025

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National Tuba Day is a national holiday celebrated on the first Friday of May. This year the celebration falls on May 2. Tuba Day honors musicians worldwide who struggle with the weight and size of their large instruments. It’s a vital musical instrument that no concert or symphonic bandleader would be without. The tuba is the most powerful and lowest-pitched brass instrument. The lips are vibrated into a large cupped mouthpiece to produce sound. It is one of the most recent additions to the modern symphony orchestra. Tuba Day was founded by Joel Day in 1979.

History of National Tuba Day

National Tuba Day originated in 1979 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. It was founded by Joel Day while he was attending Merion High School in the Philadelphia suburbs. He decided to set aside a day for the recognition of tubists as reputable musicians because he was one of only two tuba players in the band and found a lack of respect from his bandmates. Joel went on to study at Millersville University, where he founded the very popular International Tuba Day celebrations that lasted nearly two decades.

Since its inception, Tuba Day has been observed in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the United States. The Millersville University celebration in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in 1986, was photographed for inclusion in the number one best-selling book, “A Day in the Life of America.”

The tuba is the lowest-pitched musical instrument in the brass family. The sound is produced by lip vibrations. It debuted in the mid-19th century, making it one of the more recent additions to the modern orchestra and concert band. The bass tuba, the historical forerunner of the tuba, first appeared in 1835. It was invented by German military bandmaster Wilhelm Wieprecht and musical instrument inventor Johann Moritz. Moritz filed the patent application for this instrument on September 12, 1835.

National Tuba Day timeline

The Bass Tuba Patenting

Johann Moritz licenses the bass tuba.

The First Tenor Tuba

The tenor tuba is invented by Carl Wilhelm Mortiz.

The Addition Of Tuba To Ballads

Stan Kenton has his fifth trombonist double on tuba, and it is used for specific ballads.

Tuba Day

Joel Day creates Tuba Day in Merion High School in Philadelphia.

National Tuba Day FAQs

Who invented the Tuba?

Wilhelm Friedrich Wieprecht invented the tuba.

When is Tuba Day celebrated?

Tuba Day is observed every year on the first Friday of May.

What makes the Tuba special?

Tubas are larger and heavier than trumpets. Tubists hold them across their laps while playing them because they are so heavy.

National Tuba Day Activities

  1. Appreciate A Tuba Player

    Appreciate tuba players and their music. If you know a tuba player, share your positive words of encouragement.

  2. Listen To Tuba Music

    Enjoy this holiday by listening to concerts that include tuba music. Try to attend live shows.

  3. Celebrate Tuba Day On Social Media

    You can express your admiration for the tuba players on social media. Don't forget to use the hashtag #TubaDay.

5 Interesting Facts About The Tuba

  1. Tuba means horn

    ‘Tuba’ is a Latin word that translates to ‘trumpet’ or ‘horn.’

  2. Specially designed tuba

    Tubas used in marching bands are specially designed for portability.

  3. World’s largest tuba assemble

    According to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” the ensemble had 502 tubists.

  4. Tuba valves have no standard number

    The number of valves on a tuba isn’t standard and can range from three to six.

  5. Tubas have different sizes and weights

    Tuba’s come in many sizes and weigh about 12—15 pounds.

Why We Love National Tuba Day

  1. It celebrates the tuba

    One of a band’s most important instruments is the tuba. It is the largest and lowest brass instrument, and its deep, rich sound anchors the harmony of the entire band.

  2. It shows appreciation for tuba players

    Tuba players struggle with the weight and size of the instrument. We have to appreciate their dedication and recognize the tuba player as a talented master of musical performance.

  3. It promotes appreciation for music

    Everyone loves music. Tuba Day celebrates tuba players and their music.

National Tuba Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 May 6 Friday
2023 May 5 Friday
2024 May 3 Friday
2025 May 2 Friday
2026 May 1 Friday