
Month of the Military Child – April 2025

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April is designated as the official Month of the Military Child. Did you know that on average all military children move six to nine times during their school years? In this month all military kids get connected, and each year we celebrate the courage and bravery of all the military children for their marvelous service and huge sacrifices in the U.S and worldwide.

History of Month of the Military Child

The Month of the Military Child is a legacy that was left behind by the former Defense Secretary, Caspar Weinberger. The month of April is a time to honor and recognize the sacrifices made by the military families, a greater emphasis is given to the dependent children of military members working at home or overseas.

The Month of the Military Child is supported by the Department of Defense Military Community and many other organizations. This month is celebrated internally by the people of the military communities and military associations. Many activities take place in the honor of this month which includes contests, parades, seminars, and other special events. The Month of the Military Child is often celebrated externally by a great number of schools, organizations, and communities.

In these contests and ceremonies, the military families are requested to take part and be vocal about their past experiences and share their lifestyle with others. Through these events, efforts are made to emphasize the importance of providing military children with some support and quality services that can help them to prosper in a mobile lifestyle.

Month of the Military Child timeline

Schools Established for Military Children

After World War Two, military schools are established in the U.S for the children of the men and women working in the military.

Defense Department Commemoration Established

Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger establishes the Defense Department Commemoration designates the month of April as the Month of the Military Child.

Military Schools Overlooked

The military education system which is overlooked by two parallel systems, the Department of Defense Dependents Schools overseas and the Department of Defense Domestic Dependent Elementary and Secondary Schools, are brought under one agency.

May 2009
22,000 Students Study in Military Schools

The military schools in the U.S are approximately educating 22,000 students.

Month of the Military Child FAQs

How do military children celebrate the month?

Military kids celebrate this month by sharing their stories, arranging a dinner and inviting older military kids to share their stories, reading a story about brave military kids.

Why do military kids wear purple?

Military kids wear purple to show support for other military kids and thank them for going through the struggles while their parents serve their country.

What does it mean to be a military child?

Being a military child, you will have to meet new people daily, move to different places frequently, and go to different military events all the time.

How to Observe Month of the Military Child

  1. Help the military families

    Since the military kids deal with many struggles as compared to a normal child, hence you can help a military family in your community so that they can have the resources that they require.

  2. Fund a contest for military children

    You can help in the funding of a contest for the military kids to make them feel important.

  3. Share their stories with the world

    You can share the stories of the military kids with the world so that the world gets to know about their struggles and challenges.

5 Astonishing Facts About The Military Children

  1. 2 million children suffer from parental deployment

    It is estimated that since 2001, two million children have gone through a parental deployment.

  2. 1.2 million children are of active-duty members

    It is found that 1.2 million military children are active-duty military members in the world.

  3. 80% of military children attend school in the U.S.

    80% of the military kids attend school in the United States.

  4. An average military family moves more than a civilian family

    Military families move or relocate thrice as much as the civilian family.

  5. Military children show psychosocial behaviors

    Amongst the school-going military kids, one-third of the kids show behaviors such as being anxious, crying, or worrying.

Why We Observe Month of the Military Child

  1. Honor the sacrifices of military children

    Being a member of a military family comes with many challenges, the children have to face frequent relocations. The kids have to make new friends, go to a new school, and learn about different cultures every time they move somewhere.

  2. To help military children in their time of need

    The military kids have often lost a loved one, hence we love to help them in their time of need through collecting funds and other resources.

  3. Raise awareness about military kids’ lifestyle

    We like to create awareness about how these children go through different changes in their lives all the time, and how they deal with them. Their stories serve as a form of inspiration for many.

Month of the Military Child dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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