Read an E-Book Month – March 2025

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As avid book lovers, we’re thrilled to be celebrating Read an E-Book Month this March and every other March coming up. Can you believe that e-books have been with us for nearly 50 years? They’ve gone through many changes and technological advancements, but they have been around for half a century in their most basic form. They have drastically changed the way we read, making books more accessible, easier to transport, and easily digestible. Read on to learn more about this technological advancement.

History of Read an E-Book Month

The 1970s witnessed the completion of an electronic index to Thomas Aquinas’ works prepared by Roberto Busa, S.J.; a journey that started back in 1946. It became known as “The Index Thomisticus,” and is considered by many the first e-book ever made. Initially, it was stored on a single computer, until a distributable CD-ROM version was released in 1989, which became the very first distribution of an electronic book. But that’s not the only discovery element that led to Read an E-Book Month. The idea of dedicating a complete month was preceded by a week, so there was Read an E-Book Week.

Read an E-Book Week, founded by Rita Toews, who is a mother and avid reader, is an annual international celebration of e-books. It brings together e-book retailers, publishers, authors, device makers, and readers looking for new stories to read and enjoy. She was inspired by her own experiences in authoring and assisting other authors she knew with their memoirs and novels. She ultimately approached her local library in 2004 launching the Read an E-book Week.

Read an E-Book Week was the seed implanted that led to the dedication of the whole month of March as Read an E-Book Month. It is now celebrated by both readers and authors around the globe, with many e-book events and sales taking place throughout the month. The sole purpose of this extra special month is to honor the history of e-books and celebrate the efficient purchasing, storing, and reading of these books. In contrast, physical books can cost more, weigh more, and are not as easy to carry around when traveling, especially if you’re a bookworm.

Read an E-Book Month timeline

A New Kind of E-Book

Michael S. Hart creates an electronic document by typing the “Declaration of Independence” into a computer in plain text to make it easy to download and view on different devices.

Books on CDs

Sony launches the Data Discman, an electronic book reader that could read e-books stored on CDs.

Read an E-Book Week

Read an E-Book Week is founded by Rita Toews.

Selling Like Hotcakes

An Amazon sales report indicates that e-book sales for their Kindle outnumber sales of hardcover books.

The GlowLight Plus

Barnes & Noble releases the most prominent e-reader with a 7.8-inch E Ink screen and calls it the GlowLight Plus.

Read an E-Book Month FAQs

Are free e-books safe?

Ensure you purchase from a reputable retailer and only distribute e-books only if the company or author permits it.

Do I own my e-books?

When you buy an e-book from a major retailer, you are not purchasing it but rather licensing it.

Do I need an app to read an e-book?

You don’t need special software to read e-books; simply open them in your web browser. You can also download the entire e-book for offline reading using the free Adobe Digital Editions app (for desktops) or the Ebook Reader app (for mobile devices).

Read an E-Book Month Activities

  1. Buy an e-book reader

    We get it; bookworms like the smell and feel of a brand new or old and aged book in their hands. But think about an all-you-can-read feast of books, stored safely in an electronic device at your fingertips anytime you feel like reading. Sounds exhilarating, right? Give it a try.

  2. Gift a loved one with an e-book

    Many of us have trouble buying gifts for some of our relatives. Why not gift them an e-book or voucher for an online e-book store?

  3. Reread your favorite novel on an e-book reader

    If you’ve already jumped into the e-books realm, why not revisit some old hardcover books from your past? Find your favorite work online and purchase it so you can read it on your device.

5 Facts About E-Books

  1. Libraries are going digital

    The British Library began digitizing its most valuable manuscripts.

  2. You can subscribe to e-book libraries

    The world’s first subscription-based e-book platform was launched in 2011.

  3. E-Book readers almost looked like gameboys

    GemBook was a 1999 concept e-reader that used replaceable memory cards and did not require connecting to another device.

  4. You can fit thousands of books

    A typical school library's entire collection could fit into a single e-reader, which can go up to collections of about 25,000 books.

  5. A leader in the e-book realm

    "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown was the first novel from a major publisher to be released simultaneously in print, ebook, and audiobook formats.

Why We Love Read an E-Book Month

  1. Another platform to encourage reading

    We love how the younger generations can now choose to go digital and read e-books. For once, screen time will actually be beneficial.

  2. E-Books save trees

    Going electronic saves hundreds or even thousands of trees every year that would have been used to make paper for books. Saving the environment sounds like a great reason to use e-books.

  3. You can revisit books without damaging them

    Farewell, torn, and loose pages. Say hello to compact and effortless reading without books getting worn out.

Read an E-Book Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 1 Saturday
2026 March 1 Sunday
2027 March 1 Monday
2028 March 1 Wednesday
2029 March 1 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Festival of Owls Week
Hearing Awareness Week
Iditarod Race
International Women’s Week
National Aplastic Anemia & MDS Awareness Week
National Ghostwriters Week
National Invest in Veterans Week
National Will Eisner Week
National Write a Letter of Appreciation Week
Universal Human Beings Week
Universal Human Beings Week
Asiatic Fleet Memorial Day
Baba Marta
Baby Sleep Day
Earth God's Birthday
Endometriosis Awareness Day
Independence Movement Day
International Ideas Month
International Martisor
International Women of Color Day
National Black Women in Jazz and the Arts Day
National Dadgum That's Good Day
National Fruit Compote Day
National Horse Protection Day
National Hotel Slipper Day
National March First Day
National Minnesota Day
National Peanut Butter Lover's Day
National Pig Day
National Sage Day
National Texas Stress Day
National Wedding Planning Day
National Welsh Corgi Day
Peace Corps Day
Plan a Solo Vacation Day
Public Risk Management Awareness Day
Ramadan Begins
Refired Not Retired Day
Self-Injury Awareness Day
Share a Smile Day
St. David's Day
Tsagaan Sar
World Civil Defense Day
World Compliment Day
World Seagrass Day
Zero Discrimination Day
Academy Awards Month
Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month
Adopt a Rescued Guinea Pig Month
Alport Syndrome Awareness Month
American Red Cross Month
Berries and Cherries Month
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month
Brain Injury Awareness Month
Brain Injury Awareness Month
Colic Awareness Month
Color Therapy Month
Colorectal Cancer Education and Awareness Month
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Awareness Month
Dolphin Awareness Month
Employee Spirit Month
Endometriosis Month
Essential Tremor Awareness Month
Exotic Winter Fruit & Leeks and Green Onions Month
Expanding Girls' Horizons in Science and Engineering Month
Eye Donor Awareness Month
Frozen Food Month
Gardening, Nature and Ecology Books Month
Gender Equality Month
Greek-American Heritage Month
Honor Society Awareness Month
Humorists are Artists Month
International Mirth Month
Irish-American Heritage Month
Listening Awareness Month
Mad for Plaid Month
Malignant Hyperthermia Awareness and Training Month
March Madness
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal
Mental Retardation Awareness Month
Middle Level Education Month
MS Awareness Month
National Athletic Training Month
National Bed Month (U.K.)
National Breast Implant Awareness Month
National Caffeine Awareness Month
National Celery Month
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month
National Cheerleading Safety Month
National Clean up Your IRS Act Month
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
National Craft Month
National Credit Education Month
National Crochet Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
National Endometriosis Awareness Month
National Ethics Awareness Month
National Flour Month
National Kidney Month
National March Into Literacy Month
National Music in Our Schools Month
National Noodle Month
National Nutrition Month
National Optimism Month
National Peanut Month
National Professional Social Worker's Month
National Reading Month
National Sauce Month
National Umbrella Month
National Women's History Month
NZ Book Month
Play the Recorder Month
Poison Prevention Awareness Month
Read an E-Book Month
Red Cross Month
Save Your Vision Month
Sing With Your Child Month
Small Press Month
Social Work Month
Spiritual Wellness Month
Supply Management Month
The Great Daffodil Appeal
Trisomy Awareness Month
Trisomy Awareness Month
Vascular Anomalies Awareness Month
Veggie Month
Women’s Month (Philippines)
Workplace Eye Wellness Month
Workplace Eye Wellness Month
Youth Art Month

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