Adopt a Greyhound Month, celebrated in April every year, is a special day encouraging dog lovers, animal advocates, and everyone in the world to adopt a greyhound. Did you know that greyhounds are the fastest dog breed? Yes, unlike other dog breeds, greyhounds are built for speed, reaching a speed of up to 45 mph, and it takes only three strides for them to reach 30 mph. If you want a little context here, the fastest speed for a racehorse is 43 miles per hour. So, yes, greyhounds are fast! But don’t let the speed fool you, there is more to greyhounds than speed.
History of Adopt a Greyhound Month
Nowadays, greyhounds are usually bred for racing, and they have a lifestyle that is different from the typical house pet dog. These greyhounds are mostly kept in kennels when they’re not on the racetrack and are put on high-performance diets. They will be used for racing until they are five years old when they would have become too old to perform, and then they are mostly abandoned or receive less care. This is where the need for National Adopt a Greyhound Month arises. This special month was founded by the Greyhound Project to increase the adoption of greyhounds.
But there are a lot of misconceptions about greyhounds that are making people less interested in adopting them. One is that they are highly active breeds that need a lot of exercise and are a little bit violent. But the truth is that greyhounds do need a lot of exercise to be active, and they are in fact lovable couch potatoes. They are loyal, quirky, and gentle dogs that make great pets. Many greyhounds are fantastic with children and also share their space with other animals and pets.
Several greyhound fostering and adoption groups step up to take care, re-home and adopt these retired race dogs. You can do your part on this National Adopt a Greyhound Month by adopting this friendly speedster. Let’s make a change in the life of these wonderful pets.
Adopt a Greyhound Month timeline
Ancient humans begin to domesticate dogs.
Greyhounds, or the Saluki breed of dogs, live among men.
The Greyhound Project, a non-profit, is established to promote greyhound adoption.
The Greyhound Project celebrates the first-ever National Adopt a Greyhound Month.
Adopt a Greyhound Month FAQs
Do greyhounds cuddle?
Although greyhounds are built for speed and they like to run, they also love to play, sleep and cuddle, and be loved for who they are. They are just like any other dog.
Are greyhounds smart?
Yes, according to their personality traits, greyhounds are intelligent and gentle, with a quiet disposition. That being said, they also like to spend most of their day sleeping.
Can I adopt a retired greyhound?
Yes, you can legally adopt a retired greyhound. In fact, this is the whole idea behind the National Adopt of Greyhound Month. These dogs deserve care and love like any other dog.
Adopt a Greyhound Month Activities
Adopt a greyhound
The best thing you can do to celebrate National Adopt a Greyhound Month is to adopt a retired greyhound and care for it. You can also encourage your friends to do the same!
Take photos of your pet
Take photos of your adopted greyhound and share them on social media. Spread the word about the holiday, and bring more dog lovers and animal advocates, and concerned citizens on board.
Share your story
Do you have a pet greyhound with whom you have shared beautiful memories? Tell your story on social media, and let your testimony inspire people.
5 Insane Facts About Greyhounds
They’re built for speed
Thanks to their lean bodies and long, powerful legs, greyhounds are faster than most animals. {They can see what’s behind them
They can see what’s behind them
The unusual eye placement of Greyhounds gives the dog a 270-degree vision.
They do not weigh much
Even the greyhounds that stand 27 to 30 inches tall weigh only about 60 to 70 pounds.
They have trouble sitting
Even though they can sit, they don’t enjoy it, because of their very tight muscles.
They appear in the bible
Greyhound is the only dog breed in the bible with its own shout-out.
Why We Love Adopt a Greyhound Month
It promotes a worthy cause
National Adopt a Greyhound Month encourages us to adopt greyhounds, a breed of dogs prone to quite unfair treatments from humans. The holiday also empowers us with the information and resources needed to give used and abandoned greyhounds a new and better life. We consider this a noble cause and therefore worth celebrating.
It’s about animal welfare
This month aims to spread positivity and help raise awareness of the unfair treatment greyhounds receive from humans. In doing so, it also advocates for animal rights and their welfare.
It’s an excuse to adopt a pet
National Adopt a Greyhound Month gives us the perfect opportunity to welcome a new member to our family. So, if you’re looking for an excuse to adopt a pet, this is it!
Adopt a Greyhound Month dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | April 1 | Tuesday |
2026 | April 1 | Wednesday |
2027 | April 1 | Thursday |
2028 | April 1 | Saturday |
2029 | April 1 | Sunday |