Infertility Awareness Month – June 2025

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Infertility Awareness Month is celebrated every June to increase awareness regarding numerous infertility issues faced by couples across the globe. This includes problems related to female as well as male fertility. During this month, several myths regarding infertility are debunked and a lot of options are brought forward to those who may want to conceive. The purpose of the month? To improve the lives of millions of people who fail to conceive due to lack of scientific knowledge. Yes, some causes of infertility can be overcome! All you need is a good doctor, a supportive family, and an open mind.

History of Infertility Awareness Month

Infertility is a term used for couples who can’t conceive, as well as women who are unable to stay pregnant and often miscarry. While infertility can be tough on those experiencing it, a solution cannot be provided till awareness regarding the cause is spread. In fact, infertility is so common that the World Health Organization has recognized it as a public health issue for couples across the globe.

Based on a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over one million couples in the U.S. who are unable to get pregnant even after a year of trying. It is also recommended that couples over the age of 35 consult a doctor during a delay in pregnancy. This is why World Infertility Awareness Month was created — so people begin to understand the medical condition and find treatments that may help cure underlying fertility issues.

The common problems that cause infertility in women include polycystic ovary syndrome, which is found in a high percentage of women nowadays. The syndrome has several stages and is often curable through medication and treatment. Other issues faced by women include a diminished ovarian reserve, where the eggs in a woman reduce with each menstrual cycle, and endometriosis, a condition where the growth of the tissue inside the uterus is moved outside. It’s due to these problems that 85,000 women undergo IVF treatments on a yearly basis. Since fertility issues are not a rarity, it is recommended to utilize this month to visit a doctor and spot a fertility problem before it escalates.

Infertility Awareness Month timeline

1900 B.C.
A Gift from the Gods

Egyptians pray to Sekhmet, the goddess of healing, to conceive.

130–200 A.D.
Moon Walk

The roman physician Galen believes the phases of the moon affect the feminine cycle.

The Beginning

Doctors begin to freeze sperm for fertility purposes.

Boss Baby

The first IVF baby is born in the U.S.

Infertility Awareness Month FAQs

What is the color for infertility?

Orange is the symbolic color of infertility and can be worn to support friends in the infertility community.

Is there a ribbon for infertility?

Yes. Ribbons in colors such as blue and pink represent infertility.

Can infertility be cured?

While some infertility-related issues have no cure, there are numerous infertility causes that can be corrected with a few visits to the doctor. 

How to Celebrate Infertility Awareness Month

  1. Visit a doctor

    If you have been trying to conceive, the best way to celebrate the month is by visiting a doctor with your partner. The visit can only help you get pregnant faster.

  2. Help a friend

    Do you have a friend who has been trying to get pregnant but is unable to? Use this month as an excuse to schedule a visit to a doctor for her.

  3. Spread awareness

    Spread awareness regarding infertility issues by posting articles on social media and encouraging people to see a doctor instead of losing hope.

5 Facts You Need To Know About Infertility

  1. IVF treatments

    Over 85,000 women opt for IVF.

  2. The age factor

    One-third of women over 35 have issues getting pregnant.

  3. Your weight decides it

    Being overweight or underweight can affect levels of fertility.

  4. Pregnancy troubles in the U.S.

    10% of women under 44 face infertility issues.

  5. Infertility in males

    This is caused by low levels of sperm or abnormal movement of sperm.

Why Infertility Awareness Month is Important

  1. It increases awareness regarding infertility issues

    Many couples don’t even know they are infertile, hence this month serves the purpose of alerting them of issues that may arise and how they can prepare themselves beforehand.

  2. The month introduces solutions to couples

    A lot of couples keep trying to conceive for months before they realize there might be an issue. However, instead of solely focusing on the problems, the month also provides solutions couples can opt for.

  3. It gives hope to many

    The month reveals that many people are facing similar infertility issues and a solution can be attained if the couples don’t give up and continue to try out various options.

Infertility Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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