Pentecost Monday, also known as White Monday, is observed approximately seven weeks after Easter and will be marked on June 9 this year. This Orthodox celebration is primarily spent as a feast in honor of the Holy Spirit, hymns are sung in churches, and the day is observed as a holiday in various countries. This celebration is now gaining traction, especially with the growing number of Orthodox Christians, North America, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Middle East now have significant Orthodox Christian populations.
History of Orthodox Pentecost Monday
Pentecost Monday, also known as White Monday in the Orthodox Church, is a significant Christian feast. Pentecost, along with Easter, is one of Orthodox Christianity’s most important feasts. In honor of the Holy Spirit, it is celebrated approximately 50 days after Easter. The general belief in Orthodox Christianity is that they are the traditional followers of Jesus because their patriarchs and bishops are direct descendants of Christ’s Apostles, and thus they are true Christians.
This Church claims that because it was founded by Christ, it adheres to the true spirit of Christianity as preached by Christ. With approximately 220 million followers, it is the world’s second-largest church; primarily followed in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Orthodox Pentecost is a major Christian tradition that follows a grand feast in honor of the Holy Spirit, who descended to Earth on God’s orders to assist Christ, just as Christ had promised to his followers.
Families gather, cherish the good times, and enjoy the feast as Orthodox Christians celebrate this day with a grand feast. The feast is usually preceded by a sermon in the church, followed by the singing of classical hymns to honor the Holy Spirit, and finally the feast itself. Indeed, Pentecost is observed by Christians all over the world who come together to show that the words of Jesus did come true in His promise of the Holy Spirit.
Orthodox Pentecost Monday timeline
The Orthodox Church's founders break away from the Holy Roman Church and established their own church.
The Church breaks its ties with the Roman Catholic Church and established its own calendar.
In many European countries, what was once a holiday is now a working day to raise funds for the elderly during the summer heat wave.
White Monday is designated by Pope Francis as a day to commemorate Mary, Mother of the Church.
Orthodox Pentecost Monday FAQs
What is the Pentecost?
Pentecost is a feast in honor of the Holy Spirit. It comes on the 50th day after Easter.
Why is Pentecost called “the Pentecost”
The word “Pentecost” comes from the Greek word “Pentekoste,” which means “fiftieth.” Pentecost is the name given to the feast because it is celebrated 50 days after Easter.
What is the dish to make on this day
Lamb stew has always been a traditional dish, but that does not mean it has to be cooked. Enjoy the festival any way you want.
Orthodox Pentecost Monday Activities
Attend a mass
It is not necessary to be Orthodox to observe the day. Attend the holy mass at a church today, as every church will be speaking about the Holy Spirit and Christ's promise.
Get Baptized
Baptism is not only done at birth; it can also be done later in life. Get baptized by a holy man after a confession to wash away the sins.
Prepare a Feast
Pentecost is a feast, so fill your table with all of the delectable foods and decorations. Remember to invite your family and friends to the feast.
5 Interesting Facts About Orthodox Pentecost Monday
It is an adopted feast
Pentecost is an adopted festival from the Jewish harvest festival known as Shavuot.
It is key in Christianity
Many orthodox Christians believe that Pentecost marks the beginning of Christianity.
It has Biblical records
Pentecost is discussed in depth in Acts 2:1-13, which also explains the arrival of the Holy Spirit.
It is celebrated by the Jews
Pentecost is also celebrated by Jews, but theirs has a different origin story.
There’s a specific meal eaten then
Lamb stew is the typical Pentecost dish.
Why We Love Orthodox Pentecost Monday
It rekindles the faith
Attending mass and being in the company of men of faith always renews believers' faith. Pentecost is unique among religious feasts because it is both a feast and a fulfillment of Christ's promise to his Apostles.
It is a feast
Who doesn't enjoy a good meal? Everyone does, and it's especially lovely when the whole family gets together to celebrate. Food on the table, time spent with family and friends, giving thanks to God, and appreciating the blessings are all things to be grateful for.
It signifies the birth of Christianity
The arrival of the Holy Spirit after Jesus' crucifixion, according to the Orthodox Church, confirmed their faith. This was the cornerstone upon which Christianity was built.
Orthodox Pentecost Monday dates
Year | Date | Day |
2022 | June 13 | Monday |
2023 | June 5 | Monday |
2024 | June 24 | Monday |
2025 | June 9 | Monday |
2026 | June 1 | Monday |