National Chocolate Custard Month – May 2025

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National Chocolate Custard Month takes place in May each year. Custard refers to a variety of meals made from a cooked mixture of milk or cream and egg yolk. The texture can range from a thin, pourable liquid, like crème anglaise, to a thick cream, like crème brûlée. It is usually used as a sauce with other dishes, but can also be eaten on its own as the main filling in a pie or tart. Use a thick custard between layers of pound cake, or make a delectable parfait with custard, Angel food cake, and a lot more. Custards aren’t just sweets, though. They can be used as a base for savory foods too.

History of National Chocolate Custard Month

Custards have been around since the Middle Ages when they were prepared into pastries called custard tarts. The term ‘custard’ originated from the French word ‘croustade,’ which originally referred to a tart crust. The custard was mentioned in “The Forme of Cury,” a significant collection of 14th-century Medieval English recipes.

Although there is no definitive date for the origin of the chocolate custard tradition, chocolate pudding has been around since the 1800s. Pudding was completely different back then. Common ingredients included butter, flour, suet, cereals, and other ingredients that, when combined, produced a cake-like outcome rather than the pudding we know today. They were also roasted, steamed, and even boiled before reaching their ultimate form. Chocolate pudding was an excellent meal for invalids and youngsters.

National Chocolate Custard Month timeline

Set Custards Become Popular

Set custards gain popularity because they were more difficult to create than the saucy ones.

Recipes Written Down

Custard recipes can be found in the “The Forme of Cury,” a 14th-century English compendium of recipes.

The “Queen of Custard”

Elizabeth Raffald becomes the "Queen of Custard," and her book, “The Experienced English Housekeeper” includes 13 custard recipes, both creamy and firm, sweet and savory.

The First Egg-Free Custard is Created

Alfred Bird’s first big invention is egg-free custard — he imitates egg custard, only replacing eggs with cornflour.

National Chocolate Custard Month FAQs

What is the base of chocolate custard?

Chocolate custard is produced from milk/cream, egg yolks, sugar, and, of course, chocolate. Tempering yolks to keep them from curdling is one of the more challenging processes.

What is the calorie count of chocolate custard?

One serving of chocolate custard has 141 calories.

What are the three types of custard?

There are three types of refrigerated custard: premium, regular, and low-fat, all of which are made using milk solids and starch.

National Chocolate Custard Month Activities

  1. Eat custard

    What’s a food-related celebration without enjoying food? Let’s give our taste buds the bliss of chocolate custards.

  2. Try new recipes

    We can now access countless custard recipes online. There’s the conventional way of combining eggs with milk or cream. But, you are always free to try to be unconventional. Custard is adaptable enough, after all.

  3. Create some chocolate custard sushi roll

    Here is our suggestion for a new recipe, custard sushi roll. It might turn out to be the tastiest roll-up you’ve ever had!

5 Interesting Facts About Custards

  1. Explosive

    Custard powder is explosive because it is an extremely fine organic powder.

  2. A mixture of milk and yolk

    Custard is a term used to describe several culinary preparations that are made from a cooked mixture of milk or cream and egg yolk.

  3. The texture spectrum

    Texture can range from a thin flowing sauce (Crème Anglaise) to a thick pastry cream used to fill éclairs, depending on how much yolk or thickening is used.

  4. Sweets and sauce

    The most common custards are used as sweets or sauces and usually contain more sugar and vanilla.

  5. Quiches

    Quiches and other savory dishes can also benefit from custard bases.

Why We Love National Chocolate Custard Month

  1. It’s a delectable cuisine

    Who would say no to a whole month of eating dessert? No one! This month, whether you love chocolate or custard, the world is yours. You can worry about cavities next month.

  2. It’s a reminder to maintain equilibrium

    While we all enjoy chocolates, this holiday month delivers a strong message; everything in moderation. The N.C.A. has worked hard to ensure that the confectionery has easily accessible labeling so that customers know how much sugar they’re consuming.

  3. You can enhance your cooking skills

    Making your own chocolate custard to commemorate National Chocolate Custard Month will hone your cooking skills. Get cookin’!

National Chocolate Custard Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 1 Thursday
2026 May 1 Friday
2027 May 1 Saturday
2028 May 1 Monday
2029 May 1 Tuesday
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