Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month – April 2025

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Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month is observed throughout the month of April every year in the U.S. Diabetes is a chronic disease that happens when a person can’t make enough insulin or their body cannot use it properly. Insulin is the hormone that controls the amount of blood sugar in the body. In the long term, diabetes can damage organs, blood vessels, and nerves. There are three different types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, and gestational. Type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. The management of this disease remains, for the most part, less than optimal. In truth, patients must be empowered to self-manage their disease. They usually do this together with healthcare professionals. This Month aims at raising awareness of the importance of pharmacists’ role in this process.

History of Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month

The traditional role of pharmacists is centered around supplying medicines and patient counseling. There is, however, a lot of evidence that pharmacists may contribute positively and cost-effectively to the clinical and humanistic outcomes of those with diabetes.

For instance, health screenings are often held by pharmacies with a focus on diabetes education. These screenings are usually open to pharmacy patients, the public, and their loved ones. Pharmacy staff, pharmacy students, or medical volunteers are available to perform glucose monitoring tests at these screenings. Those with diabetes or pre-diabetes will also have the opportunity to discuss their treatment and be educated on any concerns they have.

Pharmacists can also help people with diabetes by recommending diet and lifestyle changes to help lower the risk of complications. These recommendations should be based on the American Diabetes Association (ADA), which is a guideline for low-carbohydrate eating patterns. People with diabetes usually go to the pharmacy to receive their medications and to find other products like blood glucose monitors or compression stockings. Pharmacists can help teach these people how to use certain devices that their doctors may have recommended. In addition, the pharmacist can help educate on how to save on supplies and medications.

Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month timeline

The Disease is First named

The term ‘diabetes’ is coined by Apollonius of Memphis and is first recorded in English.

The answer in patients urine

Matthew Dobson confirms that the sweet taste of diabetics' urine was due to excess of a kind of sugar in their urine and blood.

The Pancreas and Diabetes

Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering carry out an experiment where they discover that the pancreas is responsible for producing insulin.

The Strict Dieting Treatment Plan

Dr. Frederick Allen of the Rockefeller Institute in New York introduces a therapy of strict dieting or starvation treatment as a way to manage diabetes.

Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month FAQs

What food causes diabetes?

Could be sugar-sweetened beverages, sweeteners, and processed foods containing trans fats.

Can diabetes be cured?

Type 2 diabetes cannot be cured, but individuals can have glucose levels return to non-diabetic or pre-diabetes levels.

Is there a Diabetes Awareness Month?

Yes, in November. Communities across the country team up to bring attention to diabetes.

How to Observe Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month

  1. Learn about diabetes

    This day could be an opportunity to learn about this disease affecting millions of people in modern times. Search on the internet or buy yourself a book.

  2. Gift your local pharmacist

    A simple present speaks volumes of the respect and gratitude you have for them. So today, buy a well-thought-out gift for your local pharmacist and celebrate them.

  3. Help a diabetic

    If you know someone struggling with diabetes, help them out today. Buy them food, medicine, or just spend time together.

5 Import Facts About Diabetes

  1. The most common type

    Approximately 90-95% of people with diabetes have Type 2.

  2. It’s among top-10 killer diseases

    In the U.S., diabetes is the number seven cause of death.

  3. The common type among youngsters

    Type 1 diabetes usually develops in early life. Therefore, it is the most common type in youngsters.

  4. The preventable disease

    Risk factors for Type 2 diabetes include aging and being overweight or obese. While you cannot prevent aging, you can age more healthily, which will also help you prevent obesity.

  5. There’s an increase in numbers

    Due to the high rate of obesity in the U.S., the number of Type 2 patients has doubled.

Why Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month is Important

  1. It creates awareness

    With more people becoming aware of the disease, there is a higher chance they can prevent it. All it requires is following certain recommendations.

  2. It is a day to show our appreciation

    Pharmacists are indispensable for all of us — not just for diabetics. They deserve sincere appreciation from everyone.

  3. It encourages healthy living

    This Day encourages people to live more healthily. Habits such as eating healthy, exercising regularly, and regular check-ups could be the first step to changing people’s lives.

Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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