TueApr 1

Reading is Funny Day – April 1, 2025

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World Reading is Funny Day, celebrated every year on April 1, is aimed at rekindling a passion for reading among the younger generations. Technological advancement and the advent of ever-interesting shows on screen have made reading seem rather boring and old-fashioned for kids. Hence, Reading is Funny Day is a perfect time to reintroduce your young ones to the reading culture by gifting them or reading to them a book that catches their young reader’s attention with a giggle or two.

History of Reading is Funny Day

To understand Reading is Funny Day, we must first look into the first book ever written, which originates from the Mesopotamia era. During this time, markings were made on clay tablets in scripts known as ‘cuneiforms.’ The art of writing was developed around 5400 B.C., with the first literary work being “Kesh Temple Hymn.”

The oldest records of jokes were traced back to 1900 B.C. The first extant joke book is the “Philogelos,” translated as “Laughter-Lover.” It contained 265 jokes written in crude ancient Greek dating back to the fourth or fifth century A.D. The invention of the printing press in 1439 A.D. made it possible to have more copies of books in print. The first-ever written children’s book was “A Little Pretty Pocket-Book,” by John Newbey, in 1744.

Since then, thousands of books have been published that can help ignite a passion for reading in youngsters — from “The Monster at the End of this Book” by Jon Stone to “Interrupting Chicken” by David Ezra Stein. The course of time has provided us with a vast repertoire of children’s funny books to choose from when selecting the perfect book to celebrate Reading is Funny Day with your kids.

Reading is Funny Day timeline

The Printing Press Is Invented

The printing press is introduced by Johannes Gutenberg.

The First Popular Joke Book Printed

About 20 editions of this joke book are printed.

The First Children's Book is Written

“A Little Pretty Pocket-Book,” the very first children’s book, is published by Jon Newbey.

Nineteenth Century
Cartoons are Introduced in Joke Books

The use of cartoons and drawings in Joke Books is introduced.

Reading is Funny Day FAQs

Do you think reading is fun?

Reading is and should be fun, it can be regarded as an educational as well as a leisure activity.

What is fun about reading?

Reading can be entertaining, as it increases your confidence, keeps you informed about people and happenings, exercises the mind, and ignites your creativity.

Does reading make you smarter?

Reading makes you smarter, as it helps to exercise your brain. It also increases your attention to detail, broadens your vocabulary, and makes you a better writer.

Reading is Funny Day Activities

  1. Read a funny story with or to your kid

    The idea of Reading is Funny Day is to foster a reading culture among children. Celebrate this day by reading a funny book with or to your child.

  2. Visit the library or book store

    A visit to the library or book store with your child can help stir up the reading curiosity of your child. Take your child on a special visit to the library.

  3. Set the pace

    Children are better stimulated by what they observe you doing than what you say to them. Asides from buying comic books to celebrate Reading Is Funny Day, you can also pick a book to read, and your child might join you. Children are natural copycats.

5 Facts About Books

  1. There are about 130 million published books

    We cannot count them all, but there are about 130 million published books.

  2. The Bible is the most sold book

    With at least five billion printed copies sold, the Bible remains the overall bestselling book of all time.

  3. The world’s longest novel

    The longest novel written, according to the Guinness Book of World Records, is Marcel Proust’s “Remembrance of Things Past,” with 9,609,000 characters (including spaces).

  4. The Codex Leicester

    The most expensive book in the world is Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Codex Leicester,” bought by Bill Gates for $30.8 million in 1994.

  5. The Epic of Gilgamesh

    This mythic poem is considered to be history’s oldest known work of fiction.

Why We Love Reading is Funny Day

  1. It teaches a lifelong skill

    What we learn in childhood tends to stay with us for life. Teaching your child that reading is fun will motivate them to keep it up even when they are grown.

  2. Creates memories

    Reading is Funny Day creates opportunities for parents to spend more time with their children by reading exciting books to them. It helps create lasting meaningful memories.

  3. Revives the reading culture

    From reading a funny book like “Interrupting Chicken.” by David Ezra Stein, children can begin to develop a genuine passion for reading. This can be something they then pass on to their friends.

Reading is Funny Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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