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What is April 4th?

We have 19 holidays listed for April 4.

April 4th is the 94th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of Los Angeles being incorporated as a city, the founding of The Kennel Club, and the opening of Warner Bros. Pictures. Famous April 4th birthdays include Clive Davis, Craig T. Nelson, David Cross, Robert Downey Jr., David Blaine, Heath Ledger, Natasha Lyonne, Amanda Righetti, and Austin Mahone. April 4th also marks National Hug a Newsperson Day and National Walking Day.

404 Day

Celebrate one of the most important days by indulging your need for free expression.


Discover National Parks Fortnight

Get off the couch, grab your backpack, and head outdoors to enjoy a few beautiful views.


Hospital Admitting Clerks Day

It’s Hospital Admitting Clerks Day: a perfect day to give a little back and thank yours.


International Carrot Day

Shake off the dirt and wear your best orange on this International Carrot Day.


International Day for Landmine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

Let’s pay homage to those working to make war zones habitable on holiday.


International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action

This  International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, let’s make the world landmine-free.


Jeep 4×4 Day

Rev those engines and hit an off-road trail, it's National Jeep 4x4 Day.


National Cordon Bleu Day

This dish comes conferred with the highest honor, join us in paying homage!


National Walk Around Things Day

Vague but also compelling, right? We circle back to how this day may have started.


Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival is when people honor their ancestors through traditional food offerings and by sweeping tombs.


School Librarian Day

School librarians are invaluable as they inculcate the habit of reading and lifelong learning.


Senegal Independence Day

Have you ever heard about Senegal’s story of gaining freedom from France? Read on!


Tell a Lie Day

There are certain times when lying is acceptable, Tell A Lie Day is one of those times.


Victims of Violence Wholly Day

On Victims of Violence Wholly Day, let’s honor and stand with those fighting racial injustice.


Vitamin C Day

Vitamin C is good for us. But how, exactly? Read on to learn more.


Walk to Work Day

Experience the wonders of walking as we walk you through some amazing walking benefits.


World Rat Day

Today, let us learn more about the world’s most underappreciated, underrated, yet adorable pet.