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National Lemon Month – June 2025

National Lemon Month, which is celebrated in June every year, is a special period to honor and appreciate one of the most versatile citrus fruits. Did you know that there are hundreds of varieties of lemon in the world? In fact, in the U.S. alone, there are around 200 cultivars or distinct varieties of lemon. So, this Lemon Month of June, join your community in celebrating lemons and the plethora of benefits that come with them. Let’s get into what Lemon Month is all about and why we should celebrate lemons.

History of National Lemon Month

The history of lemons is rather interesting as no one knows for sure where the berry came from, although many historians and scientists suggest north-western India, where they have been cultivated for more than 2,500 years. Arab traders brought the lemons to the Middle East and Africa sometime after 100 A.D. They were introduced into southern Italy around 200 A.D., and later, cultivated in Egypt. After 1150, the crusaders returning from Palestine brought them to the rest of Europe.

However, lemons were not cultivated as food all that time. They were purely ornamental until around the 10th century. The full culinary use of lemon came into effect in Europe in the 1400s. Lemons arrived in the New World in 1493, when Christopher Colombus brought lemon seeds to Hispaniola. The Spanish conquest spread them throughout the New World for ornamental, culinary, and medicinal use.

Lemons were grown in pre-modern California by 1751 and in Florida in the 1800s, for cooking and more sophisticated flavoring. In the U.S., different varieties of lemon are used for diverse purposes including the production of lemon oil, juice, and food. Lemons are also crucial in protecting us from scurvy, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C in the body. In fact, during the California Gold Rush when the miners’ diets were poor, food was scarce, and scurvy was on the rise, more lemon trees were planted in California to prevent the disease. Lemon Month celebrates the lemon harvest period in the U.S.

National Lemon Month timeline

200 A.D.
Lemons Travel to Italy

Voyagers and travelers from India introduce lemons to southern Italy.

Lemons in the Mediterranean

Lemon is widely cultivated in the Mediterranean, gearing up to spread into Europe.

The Word’s First Appearance

The word ‘lemon’ first appears, a derivation of the Middle English word ‘limon.’

Lemons Come to the New World

Christopher Colombus brings lemon seeds to the New World and plants them there.

National Lemon Month FAQs

What are the health benefits of a lemon?

Lemons contain a high amount of vitamin C and plant compounds that aid weight loss. They also reduce the risk of heart disease, anemia, kidney stones, digestive issues, and even cancer.

What are the side effects of lemons?

Skin irritation is the most common side effect of using fruit acids. Since lemons are extremely acidic, they can irritate your skin and cause dryness, redness, and peeling.

Is it good to drink lemon water on an empty stomach?

Yes, drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach every day can keep you hydrated and replenish the lost nutrients in the body. It also helps to remove excess fat.

National Lemon Month Activities

  1. Get creative

    Get creative with a bunch of lemons. Grab some and do something incredible with them. Use them to cook, clean, or make a refreshing drink!

  2. Plant lemon trees

    Plant some lemon seeds in your own garden this month. In a few months, you will enjoy fresh citrus magic right in your backyard.

  3. Share your story

    If you already have a flourishing lemon tree farm, take this month as an opportunity to help fellow farmers with tips to nurture a healthy lemon tree. Share your interesting stories with the world via social media.

5 Interesting Facts About Lemons

  1. One lemon tree; hundreds of lemons

    One lemon tree can produce up to 600 lbs of lemons every year.

  2. You can clean with it

    The high acidity of lemon makes it a good cleaning aid for removing stains.

  3. California is on top

    California and Arizona produce most of the United States’ lemons.

  4. The common lemon types

    The most common types of lemons are Meyer, Eureka, and Lisbon lemons.

  5. They are mandatory in the British Navy

    The British Navy requires all ships to carry enough lemons for every sailor.

Why We Love National Lemon Month

  1. Lemons are all-rounders

    Lemon Month is a much-needed holiday that not only encourages us to plant lemons, but also to be aware of their numerous uses besides the culinary. It is truly versatile.

  2. It spreads positivity

    Lemon Month is a positive holiday that celebrates lemons. It also supports the community of farmers who work hard to grow these fruits and bring them to our kitchen.

  3. Lemons are cool

    Did you know that lemons are actively used in science experiments? When electrodes are attached to them, they can be used as batteries to produce electricity. They can also be used as invisible ink.

National Lemon Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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