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Family Wellness Month – May 2025

Family Wellness Month is celebrated in May every year. The reason for the commemoration of the day is as simple as what it is named. With so many factors affecting our health, from our environment to our feeding and lifestyle habits, we need to religiously cater to our health to improve our overall well-being. What better way to embark on this journey than as a family? Family Wellness Month was created to educate and support families on their quest for wellness and not just illness treatment, as every family is encouraged to take up different wellness activities to improve the general health of the population.

History of Family Wellness Month

The health of the family has been of concern since the beginning of time. Although food wasn’t a major factor in the early times as fruits, vegetables, and hunted meat was majorly the food consumed, as the human population continued to grow, so did the choice of food available to them. Humans used different processes to develop other food and this didn’t come without negatives.

Epidemics have also been a cause of major concern to family health over the years, but humans gradually got control of them. In the 1700s, epidemic diseases such as the plague, cholera, and smallpox were a big risk to families throughout history, especially to the youth. Another contributing factor was social status as it was attributed to a family’s eating habits. As lower-class families had less access to adequate portions of tasty and healthy meals, the wealthy ones could easily afford them.

In the 1800s, the one-dish meal was born. As most families weren’t wealthy, cooking equipment was limited, families sacrificed nutritional value for foods that last because they had the most calories. They tended to consume food high in carbohydrates and fat as well. In the 1900s, most foods were gotten from the garden, cellar, or icebox. As the location of the nearest food store could vary, people mostly had to make their food for themselves. The first fast-food chain, White Castle, was then developed in 1921, and it changed the direction of the nation toward manufactured food. The growth of industries in urban areas also contributed to steering the nation towards manufactured food as families moved from rural areas to factory jobs in urban areas.

Family Wellness Month timeline


Epidemic diseases such as the plague, cholera, and smallpox continue to be a big risk to families.

The One-Dish Meal

The one-dish meal is birthed as families sacrifice nutritional value for the number of calories.

Food Store Locations

Most foods are gotten from the garden, cellar, or icebox as food stores are not all over the place.

White Castle is Established

The first fast-food chain, White Castle, is established and it changes the direction of the nation toward manufactured food.

Family Wellness Month FAQs

What are the four main influences on health?

Social, economic, personal, and environmental factors are the major influences on the health status of an individual and are known as determinants of health.

Why is physical activity important?

Regular physical activity helps to prevent and manage some diseases like heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and several cancers, as well as preventing hypertension, maintaining healthy body weight, and improving mental health.

Why is mental health important?

It helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

How to Observe Family Wellness Month

  1. Host a family sports day

    Host a family sports day and make it a regular. It helps to get everyone in the groove of taking up sporting activities and boosts their general well-being.

  2. Go for a family health check

    Schedule a day and go for a family health check. It helps to quickly detect any health issues that might be present with any member of the family in a bid to mitigate them.

  3. Attend a family wellness event

    Celebrate the day by attending a family wellness event. It allows the family to learn new ways to improve in general its physical and mental health.

5 Important Facts About Wellness

  1. Exercise boosts brain power

    Exercise helps burn calories and boosts brain power by releasing serotonin, which leads to improved mental clarity.

  2. Exercise keeps depression at bay

    Exercise does wonders for your mental health by producing a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction.

  3. Exercise gives you energy

    Endorphins are released into the bloodstream during exercise and help to make you feel much more energized for the rest of the day.

  4. Fitness builds relationships

    Be it a spouse, sibling, or friend, good relationships are built when people exercise together.

  5. Exercise wards off diseases

    Exercise can slow or help prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis (bone loss), and loss of muscle mass.

Why Family Wellness Month is Important

  1. It encourages physical well-being

    Family Wellness Month encourages physical well-being. With the different activities that take place, you’re bound to take part in one and in the process get better health physically.

  2. It boosts mental health

    While physical health is something that is really noticeable, bad mental health is not as easily noticeable. Family Wellness Month also offers activities that help boost mental wellness.

  3. It’s good for family finances

    As Family Wellness Month encourages good physical and mental well-being, visits to hospitals and therapy are reduced. This helps save money for the family.

Family Wellness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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