
National Soft Pretzel Month – April 2025

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Start spring with a cool drink, a gentle breeze, and an historically delicious treat. This April, celebrate National Soft Pretzel Month. Whether salted, seasoned, dipped, rolled, or served as is, soft pretzels provide the scrumptious, guilty pleasure that our taste buds crave. No matter if you’re grabbing a quick bite on the go, kicking back at a ballgame, or just enjoying a tasty snack, this twisty treat always seems to satisfy.

National Soft Pretzel Month timeline

Pretzels entered the machine age — finally

Federal Pretzel Baking Company created the first machine-produced stamped-cut soft pretzel.

Soft pretzels came stateside

Southern German and Swiss German immigrants, who became known as the Pennsylvania Dutch, introduced soft-shaped pretzels with different shapes.

Pretzels are a Catholic dish

Catholics once considered pretzels the “official food of Lent," and by the 16th century, it became a tradition to eat pretzels on Good Friday.

610 AD
Pretzels are invented

According to legend, an Italian monk invented pretzels as a reward for children who learned their prayers.

National Soft Pretzel Month Activities

  1. Dip away

    Nothing's off-limits when it comes to pretzel dip, so go ahead and experiment. Whether it’s caramel, cheese, mustard, sweet glaze, cream cheese, or your own personal invention, you can’t go wrong.

  2. Have a pretzel cook-off

    With a few simple ingredients, a few kitchen tools, and an oven, you can easily make your own soft pretzels. Invite a few friend over to see who can fashion the best tasting, most creative, and mouthwatering snacks to share.

  3. Go to a ballgame

    Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack? Sure! But save room for a pretzel during the late innings.

4 Twisted Facts About Pretzels

  1. Philly. Loves. Pretzels.

    Philadelphians consume approximately 12 times as many pretzels annually as the national average.

  2. Pretzel business is booming

    Worldwide, a billion dollars worth of pretzels are sold each year.

  3. Pretzels can change your life

    On New Years Day in ancient Germany, children would hang pretzels around their neck in order to bring good luck into the new year.

  4. Pennsylvania is the pretzel hub of the United States

    About 80% of pretzels in the U.S. today are made in Pennsylvania.

Why We Love National Soft Pretzel Month

  1. Pretzels have religious significance

    It's especially true among Catholics. The knot shape represents hands in prayer, and the three holes within the pretzel represent the three persons of the Holy Trinity

  2. Pretzels are everywhere

    Soft pretzels have become a staple at entertainment venues such as movie theaters, arenas, concert halls, and stadiums. Philadelphia's credited with introducing the first American soft pretzel.

  3. Pretzels have massive influence

    The pretzel has become an element in popular culture. More than just a popular food, the pretzel’s unique knotted design has inspired architectural and artistic ideas, perspectives, attitudes, and images.

National Soft Pretzel Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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