
International Pooper Scooper Week – April 1-7, 2025

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International Pooper Scooper Week is observed annually between April 1 to 7 in order to motivate people to clean up after their pets. You can pick up your pet’s poop or have a professional do it for you. There are plenty of reasons that make leaving behind your pet’s poop an awful idea. Animal waste has pathogens that are harmful to humans and pets. Dog poop can contain bacteria and parasites, which spread into our water supply if we leave it. Take the opportunity during this Week to educate yourself about it and contribute toward a cleaner and healthier world.

History of International Pooper Scooper Week

Did you know that pet dogs generate over 4.4 billion pounds of excreta per year? Yup, you read it right! It’s enough to cover nearly 900 football fields with a 12-inch-thick layer. Most of it is left lying around by pet parents, which is an environmental hazard.

To educate pet parents about the dangers of letting dog poop decompose in public spaces, a group of professional pet waste handlers, popularly known as pooper scoopers, created the Association of Professional Animal Waste Specialists (aPaws) in 2002. In 2008, aPaws decided to observe a week to further create awareness in pet parents about the ill effects of irresponsible pet waste disposal.

Animal excreta contains nitrogen and bacteria. The nitrogen present in dog feces can seep into the Earth’s surface and contaminate the water table. Moreover, during rainfall, the poop can run off and end up in rivers, streams, and lakes to further pose a problem to marine life. Nitrogen from the poop can deplete the oxygen required for beneficial underwater grasses, wildlife, and fish. Also, it can expose people who engage in water recreation activities such as boating and swimming to bacterial infections and other waterborne diseases. Besides, the poop of an infected animal may also contain roundworms and hookworms, which do not decompose and get transmitted to other animals and humans in due course. If you cannot pick up the poop and dispose of it responsibly, hire pooper scoopers to do it for you.

International Pooper Scooper Week timeline

The Poop-Scoop Law

Mayor Edward Koch introduces a law in New York City to penalize pet owners who leave their pets' poop unattended in public spaces.

The Move to Spread Awareness

A group of professional pet waste handlers forms aPaws to spread awareness about the benefits of disposing of pet poop responsibly.

The Week for Pet Waste Awareness

aPaws dedicates a week — International Pooper Scooper Week — towards dissuading pet parents from leaving their pet's poop lying around unattended in public spaces.

A Decade of This Observance

International Pooper Scooper Week completes 10 years of spreading awareness about the dangers of leaving pet poop unattended.

International Pooper Scooper Week FAQs

Why do you need a pooper scooper for your dog?

A pooper scooper is meant to capture your pet’s waste. They often have baggies to put the poop in before throwing it away in an appropriate container.

Do you require one hand to use a pooper scooper?

A one-handed scooper leaves your hand free to hold onto your dog. This is more practical when walking your dog.

Which is better — a single or double dog poop scooper?

A double-piece dog pooper scooper is heavier and bigger than the single-piece one. Double-piece options usually have a rake or spade and a tray to scoop the poop into. This is great for big dog breeds, for scooping at home, or for folks with arthritis.

How to Observe International Pooper Scooper Week

  1. Spread awareness on social media

    The best way to spread awareness about picking up pet poop is by reducing the subject's “gross” quotient. Popularize International Pooper Scooper Week by spreading the message on social media.

  2. Hold an awareness session in your neighborhood

    If you reside in a neighborhood with many pet parents, hold a workshop for them. Take this opportunity to teach them about the hazards associated with leaving dog poop unattended in the open.

  3. Organize a demo with a pooper scooper

    Invite professional pet waste handlers to give a demo in your neighborhood about how they handle and dispose of pet poop. People struggling with the safe disposal of pet excreta might find them a valuable resource.

5 Intriguing Facts About Topmost Pooper Scooper Fines

  1. Washington D.C.

    If you don't scoop your dog's poop, you can be fined anywhere between $150-$2,000.

  2. New York City

    You will be lighter by $250 if you leave your dog's poop unattended in public spaces.

  3. Austin, Texas

    Texas district fines a dog owner up to $500 for leaving pet poop on public or private property.

  4. Baltimore, Maryland

    You can be fined a whopping $1,000 if your dog poops outside, and you don't scoop it up.

  5. Pleasanton, California

    Fines range from $100 for first-timers to $750 for a fourth and every subsequent offense.

Why International Pooper Scooper Week is Important

  1. Pet poop in the open is a hazard

    Pet poop left in the open has adverse environmental consequences. We should leave the place clean after our pets have relieved themselves.

  2. My planet is my responsibility

    We have a responsibility to create a cleaner and greener world. We can do our bit by ensuring that our pets don't contribute to environmental degradation.

  3. There's no point in getting penalized

    Why pay fines when we can avoid them with a simple, responsible act? Scooping our pet's poop would keep us on the right side of the law and set an example for our kids.

International Pooper Scooper Week dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
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2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
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