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National Country Cooking Month – June 2025

Hearty, warm, welcoming, and a bit of spice — country cooking brings out the best in food and a broad smile to those sharing it. This June, celebrate National Country Cooking Month and enjoy traditional southern comfort foods that conjure up memories of past cookouts.From grandpa’s gumbo and grits, to mom’s biscuits and gravy, to your own modern twist on a peach cobbler — savor the flavor with delicious country recipes while watching the summer sunset.

National Country Cooking Month timeline

Grits became a state food

​Georgia designated grits as the state's official prepared food.

Origins of chicken-fried steak

​The Oxford English Dictionary's earliest mention of the term "chicken-fried steak" came from a restaurant advertisement in the Colorado Springs Gazette newspaper.

The term "cobbler's" first mentioned

It may be related to the archaic word "cobeler," meaning “wooden bowl."

​Gumbo means more than a food dish

​Gumbo is often used as a metaphor for the mix of cultures that exist in southern Louisiana, including people of French, Spanish, and African descent. Living together within a fairly small area fostered an environment that created new traditions and cuisine.

National Country Cooking Month Activities

  1. Make it personal

    Put your own spin on traditional recipes. Get your favorite country cooking or heirloom recipe — and update it with your personal cooking methods for new and exciting tastes.

  2. Make a recipe book

    Write favorite recipes down and make a small booklet just for yourself. At your next gathering, see what new recipes you “accidentally” created.

  3. Host a cookout outdoors

    Break out the grill, smoker, or just cook over an open fire. Step outside and add your own delectable aromas to nature’s already sweet smells.

​5 Facts That Will Get You Cooking Country Style

  1. ​Gumbo has versatile origins

    ​Gumbo is usually called a Cajun dish, but there are both Cajun and Creole varieties. Cajun refers to a group of people of French descent who migrated to Louisiana in the 18th century. Creole can refer to both people of mixed descent and those of French or Spanish descent born in the New World.

  2. ​Cornbread is older than our country

    ​Native Americans were using ground maize as a dietary staple for thousands of years before European explorers arrived on the continent. These settlers learned recipes and techniques for cooking with maize from various Native American tribes.

  3. ​Grits have a capital

    ​St. George, South Carolina claims to be the “Grits Capital of the World." The town annually consumes more pounds of grits per capita than anyplace else.

  4. ​Peach cobbler is an American twist on an English dish

    ​Cobblers originated in the American colonies. English settlers were unable to make traditional puddings due to lack of suitable ingredients and cooking equipment, so they covered the filling with a layer of uncooked plain biscuits or dumplings — fitted together.

  5. ​Biscuits and gravy were created due to tough circumstances

    ​This simple meal emerged as a distinct regional dish after the Revolutionary War when stocks of foodstuffs were in short supply.

Why We Love National Country Cooking Month

  1. Country cooking is hearty

    Cornbread. Chicken fried steak. Biscuits and gravy. Country cooking offers wholesome and filling dishes that leave everyone satisfied.

  2. Country cooking is personal

    Though country cooking certainly follows recipes, almost every dish has a personal twist. Country cooking has a habit of being unique to the server, and in this “tradition," you’ll find a pleasant surprise in every meal.

  3. Country cooking loves the outdoors

    Whether it’s barbecuing or just cooking over an open fire, country cooking is an event that embraces the outdoors. Enjoy as you fire up your meals among family and friends.

National Country Cooking Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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National Country Cooking Month
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