We have 16 holidays listed for March 9.
Amerigo Vespucci Day
Let’s toast to the eternal peace of the great Italian mariner from the Age of Discovery!
Bang Clang Day
Find out more about the historic civil war battle that put wooden ships out of business.
Check Your Batteries Day
Check Your Batteries Day raises awareness about testing your batteries to ensure they are working properly.
Daylight Savings
This way of looking at the time maximizes natural light and saves electricity.
Joe Franklin Day
Celebrate the life of Joe Franklin, the ‘King of Entertainment’ and the pioneer of talk shows.
National American Paddlefish Day
National American Paddlefish Day is an effort to save the existing paddlefish population.
National Crab Meat Day
Grab your forks and dig into the most delicious crab meat while learning about the day.
National Dishwasher Day
The dishwasher that we use today was the brainchild of a rich woman.
National False Teeth Day
Let's show our teeth the love and care they deserve this False Teeth Day!
National Get Over It Day
Let’s get over what’s weighing us down, and leave the past in the past.
National Heroes and Benefactors Day
National Heroes and Benefactors Day celebrates the contribution of Baron Bliss and other benefactors.
National Meatball Day
Meatballs are a gift from the heavens and every culture seems to have their own version!
National Shane Day
Let’s enjoy this day and celebrate Shane’s contributions to the world on National Shane Day!
World Kidney Day
Let's start taking better care of our kidneys right now before it’s too late!