TueApr 1

St. Stupid Day – April 1, 2025

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St. Stupid Day is celebrated annually on April 1 in San Francisco, United States. San Francisco is a city in California, known for its wonderful holidays that can satisfy even the most demanding of tourists. On this day, those who want to gather in San Francisco to visit the famous Fool’s Day Parade, show off their unusual silly costumes, and have fun together with other fools during the silliest walk of all. The public is encouraged to get into the spirit of things, that is, to behave like fools, whether in the street or in elegant colonial costumes. Act as foolishly as possible on the day that celebrates silliness.

History of St. Stupid Day

St. Stupid Day was started in 1979 by Ed Holmes, a member of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, who is also Bishop Joey of the First Church of the Last Laughter. It was based on the belief that one of the unifying characteristics of society is stupidity. According to the First Church of the Last Laughter, “the only thing that unites species in all their differences in color, religion, nationality, zip code, and beverage preference is stupidity.”

St. Stupid Day is centered around the St. Stupid Day Parade. It is a unique opportunity to allow yourself to behave utterly foolishly for a while. You are encouraged to wear silly clothes and shout stupid slogans, with no worries that someone will condemn you or arrest you for hooliganism.

The parade begins at noon and passes through the financial district of San Francisco, the city’s business center. Generally, St. Stupid’s Day Parade is accompanied by drummers, horn players, and various chants.

Highlights of this fun event include the absurd game of losing lottery tickets at the Federal Reserve headquarters, tossing coins at the Banker’s Heart sculpture as a tribute to the city’s trade temples, and exchanging socks at the Pacific Stock Exchange. There is also a “leap of faith” where parade participants close their eyes, jump, and believe that the Earth will still be there when they land. Only a dozen or two people participated in the first parade, but now there are thousands.

St. Stupid Day timeline

The San Francisco Mime Troupe

The San Francisco Mime Troupe is founded, a theater where Holmes works before retirement.

The Day is Created

Holmes announces April 1 as St. Stupid Day in the late 1970s.

“St. Stupid Wrap”

The First Church of the Last Laugh releases a record called “St. Stupid Wrap.”

The 37th Anniversary

The Saint Stupid’s Day Parade is held for the 37th year.

St. Stupid Day FAQs

What is the significance of the St. Stupid’s Day Parade?

It is an annual tribute to every little thing we have done in our lives. We may not want to admit it, but our days are filled with doing the wrong things. The parade is a celebration of those wonderful decisions that make us senseless, crazy, eccentric people, that we are all in our hearts.

Where is St. Stupid Day celebrated?

It is mainly celebrated in the United States, but some other countries celebrate it too.

How many years have passed since the founding of St. Stupid Day?

It has been 44 years since the founding of St. Stupid Day.

St. Stupid Day Activities

  1. Visit San Francisco

    You should visit San Francisco to celebrate St. Stupid Day. This way, you will get to know the city and feel the true spirit of “foolishness” on this day.

  2. Go to the parade

    The St. Stupid’s Day Parade is remarkable. It includes free lunch, confetti, flags, costumes, and various “silly” activities. This is the best celebration of Fool’s Day.

  3. Watch the movie

    If you can’t go to the parade, then bring the parade to you! There are documentaries about St. Stupid Day available everywhere. Watch the movie along with your silly friends while wearing the most ridiculous outfits.

5 Facts About San Francisco That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Golden Gate Park is there

    The park is bigger than the famous Central Park in New York City.

  2. The San Francisco Fog has a name

    The locals call it Karl the Fog, but the exact origin of the name is unknown.

  3. The Chinese Fortune Cookie was invented there

    By the end of the 1890s, Makoto Hagiwara, a Japanese immigrant from San Francisco, invented modern fortune-telling cookies, which he served in the tea garden of Golden Gate Park.

  4. It’s home to the oldest Chinatown

    Founded in 1848, San Francisco's Chinatown is the oldest in North America and the second-largest outside Asia.

  5. It’s a hilly city

    San Francisco is built on more than 50 hills.

Why We Love St. Stupid Day

  1. It has a long history

    St. Stupid Day has been known since the 1970s. Over the years, its popularity has begun to wane, but people are doing everything possible to ensure that this unique ancient tradition doesn’t disappear from our lives. Let’s support them!

  2. It is all about fun

    St. Stupid Day brings a wave of fun and lightness. People can at least temporarily put aside their worries, forget about problems, take off their strict suits, and have fun acting like a “fool.”

  3. It is a day to feel free from judgments

    On any other day, people can be judged by others for their behavior and appearance. But on St. Stupid Day, everyone can behave the way they want. Wear outlandish costumes, participate in “silly” events, act like a fool, and do not be afraid to see dissatisfaction in the eyes of others.

St. Stupid Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 1 Tuesday
2026 April 1 Wednesday
2027 April 1 Thursday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 1 Sunday
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