
Keep America Beautiful Month – April 2025

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Keep America Beautiful Month in April is inspired by a non-profit organization dedicated towards improving our public spaces through action and education. With over 40,000 national events, there’s plenty of opportunity to roll up your sleeves wherever you live. End littering, start recycling, and show visitors how stunning your city can be. From Boston to Seattle, we celebrate this month by beautifying communities in this great land of ours.

Keep America Beautiful Month Activities

  1. Apply for a community grant

    Get funding to revitalize public parks or cleanup initiatives. Work to ensure your locale has plenty of trash cans in pedestrian-heavy spaces, as this will greatly reduce littering issues. Grants also help to improve areas impacted by environmental or natural disasters that need the goodwill and attention from people like you.

  2. Become a partner

    Keep America Beautiful has over 650 groups nationwide. You can be become a partner who works with civic agencies and local volunteers to empower and beautify communities across the country. The impact made in one town may inspire the one next door!

  3. Make a recycling plan

    Downloadable infographics and guides are available for education. Make these messages a part of your work or school place to keep others informed. Discuss the benefits of using restrictive lids or to keep recycling bins next to trash cans so people understand the importance of doing so.

Why We Love Keep America Beautiful Month

  1. Small changes have big effects

    Litter has far-reaching consequences. Doing our part to keep trash off the streets means we also protect oceans and waterways. Educating the community on the sources of litter helps offer local ordinances insight into effective solutions.

  2. Opportunities for youth leadership

    Kids are the future. Service projects let middle and high schoolers take an active role in improving the world around them. By investing time in enhancing their community, they feel integrated in a positive way.

  3. Beautiful spaces instill community pride

    Transforming graffiti into art murals or planting urban gardens brings people together in positive ways. When everyone has the chance to lend a helping hand, there’s a shared sense of responsibility in a town or city.

Keep America Beautiful Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Be Kind to Spiders Week
Golden Rule Week
International Pooper Scooper Week
Laugh at Work Week
Medication Safety Week
Testicular Cancer Awareness Week
April Fools' Day
Assyrian New Year
Boomer Bonus Days
Cyprus National Holiday
Edible Book Day
Fossil Fools Day
International Fun at Work Day
International Tatting Day
Library Snap Shot Day
Lupus Alert Day
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
Myles Day
National Connor Day
National Fun Day
National Greeting Card Day
National Loyal Day
National One Cent Day
National Sexual Assault Awareness Month's Day of Action
National Sourdough Bread Day
National Trombone Players Day
Nickelodeon Anniversary Celebration Day
Odisha Day
Reading is Funny Day
SAAM Day of Action
Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action
U.S. Air Force Academy Day
U.S. Air Force Academy Day
Adopt a Ferret Month
Adopt a Greyhound Month
Arab American Heritage Month
Autism Acceptance Month
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
Brussels Sprouts and Cabbage Month
Cancer Control Month
Canine Fitness Month
Celebrate Diversity Month
Cesarean Awareness Month
Child Abuse Awareness Month
Children and Nature Awareness Month
Counseling Awareness Month
Couple Appreciation Month
Cranberries and Gooseberries Month
Deaf History Month
Defeat Diabetes Month
Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Dog Appreciation Month
Earth Month
Emotional Overeating Awareness Month
Fair Housing Month
Filipino Food Month
Financial Capability Month
Financial Literacy Month
Fresh Florida Tomato Month
Genocide Awareness Month
Global Astronomy Month
Global Child Nutrition Month
Grange Month
Heartworm Awareness Month
IBS Month
Informed Women Month
International Amateur Radio Month
International Customer Loyalty Month
International Guitar Month
Jazz Appreciation Month
Keep America Beautiful Month
Month of the Military Child
Move More Month
Multicultural Communications Month
Multiple Birth Awareness Month
National African-American Women's Fitness Month
National Alcohol Awareness Month
National BLT Sandwich Month
National Car Care Month
National Card and Letter Writing Month
National Decorating Month
National Donate Life Month
National Facial Protection Month
National Food Month
National Foot Health Awareness Month
National Fresh Celery Month
National Frog Month
National Garlic Month
National Grilled Cheese Month
National Humor Month
National Internship Awareness Month
National Kite Month
National Knuckles Down Month
National Literature Month
National Minority Health Month
National Month of Hope
National Pecan Month
National Pest Management Month
National Pet First Aid Awareness Month
National Poetry Month
National Rebuilding Month
National Safe Digging Month
National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
National Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Education and Awareness Month
National Sjogren's Syndrome Awareness Month
National Social Security Month
National Soft Pretzel Month
National Soy Foods Month
National Volunteer Month
National Welding Month
National Woodworking Month
National Youth Sports Safety Month
Occupational Therapy Month
Panagyaman Rice Festival
Parkinson's Awareness Month
Parkinson's Awareness Month
Parliamentary Law Month
Pharmacists War on Diabetes Month
Physical Wellness Month
Poetic Earth Month
Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Primary Immunodeficiency Month
Records and Information Management Month
Records and Information Management Month
Rosacea Awareness Month
Sarcoidosis Awareness Month
School Library Month
Scottish-American Heritage Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month
Step up for 30 For Bowel Cancer Month
STI Awareness Month
Straw Hat Month
Stress Awareness Month
Summer Tire Changeover Month
SunSmart Skin Cancer Prevention
Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
Tomatillo and Asian Pear Month
Women's Eye Health and Safety Month
Workplace Conflict Awareness Month
World Autism Month
World Landscape Architecture Month
Worldwide Bereaved Spouses Awareness Month

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