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National Safety Month – June 2025

National Safety Month is celebrated in June when people focus on how they can keep their environment safe and free from any danger. It is a time to reflect on the working conditions around the country and how we can create a safer environment for those who work hard for honest pay. By learning about safety methods, we can increase pressure on employers to offer a safer working environment to their employees.

History of National Safety Month

The National Safety Council is the founder of National Safety Month. It declared June as National Safety Month in 1996. The council aims to spread awareness of safety hazards and unintentional injuries for industrial workers of the United States.

Historian Arnold Toynbee used the term ‘Industrial Revolution’ for the first time during the late 18th century. He created awareness of the safety of workers who worked in coal mines and the textile industry. During that period, workers were not given enough space to work safely and were often given hot and dangerous equipment to work with.

Moreover, workers were required to work over 10 hours for minimum wages. In 1877, the Massachusetts Factory Act was passed. Within 13 years, other states in the U.S. issued similar laws to improve the safety standards for American workers.

Later, in 1913, the National Safety Council in Chicago estimated that more than 20,000 industrial workers die from poor working conditions in the U.S. every year. Soon, Canada passed its first health and safety law under the Factory Act of 1884. The Canadian government, however, only practically implemented its Factory Act when five immigrant workers lost their lives while working underground in Toronto.

Similarly, the U.S. government became more proactive in supporting the rights of industrial workers after the infamous fire incident at the Shirtwaist Factory in 1911 in New York City. A fire broke out in the garment factory and the workers were trapped inside the factory, since all the fire exit doors were locked.

National Safety Month timeline

Early Steps for Mining Safety

The first mining commission is founded in Pennsylvania.

Laws for Better Labor Standards

The Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act is passed to improve industrial labor standards.

First Occupational Safety Law

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) is signed by President Richard Nixon.

The CCOHS Act is Passed

The Canadian Government passes the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act.

National Safety Month FAQs

Is there a National Safety Month?

Ys, June is National Safety Month.

Why is June Safety Month?

The National Safety Council (NSC) declared June as National Safety Month in the United States in 1996.

What is September Safety Month?

September is National Food Safety Education Month.

How To Celebrate National Safety Month

  1. Conduct a home fire drill

    Fire is highly likely. However, taking precautionary measures can prevent severe damage. And what better time than National Safety Month to practice a fire drill. Select a safety point that's close to your house. Test your fire alarms and perform the drill.

  2. Update your first-aid kit

    Keeping an updated professional first aid kit is a simple yet effective way to keep yourself prepared for unforeseen emergencies. Make sure to stock it with dressings, bandages, tape, ointments, wipes, aspirin, gloves, scissors, and gauze pads. Make sure to check the first-aid kit regularly and remove ointments and medications that have reached their expiration dates.

  3. Practice self-defense

    It’s always good to be mentally and physically prepared to face any unforeseen harm or danger. The best part about self-defense is that anyone can learn it. Anyone who needs to improve their strength and agility can practice different techniques like karate, boxing, and jiu-jitsu.

5 Facts About Industries That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. The world's first assembly line factory

    Henry Ford founded the world's first assembly line factory, which manufactured cheaper cars in less time.

  2. Child labor was common in the U.S.

    Nearly 150 years ago, children worked in factories until laws against child labor were created.

  3. Gold mining is hard

    More than 80% of the world’s gold is undiscovered and lies deep under the Earth’s surface.

  4. Early factories were located near rivers

    Before electricity was discovered, water was the main energy source of factories.

  5. Petroleum is in a lot of things

    Petroleum is found in over 5,000 everyday items including crayons and DVDs.

Why National Safety Month is Important

  1. It focuses on all aspects of employee health and safety

    Instead of focusing on a single workplace hazard, the National Safety Council selects four different types of health and safety issues each year and dedicates one week to each issue such as emergency preparedness, wellness, falls, and driving.

  2. It gives us insights into the history of industrial safety

    National Safety Month gives us valuable information and statistics about industrial safety standards in the U.S. and Canada. It offers a detailed timeline of the development of labor laws in different industries.

  3. It offers safety tips for everyday life

    National Safety Month teaches us to be proactive when it comes to anticipating potential disasters. This is something that you can implement at your workplace and home to make it safer for you and your loved ones.

National Safety Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Bed Bug Awareness Week
Bed Bug Awareness Week
Community Health Improvement Week
Community Health Improvement Week
End Mountain Top Removal Week
National Business Etiquette Week
National Business Etiquette Week
National CPR and AED Awareness Week
National Garden Week
National Headache Awareness Week
National Headache Awareness Week
Step Parents Week
Volunteers' Week
Dare Day
Don't Give up the Ship Day
Erev Shavuot
Flip A Coin Day
Global Day of Parents
Intergenerational Day
International Children's Day
Madaraka Day
National Barefoot Day
National Billboard Day
National Cancer Survivors Day
National Hazelnut Cake Day
National Heimlich Maneuver Day
National Nail Polish Day
National Olive Day
National Pen Pal Day
National Skincare Education Day
New Year's Resolution Recommitment Day
Oscar the Grouch Day
Samoa Independence Day
Say Something Nice Day
Stand For Children Day
Statehood Day in Kentucky
Statehood Day in Tennessee
Wear a Dress Day
World Milk Day
World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day
World Outlander Day
World Reef Awareness Day
African American Appreciation Month
Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month
Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Awareness Month
Aphasia Awareness Month
Audiobook Month
Beautiful in Your Skin Month
Black Lives Matter Month
Black Music Month
Cancer from the Sun Month
Caribbean-American Heritage Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Celibacy Awareness Month
Child Vision Awareness Month
Children's Awareness Month
CMV Awareness Month
Cucumber Month
Effective Communications Month
Entrepreneurs "Do it Yourself" Marketing Month
Fight the Filthy Fly Month
Fireworks Eye Safety Month
Fireworks Safety Month
Georgia Blueberry Month
Great Outdoors Month
Infertility Awareness Month
International Surf Music Month
Lane Courtesy Month
Mango Month
Men's Health Month
Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month
National Accordion Awareness Month
National Adopt A Cat Month
National Camping Month
National Candy Month
National Country Cooking Month
National Dairy Month
National DJ Month
National Foster a Pet Month
National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
National Frozen Yogurt Month
National Give a Bunch of Balloons Month
National Homeownership Month
National Iced Tea Month
National Lemon Month
National Microchipping Month
National Migraine and Headache Awareness Month
National Oceans Month
National Osteoporosis Month
National Pet Preparedness Month
National Pollinator Month
National PTSD Awareness Month
National Rivers Month
National Rose Month
National Safety Month
National Scoliosis Awareness Month
National Soul Food Month
National Steakhouse Month
National Zoo and Aquarium Month
Oral Health Month
Perennial Gardening Month
Pharmacists Declare War on Alcoholism Month
Pluot & Aprium Month
Potty Training Awareness Month
Pride Month
Pride Month
Professional Wellness Month
Rebuild Your Life Month
Scleroderma Awareness Month
Skyscraper Month
Social Petworking Month
Sports America Kids Month
Turkey Lovers Month
Vision Research Month
We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty
Women’s Golf Month

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