
Volunteers' Week – June 1-7, 2025

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Volunteers’ Week is celebrated from June 1 to 7 as an annual celebration of the millions of people who volunteer throughout the U.K. Small charities and larger, well-known organizations alike support and celebrate Volunteers’ Week, which brings together hundreds of activities taking place across the U.K. It’s natural for people to feel happy after helping someone. Volunteering might help you develop new skills and experiences while also boosting your confidence. These programs highlight and honor volunteers and the positive impact they have on our communities.

History of Volunteers' Week

Every year, between June 1 and 7, Volunteers’ Week is celebrated. It is a week in which the U.K. honors volunteers and expresses gratitude for their contributions. The event was first organized by Volunteering England in 1984 and is now handled by NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations). Volunteers’ Week has grown significantly each year, with numerous special events and volunteer projects planned throughout the week. The manifestation of civic life has developed today as people attempt to live lives that represent their values. Doing good has many forms, and we acknowledge and celebrate them all, whether it’s online, at the office, or at the local food bank, with a vote, a voice, or a wallet.

The week also spreads awareness about the advantages of volunteering and the many volunteer opportunities available. Volunteering has a positive effect on people’s lives, helps people obtain new skills, and raises self-esteem in addition to helping others. In the U.K., numerous voluntary organizations rely on volunteers. Every Volunteers’ Week has a new focus to assist organizations in reflecting on how they may successfully expand volunteer opportunities to all and diversify their volunteer population and trustees.

Volunteers’ Week 2022 is a time to express thanks. Volunteers have played a critical part in the pandemic response. During the particularly trying couple of years, people from all backgrounds across the U.K. have volunteered and made a significant difference in their communities, as they do every year.

Volunteers' Week timeline

Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
The Beginning

Volunteering has a long history in the U.K., dating back to medieval times when it was encouraged to help the poor and sick.

The Origin of the term “To Volunteer”

The term 'to volunteer' is derived from the French ‘volontaire’ and was allegedly first used in 1755 to mean 'offering oneself for military duty.'

The Peace Corps

The prime example of a global volunteer, the Peace Corps, was formed after the end of WWII.

The Volunteers’ Week 2022

After the pandemic, the theme of this year’s Volunteers’ Week is to say thanks.

Volunteers' Week FAQs

What is volunteer appreciation?

It is about showing volunteers that you see their efforts and you care about them. It is a form of motivation that organizations engage in to honor their volunteers.

When did volunteering start?

In the U.S. it can be traced back to the revolutionary war as people stepped in to support war efforts. In the U.K. it goes back to medieval times when the church took care of the poor and sick and even established voluntary hospitals.

Has there been a change in volunteer trends?

Yes, in the U.S. more older citizens are volunteering than before. It has been noted that between 1974 and 2005, the number of older people volunteering grew by 64%.

Volunteers' Week Activities

  1. Find a volunteering opportunity

    A large number of volunteering opportunities are waiting for the right person to step up. Begin from where you are, whenever you have the opportunity, and put your enthusiasm into action.

  2. Build your own Volunteer Program

    Arrange for some volunteer activities and encourage the people around you to take part. Ask different institutions that might need help or look for people and communities that need assistance of any sort.

  3. Donate to a Volunteer Center

    Volunteer centers and campaigns need not only human resources but also monetary assistance. Donate to such campaigns and play your part.

5 Interesting Facts About Volunteering

  1. It's in all of us

    Most individuals have officially volunteered at a certain point in life, with involvement varying over time.

  2. The pandemic had its effect

    During the pandemic, volunteer patterns shifted dramatically with almost one-fifth (17%) of the population, or 9.2 million people, saying they volunteer at least once a month.

  3. The low-key type of volunteering

    Informal volunteering, which involves unpaid assistance for anyone who is not a relative, is less conspicuous.

  4. Most people volunteer once a year

    In 2020-21, 54% of the population (29.4 million) volunteered unofficially at least once a year, with 33% (17.9 million) volunteering at least once a month.

  5. Some volunteer in groups

    In the 2020-21 year, 16.3 million people volunteered as part of a group, club, or organization.

Why We Love Volunteers' Week

  1. It's a chance to be better together

    Volunteering brings people together, strengthens communities, and improves society for all. Volunteers' Week is an opportunity for all of us to recognize and thank volunteers for their invaluable contributions.

  2. It's an opportunity to recognize the impact

    Volunteers’ Week is a chance to honor the effect of volunteering and the potential of volunteers to address society's most pressing issues and alter the world. Every year, we recognize and reward volunteers who give their time, skills, and influence to create a difference in society.

  3. It's a time to express our gratitude

    Volunteers' Week serves as a reminder to all of us to appreciate the millions of volunteers who give their time to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors and friends. A big thank you goes to everyone who contributes to making our communities a better place to live, from trustees to fundraisers, and mentors to befrienders.

Volunteers' Week dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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