Sing With Your Child Month – March 2025

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Sing with Your Child Month is celebrated in March every year. This month aims at addressing the importance of singing, especially singing with children. Singing with one’s children promotes happiness, confidence, and stronger relationships. The most obvious step toward oral language development is singing. At their most basic level, songs are simply words set to music. The truth is that you share language every time you sing to children. Singing helps show your child another way that words can be precious.

History of Sing With Your Child Month

Sing With Your Child Month doesn’t have to be the only occasion to sing and dance with your children. You can sing and dance with them every day of the year. However, this month encourages people to make music in the family together with their children.

Parents want to do everything possible to help their children grow into loving, confident, and respectful adults. When people sing and make music as a family, children gain a whole new way to communicate and form everlasting, joyful memories. In addition, actively making music nurtures your child’s creativity, self-expression, and confidence and supports their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. One does not require special skills or ‘musical talent’ to achieve that — just a love of music, a desire to have fun, and, of course, a good sense of humor!

The impact of singing and making music with your child is overwhelmingly positive and the rewards of this simple act will help us make the world a much better place. Singing to children has numerous benefits. In fact, the way we learn music is quite similar to how we learn a language when we think about it. We similarly progress from notes to tonal patterns to songs with music, just like we go from phonics to words to sentences. So, sing a song, grab an instrument, and join us in celebrating Sing With Your Child Month this March.

Sing With Your Child Month timeline

Johannes Sebastian Bach is Born

His name is practically synonymous with Baroque music, and he becomes Baroque’s master composer.

Xian Xinghai is Born

He is a Chinese composer who writes ‘Yellow River Cantata’ as a protest against the Japanese occupation of Manchuria.

Mick Jagger is Born

The vocalist of The Rolling Stones is born.

Bob Marley

He is the most famous reggae singer-songwriter in history.

Sing With Your Child Month FAQs

Can two-year-olds sing?

Most toddlers will begin singing at the age of two and three, but it is not uncommon for them to start slightly later at four to five years old.

Is it good to sing to your toddler?

Singing is a very powerful tool that can help your baby learn a language faster.

How do you find out if your child can sing?

You can play music for your child at home to test their musical gift. See if they notice whether an instrument is out of tune or not.

Sing With Your Child Month Activities

  1. Sing your heart out

    Of course, the best way to celebrate this month is by singing. Whether you have children or not, you can sing every time you feel it.

  2. Go to a karaoke

    There are many places, such as bars or discos, that offer karaoke nights. So, invite your friends and go there to celebrate this month by singing your favorite songs.

  3. Buy your favorite C.D.

    We all have a favorite album from our favorite artists. Go buy that album and play the songs that you would like to sing the most.

5 Benefits Of Listening To Music

  1. Music can improve your memory

    A study showed that people who listened to classical music outperformed those who worked in silence or with white noise when memorizing a list of words.

  2. It can help treat mental illness

    Listening to music sets off the release of several neurochemicals that play a role in brain function and mental health.

  3. Music affects one’s mood

    Many people listen to music to change their mood, and it does happen most of the time!

  4. It can help lower anxiety

    There’s lots of medical evidence that shows that listening to music can help calm you in situations where you might experience anxiety.

  5. It alleviates the symptoms of depression

    Listening to music, particularly classical music along with jazz, has a positive impact on depression symptoms.

Why We Love Sing With Your Child Month

  1. Music is good for our health

    Music is not only good for our health but also our cognitive system. The communication skills of children can improve by listening to music.

  2. It offers special moments with your children

    During March, you can enjoy spending time with your kids singing your favorite songs. This will enhance your bond with your children.

  3. It is an opportunity to have fun

    Having fun is a rule when singing. You can also dance or play an instrument to immerse yourself in the melody.

Sing With Your Child Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 1 Saturday
2026 March 1 Sunday
2027 March 1 Monday
2028 March 1 Wednesday
2029 March 1 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Universal Human Beings Week
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Baba Marta
Baby Sleep Day
Earth God's Birthday
Endometriosis Awareness Day
Independence Movement Day
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International Martisor
International Women of Color Day
National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day
National Dadgum That's Good Day
National Fruit Compote Day
National Horse Protection Day
National Hotel Slipper Day
National March First Day
National Minnesota Day
National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
National Pig Day
National Sage Day
National Texas Stress Day
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National Welsh Corgi Day
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Refired Not Retired Day
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Tsagaan Sar
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Brain Injury Awareness Month
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Employee Spirit Month
Endometriosis Month
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Frozen Food Month
Gardening, Nature and Ecology Books Month
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Greek-American Heritage Month
Honor Society Awareness Month
Humorists are Artists Month
International Mirth Month
Irish-American Heritage Month
Listening Awareness Month
Mad for Plaid Month
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March Madness
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MS Awareness Month
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National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Endometriosis Awareness Month
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National Music in Our Schools Month
National Noodle Month
National Nutrition Month
National Optimism Month
National Peanut Month
National Professional Social Worker's Month
National Reading Month
National Sauce Month
National Umbrella Month
National Women's History Month
NZ Book Month
Play the Recorder Month
Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Read an E-Book Month
Red Cross Month
Save Your Vision Month
Sing With Your Child Month
Small Press Month
Social Work Month
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Supply Management Month
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