SunJun 1

International Children's Day – June 1, 2025

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International Children’s Day is celebrated annually on June 1 in different parts of the world as an initiative for children’s well-being and rights. This day is celebrated as part of a greater cause that revolves around ending child abuse, ending the deprivation of children of their rights, and making efforts to improve the lives of children all around the world. Not to be confused with Universal Children’s Day, which is celebrated in November, International Children’s Day is almost identical to its counterpart, the only difference being that it is celebrated in June. The more the merrier!

History of International Children's Day

Children’s Day or International Children’s Day is a commemorative day in honor of children worldwide. Celebrated as part of the 1925 Proclamation in Geneva at the World Conference on Child Welfare, the day is observed on different dates in different parts of the world. Some countries celebrate it in June, some in November, but the aim of the day has always been the same.

Since the Industrial Revolution, and the World Wars that followed, it was observed that children had been severely abused, oppressed, and deprived of basic human rights. Being weak and timid, they could easily be forced into oppression and unjust, unethical, and immoral activities. They were exploited and manipulated. Millions of them were found to be malnourished. All these discoveries were highlighted during the Geneva Conference and so the world leaders decided to protect children worldwide.

In the developed countries of the time, immediate action was taken to improve the conditions for children, while in the developing countries, funds were made and donations were given by donor agencies for the social development of people and children in these places. Various campaigns were organized, and social calls were made for volunteers to arrive and help in the development.

Among these activities, the main areas which were given the utmost importance were child education, nourishment, anti-human-trafficking activities, as well as stopping child labor. All these initiatives combined, and a day dedicated to spreading awareness on child protection and children’s rights was warranted and so, International Children’s Day has been celebrated and sponsored globally.

International Children's Day timeline

Rose Day

Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard holds a special service for the children in the church that becomes an annual practice.

National Holiday

The Republic of Turkey announces a national holiday on April 23 to celebrate Children’s Day.

International Day for Protection of Children

Women’s International Democratic Federation meets in Russia and announces it to be the first International Day for Protection of Children.

Declaration at the U.N. General Assembly

The Declaration of the Rights of the Child is passed in the U.N. General Assembly.

International Children's Day FAQs

Why is there no one single day for Children’s Day?

Different countries adopted the Geneva Resolution and the Declarations at the U.N. differently. Because of differences in styles of adoption, there are different dates when Children’s Day is celebrated.

How can I contribute?

Visit different websites of the social works organizations in the world and sign up for their volunteer program. Either do this, or you may be interested in donating to one of these organizations that are already working in this domain.

Which country celebrates Children’s Day on June 1?

It is celebrated on June 1 in countries such as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, as well as other former or current communist states.

How to Observe International Children's Day

  1. Donate to a fund

    You can donate to a fund made for the children who are deprived of necessities. These funds will help create better facilities for them.

  2. Volunteer for a cause

    Many organizations are working for the betterment of children worldwide and are looking for volunteers. Such volunteerism is greatly valued and appreciated and will certainly make you feel proud.

  3. Sponsor a child

    Donations work for the general public, but a dedicated sponsorship for a child can be a great option. This will ensure fully sustained growth of the child for life.

5 Facts About The Child Population

  1. 140 million children are born a year

    Estimates tell us that around 140 million children are born annually.

  2. Five Children die every day

    Alarmingly, five children die every day due to child abuse.

  3. One in every ten children

    One child in every ten is involved in child labor because of poor economic conditions.

  4. Stunted growth

    155 million children worldwide are victims of stunted growth because of malnutrition.

  5. Africa is the most vulnerable of all

    Among the indexes of all the continents, Africa has the worst index in terms of child development and vulnerability.

Why International Children's Day is Important

  1. Children are our future

    Children are the seeds for our future. The better the nourishment, the healthier the plant. The more we invest in them, the greater our future will be.

  2. It’s a great initiative

    The initiatives taken today are a guarantee that we are going in the right direction and our continued efforts will improve the lives of our children. It reminds us that every child in this world deserves the best life.

  3. A whole day is dedicated to children

    When we have days like Valentine’s Day and Cucumber Day, which technically have no significance, we can have a day for the children. This day must result in a better life for them.

International Children's Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
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