
National Pecan Month – April 2025

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Go ahead, go nuts. This April, celebrate National Pecan Month by recognizing the nut that reduces your risk of heart disease, lowers cholesterol, and contains fiber, protein, and more antioxidants than any other. Crowned as a heart healthy food choice by the American Heart Association, pecans offer a tasty treat good for any time of the day.

National Pecan Month timeline

Pecans get some good PR

The National Pecan Shellers Association led the industry’s efforts to fund research into the pecan's health benefits.

The National Pecan Shellers Association (NPSA) was born

It supports and promotes the interests of pecan shellers and the global industry to assure quality, safety and integrity of pecan products worldwide.

Pecans were first processed

Pecan processing has risen to between 250 and 300 million pounds today.

Pecans were discovered

It's the only major tree nut that grows naturally in North America.

National Pecan Month Activities

  1. Host a “pecan potluck”

    With so many varieties of pecans available, and so many dishes eager to add them, invite guests to bring their own personal “pecan invention."

  2. Learn the different kinds of pecans

    Amazingly, there are over 500 different varieties of pecans with slightly different characteristics like flavor, texture, size, color, and shape. Discover which style you like best.

  3. Learn new recipes

    Serve with cinnamon, salt, honey, chocolate, or as a brittle. Pecans are an easy ingrediant to mix with almost anything. Explore the endless options and enjoy a healthy boost to your meal.

4 Nutty Facts About Pecans

  1. Pecans call North America home

    The only major tree nut that grows naturally in North America, the pecan is considered one of the most valuable North American nut species.

  2. How the pecan got its name

    The name “pecan” is a Native American word of Algonquin origin that was used to describe “all nuts requiring a stone to crack.”

  3. The South is “Pecan Country”

    The southern states of the U.S. are the primary locations for pecan production, stretching from California all the way to Florida and the Carolinas.

  4. How to pronounce “Pecan”

    To this day there is debate over whether to say “PEE-can” or “puh-KAHN." It is universally agreed that the pronunciation is a regional preference, but in the end, both are right depending on whom you ask.

Why We Love National Pecan Month

  1. Pecans are good for you

    Pecans are rich in fiber, which helps your heart. They can reduce the risk of heart disease, coronary artery disease, strokes, and some forms of cancer.

  2. Pecans are really good for you

    The fiber contained in pecans promotes colon health — reducing the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids.

  3. Pecans are really, really good for you

    Pecans are a rich source of manganese, which is a powerful antioxidant. This trace mineral helps boost your immune system and protects your nerve cells from free-radical damage. Adequate intake of manganese is vital for nerve and brain function.

National Pecan Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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