
National Rose Month – June 2025

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National Rose Month is celebrated each year in the month of June. It’s the ideal month to celebrate them as they’re in full bloom during this season. Roses have long held a special place in everyone’s hearts and hold a prominent place in history as well. They have been used to show affection towards another person or as symbols in wars, weddings, etc. In the United States, the rose is a state flower of five states. This beautiful flower has surely earned its place in everyone’s minds and hearts.

History of National Rose Month

National Rose Month is celebrated annually to recognize its beauty, popularity, and symbolism. This flower comes in over 300 species as well as different sizes and colors across the globe. The rose has evolved over millions of years. Most species of roses are native to Asia, with the other species originating from Europe, North America, and northwestern Africa. The first rose in America is believed to have been found in modern-day Colorado around 50 million years ago. As for the more common garden roses found today, they date back to 18th century China.

It was at the beginning of the 20th century that a part of the White House property, which was used for stables, was transformed into a rose garden, although it houses more than just roses. Pursuant to efforts to pass a bill to designate the rose a national flower, National Rose Month was first observed in 1959. It was only around three decades later that President Ronald Reagan officially made the rose the national flower of the United States of America.

The rose has been used for a variety of purposes. It has served as an inspiration for poets and artists across the globe, owing to its exquisite beauty and fragrance. It is also widely used as an ornamental garden indoor or outdoor plant, as well as for decoration, food, medicinal purposes, or even in aromatherapy and commercial perfumery.

National Rose Month allows us to fully appreciate and celebrate the versatility of this important flower.

National Rose Month timeline

Hybrid Tea Rose

The hybrid tea rose makes its debut.

White House Rose Garden

First Lady Ellen Wilson starts the Rose Garden at the White House.

Rose Queen

Arlene Hennessey of Bayonne, New Jersey is crowned the Rose Queen in honor of National Rose Month.

National Flower of the U.S.

The rose becomes the official national flower of the U.S.

National Rose Month FAQs

The rose is symbolic

Reportedly the world’s largest single rose bush lives in Tombstone, Arizona at the Rose Tree Museum, 4th and Toughnut. Commonly called the Lady Banks, the “lady banksiae” a white rose, came from Scotland in 1885. It covers over 8000 square feet,” according to Southern Arizona Guide. 

Which country has a rose as the national flower?

The rose is the national flower of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Maldives.

What country is famous for roses?

Bulgaria has been related to the rose plant for centuries and today it’s one of the biggest rose oil producers in the world. 

How To Celebrate National Rose Month

  1. Plant a rose

    The garden rose can make a great addition to your existing plant collection or can be a good start to creating your own garden. You can plant a rose and take care of it to eventually see it bloom into a beautiful flower.

  2. Visit a rose garden

    Spend National Rose Month by visiting a rose garden and soaking in the beauty that roses have to offer. Admire the wide variety of roses in the garden and learn a little about the flowers.

  3. Gift a rose

    The rose is considered a symbol of love and it can be any type of love, between a couple, between a parent and child, or just friends. Show some love to your near and dear ones today and express your gratitude to them by gifting them a bouquet of roses.

5 Facts About Roses That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Largest rosebush

    The world’s largest rosebush spreading over an arbor covering over 9,000 square feet can be found in Tombstone, Arizona.

  2. Tallest rose

    The tallest recorded rose stands at over 23 feet (7 meters) tall.

  3. Rose fruit

    The rose flower also grows into a fruit called rosehip, which comes in the shape of a berry and is mostly red in color.

  4. Tiny roses

    The buds of the tiniest roses measure the same size as a grain of rice.

  5. No black rose

    There are numerous colors of roses, however, there is no black rose — it’s actually a deep red and crimson rose.

Why We Love National Rose Month

  1. The rose is full of fragrance

    The rose can captivate anyone with its scent. The different colors of roses possess different scents. The pink and red roses come closest to the true rose scent, the white and yellow roses possess an aroma like violets or lemon, and the orange roses tend to smell like fruits. Roses are used in aromatherapy and perfume scents.

  2. The rose has medicinal values

    The rose is more than just a pretty flower and is packed with medicinal properties. The petals contain polyphenols and antioxidants that help to protect the body from cell damage. Moreover, the polyphenols in rose tea aid in reducing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cognitive diseases.

  3. The rose is symbolic

    The rose is the masterpiece of all flowers. It is widely used as a symbol for expressing love, poetry, art, and much more. The unique versatility of the rose merits a month-long celebration in honor of the flower.

National Rose Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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