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What is April 29th?

We have 13 holidays listed for April 29.

April 29th is the 119th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the German army surrendering to the allies in Italy, American and European spy satellites capturing the ruins of the 4th Reactor at Chernobyl, and Prince William marries Kate Middleton. Famous April 29th birthdays include Jerry Seinfeld, Kate Mulgrew, Daniel Day-Lewis, Michelle Pfeiffer, Uma Thurman, Jay Cutler, and Katherine Langford. April 29th also marks International Dance Day and National Shrimp Scampi Day.

International Dance Day

Put your dancing shoes on and get ready to step out!


Day of Trees

Though celebrated by many other countries as Arbor Day, Day of Trees is special in Colombia.


National Peace Rose Day

We celebrate one of the world’s most exquisite flowers that symbolize peace.


National Shrimp Scampi Day

We celebrate the delicious dish of shrimp cooked with butter, garlic, lemon juice, and white wine.


National Supply Chain Day

Celebrate the global supply chain and discover how it is connected to you.


National Zipper Day

We take many things in life for granted and the humble zipper is one of them.


Poem In Your Pocket Day

“I would define ... the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of beauty” — Edgar Allan Poe.


Viral Video Day

Have that video you think will go viral? Well, put it on the internet and hope!


We Jump The World Day

Join us as we (free) run to celebrate We Jump The World Day.


World Wish Day

Stay hopeful and happy, it's World Wish Day and some wishes are about to be granted.


Yom HaZikaron

Yom HaZikaron is the official remembrance day of fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism.