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What is June 28th?

We have 16 holidays listed for June 28.

June 28th is the 179th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, Mercedes-Benz is formed by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz merging their two companies and Mike Tyson is disqualified in the third round for biting a piece off Evander Holyfield's ear. Famous birthdays include, Elon Musk, John Cusack, and Kevin De Bruyne. Today is National Nude Day and National Insurance Awareness Day.

National Tapioca Day

We’re bubbling with excitement to tell you about this less popular - though no less delicious - carb.


Christopher Street Day

Wear your rainbow t-shirt, step onto the street, and march to celebrate the pride of love.


Constitution Day (Ukraine)

Let’s unite together to learn about the history and customs on Constitution Day (Ukraine)!


Family Day in Vietnam

Let’s rejoice together and enhance our capacity for the true joy that family brings!


Midsummer Day

It’s not every night you get to see the Midnight Sun!


National Climate-Smart Skin Awareness Day

They say that beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle. So, let’s take care of it!


National Insurance Awareness Day

Insurance is one of those things we forget about until we need it.


National Logistics Day

Be amazed at how the logistics industry works round the clock to keep the economy running.


National Pride Prom Day

Dance with pride as we celebrate diversity, inclusion, and acceptance.


Paul Bunyan Day

Revisit the Paul Bunyan craze with our fun and folklore filled-article.


St. Vitus Day

Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church commemorates the martyrs of the 1389 Battle of Kosovo.


Stonewall Riots Anniversary

Appreciate the efforts of all Stonewall heroes by celebrating this iconic day.


Summersgiving Day

We honor and celebrate life, love, and friendship, during this heartwarming national holiday.


Tau Day

Tau is considered more accurate than pi, despite pi’s popularity.