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What is April 19th?

We have 25 holidays listed for April 19.

April 19th is the 109th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the marriage of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco and the launch of Salyut 1, the first space station. Famous April 19th birthdays include Ashley Judd, James Franco, Kate Hudson, Hayden Christensen, and Maria Sharapova. April 19th also marks National Garlic Day and National High Five Day.

National Garlic Day

One thing's obvious: There's a certain something in the air during National Garlic Day.


Black Saturday

This day is mostly a day of silence — and waiting. Let’s observe Black Saturday together.


Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Action Day

Are you ready to learn about Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia and spread awareness about it?


Dutch-American Friendship Day

Don’t miss celebrating Dutch-American Friendship Day. It’s a special day to spend time with your friends.


Easter Saturday

Join us as we get ready to participate in the Easter Saturday celebrations!


Holy Saturday

Take a journey of plunging into darkness before entering illuminating light this Holy Saturday with us!


Humorous Day

This is a day designed to urge us to see the silver lining in every situation.


John Parker Day

Celebrate determination and bravery in the face of danger on John Parker Day.


Landing of the 33 Patriots Day

Wave your flags up in the air to celebrate Landing of the 33 Patriots Day.


National Amaretto Day

Savor the rich, strong, velvety taste of almond-flavored liqueur goodness this National Amaretto Day.


National Cat Lady Day

Get ready to spoil your furry pal as we celebrate National Cat Lady Day.


National Dog Parent Appreciation Day

Who let the dogs out? Not dog parents, that’s for sure. Let’s celebrate these responsible heroes!


National Hanging Out Day

Ditch your dryers and hang your clothes outside as we celebrate the National Hanging Out Day.


National Hayden Day

Learn more about this charming, unisex name that has its origins in the Old English language.


National North Dakota Day

Find out how to best celebrate National North Dakota Day right here with us!


National Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day

Be ready to commemorate this unique day. This terrorist attack should be remembered.


National Poker Day

Put your money where your mouth is as we celebrate National Poker Day.


Orthodox Holy Saturday

Commemorate Orthodox Holy Saturday which marks the end of the Lenten fast season.


Poetry & The Creative Mind Day

Today, we celebrate how words have the power to rouse hearts, shape perspectives, and broaden minds.


Record Store Day

Join us as we appreciate independently owned record stores this Record Store Day!


Refresh Your Goals Day

This is the perfect time to refocus and refresh your personal goals.


Rice Ball Day

Help yourself to a huge serving of rice balls today to satisfy your cravings.


Sylvester the Cat Birthday

Let’s root for Sylvester! Being his special day, maybe things will today go well for him.