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What is March 27th?

We have 13 holidays listed for March 27.

March 27th is the 86th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the establishment of a permanent navy by the United States Government and the signing of a peace accord between the Philippines signs and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. Famous March 27th birthdays include Quentin Tarantino, Elizabeth Mitchell, Fergie, Jessie J, and Brenda Song. March 27th also marks National Spanish Paella Day.

Celebrate Exchange Day

Join us on Celebrate Exchange Day as we honor dedicated souls for their service.


International Whiskey Day

Today is the perfect time for whiskey connoisseurs to unwind with a fine bottle.


Major League Baseball Opening Day

Every year thousands of people call in sick so they can be in the seats when the first pitch is thrown.


Myanmar Armed Forces Day

It is a prominent national holiday in Myanmar, known as Armed Forces Day.


National Acoustic Soul Day

Get your guitar and headphones ready to celebrate this day full of music.


National Joe Day

If your name is Joe then today is your second birthday.


National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day

We recognize all Medical Science Liaisons from all over the world on this day.


National Viagra Day

Viagra made an impact on the pharmaceutical industry as well as the public’s consciousness.


Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day

A day to appreciate some country music songs with imaginative titles that make you smile.


Scribble Day

Today is all about celebrating the creativity and the art associated with scribbling.


World Theatre Day

A perfect day to celebrate art through music, dance, drama, and enchanting live stage performances!