American Red Cross Month – March 2025

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American Red Cross Month is celebrated every year in March. This month celebrates the heroes who dedicate their lives to the service of the wounded, disaster struck, or traumatized in any catastrophe. Since the founding of the American Red Cross, it has served the nation by sending volunteers to all the areas where help is needed. This March, use this opportunity to come out of your shell and volunteer for a cause by joining the American Red Cross Volunteer Program and serving humanity. Also, join in celebrating all the volunteers who have worked to keep this organization working.

History of American Red Cross Month

The American Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Cresent Movement which aims to serve humanity. Henry Dunant, a Swiss entrepreneur, set off to meet French Emperor Napoleon III in 1852 to obtain permission for doing business in France. During one of his business trips, Dunant had the world-changing experience of seeing the battle of Solferino in which he witnessed around 40,000 casualties.

What he saw in this war was the lack of medical facilities and aides for the armies to care for the wounded. The horrific scenes he experienced in the aftermath of the battle inspired him to propose two terms to the governments in Europe. The first one was to establish a humanitarian agency that would provide medical aid and care to the soldiers fighting in different battles and future wars. This led him to establish the first Red Cross in Geneva, Switzerland. The second was to make that agency a transnational organization that would intercede the concept of national boundaries and thus would provide medical and humanitarian services regardless of their identity.

Following in the same footsteps, Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881. Barton gained widespread popularity and support from the American public, which ultimately enabled her to establish the American Red Cross. Barton stayed as the head of the American Red Cross for two decades before resigning in 1900.

The American Red Cross continued to deliver humanitarian services in the U.S. and internationally. The services during World War I and World War II were so critically important that in recognition, President Franklin D. Roosevelt officially proclaimed March as the month to celebrate the American Red Cross at a national level. Since 1943, American Red Cross Month is celebrated every March, marking its seventh anniversary in 2022.

American Red Cross Month timeline

The American Red Cross Debuts

The American Red Cross Society is founded by Clara Barton.

The 1940s
The Civilian Blood Program

The first-ever civilian blood donation program is organized by the Red Cross.

The Inaugural Celebrations

As proclaimed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, American Red Cross Month is celebrated for the first time.

The Hundred Years of Service

The American Red Cross marks its hundredth anniversary this year.

American Red Cross Month FAQs

How can I volunteer for the American Red Cross?

You can visit the official website of the American Red Cross and sign up for a volunteer program by filling out an online form.

How does the American Red Cross finance its operations?

American Red Cross is run on donations and public funding through various channels and drives.

Is the American Red Cross religious?

No, it is not. It is a secular, non-denominational organization.

How to Observe American Red Cross Month

  1. Donate Blood

    Help the American Red Cross by donating your blood for a cause that might save someone’s life. Be a hero!

  2. Read about its history

    Read up on the history of the American Red Cross. You will be surprised how much this organization has helped in days of need.

  3. Volunteer for a cause

    There are many open positions in the organization and by joining them you can play a vital role in providing the help that is needed. Not all heroes wear a cape, some simply volunteer!

5 Facts About American Red Cross Month

  1. The Battle of Solferino

    Around 40,000 troops either died or were wounded in this battle which later became a spark for the Red Cross.

  2. The humble beginnings

    Clara Barton, the founder of the American Red Cross, was once a clerk in the U.S. Patent Office.

  3. The third most popular non-profit organization

    According to a study in 1996, the American Red Cross was the third most popular non-profit organization in the list of over 100 charitable organizations in the U.S.

  4. Provides 40% of the blood supply

    The American Red Cross single-handedly contributes to almost 40% of the blood donations needed in the U.S.

  5. The ‘don’t-hold-back’ stance

    The American Red Cross has adopted a ‘don’t-hold-back’ stance at an international level by helping those in need internationally.

Why American Red Cross Month is Important

  1. Their services have won hearts

    Where other organizations have focused on building a name, the American Red Cross Society has spoken less and done more. It is time to salute our unsung heroes who continue to dedicate their lives to the service of humanity.

  2. It rekindles the passion for helping

    It is not just about donating blood and encouraging others to donate. It is about showing up as volunteers and caregivers to those who are in the need without seeing color, caste, or ethnicity.

  3. It makes the world a better place

    Trust us, even a day spent in service of others has long-term positive effects on our minds. Just imagine a world in peace and you will find out why we love this month.

American Red Cross Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 1 Saturday
2026 March 1 Sunday
2027 March 1 Monday
2028 March 1 Wednesday
2029 March 1 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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