
National Scoliosis Awareness Month – June 2025

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Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that affects one’s appearance and posture — thankfully, National Scoliosis Awareness Month in June helps people to learn more about this condition, why it is caused, and how its effects can be reduced. Even though it is not a harmful condition, it makes people extremely conscious about their appearance. Some people even experience pain because of it. However, there are many simple things one can do to treat it.

History of National Scoliosis Awareness Month

The Ancient Greeks are believed to have been the first ones to document scoliosis in 400 B.C. It was considered a spinal deformity and, for many years, people believed it to be an orthopedic disease and, therefore, no one tried to come up with ways to prevent it.

As of now, there is still no effective treatment to cure scoliosis. However, many therapies have been developed over the years to reduce the adverse effects of scoliosis. The literal meaning of ‘scoliosis’ is ‘crookedness,’ and was coined by Galen.

The first brace to cure scoliosis was invented in 650 A.D. Wooden sticks were used to improve the backs of patients with scoliosis. In 1575, a metal brace was created for the first time in France.

The French physician Jules René Guérin became the first person to perform a surgical procedure to minimize the scoliosis curve. This experiment, however, didn’t turn out to be a success.

In 1921, a scoliosis patient named Katharina Schroth came up with an exercise to treat scoliosis. This exercise proved to be effective in reducing the appearance of a curved spine. During the 1950s, American surgeon Paul Harrington designed the Harrington rod to surgically reduce the progression of the curved spine in younger patients.

In the mid-1980s, two French surgeons Cotrel and Dubousset designed a double rod made of steel, which proved to be more effective than the Harrington rod.

National Scoliosis Awareness Month timeline

Vertebral Body Tethering Becomes Popular

Surgeons start using vertebral body tethering for scoliosis surgeries.

The Scoliosis Activity Suit is Used

Case studies are done on people wearing scoliosis activity suits.

The SOSORT Conference

Specific neurotransmitter patterns in idiopathic scoliosis are discussed at the SOSORT Conference.

Research on Functional Genomics for Scoliosis

Genetic variants linked with idiopathic scoliosis are identified.

National Scoliosis Awareness Month FAQs

Is there a National Scoliosis Day?

International Scoliosis Awareness Day is observed on June 26 every year.

What color ribbon is for scoliosis?

Green ribbons are for promoting scoliosis awareness.

What month is National Scoliosis Month?

June is National Scoliosis Month.

How to Observe National Scoliosis Awareness Month

  1. Practice yoga

    There are numerous benefits of yoga and meditation. It is equally beneficial for your mental and physical health. Scoliosis Month is the perfect opportunity to motivate you to practice yoga and correct your posture. The best thing about yoga is that you don't need any fancy equipment to practice it. All you need is a yoga mat and a peaceful environment. Some popular poses that you can try are the shoulder stand as well as the cobra and tiger pose.

  2. Become a volunteer

    National Scoliosis Awareness Month is in June and if you are a medical student and are on a summer break then this is the perfect opportunity to volunteer at associations that work for children with scoliosis. There are several associations for scoliosis that offer special volunteer programs.

  3. Start a fundraiser

    Many scoliosis patients across the globe need braces to prevent getting scoliosis surgery. You can either start a fundraiser or donate to existing organizations that help children with scoliosis who can't afford orthopedic braces.

5 Facts About Posture That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. An ideal posture

    For a good posture, your spine should rest in the most comfortable and strongest position of your body and it doesn't require pulling back your shoulders.

  2. Your posture defines your personality

    Extroverted people are more likely to have a good body posture than those who are shy or introverted.

  3. A perfect posture might hurt your back

    Standing straight for hours can damage your spine — frequent movement helps to keep your spine strong and flexible.

  4. Better posture means better breathing

    A bad posture can make it hard to breathe deeply.

  5. You look more attractive

    When your bones and joints are in proper alignment, your body looks more toned and fit.

Why National Scoliosis Awareness Month is Important

  1. It creates awareness for spinal deformities

    National Scoliosis Awareness Month helps people who suffer from spinal distortions and are not sure where and how to get appropriate treatment to improve the shape of their spine.

  2. It encourages parents to take preventive measures

    Parents of young children and teens who show signs of having a curved back in the future can discover various preventive exercises for scoliosis.

  3. It highlights the significance of having a proper body posture

    Even if you don't suffer from scoliosis, this month is a great time to inspire you to work on your posture and avoid body pain that is often triggered by poor postures.

National Scoliosis Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 1 Monday
2027 June 1 Tuesday
2028 June 1 Thursday
2029 June 1 Friday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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