National Business Etiquette Week

National Business Etiquette Week – June 1-7, 2025

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This year on National Business Etiquette Week, from June 1 to June 7, do all that you can to learn about business etiquette that can help you reach new heights in the professional world. The fact is, though firms mostly operate for profit, they also want to build a positive reputation in their field. This goal is better achieved when they hire employees who bring their A-game to the workplace. This includes people who dress to impress, as well as those who are aware of social etiquette that can be applied to their day-to-day interactions.

History of National Business Etiquette Week

National Business Etiquette Week was founded in 2007 by the Protocol School of Washington. The mission of the organization is to ensure that people utilize their education, communication skills, and knowledge to excel in an office space. The Protocol School of Washington was founded in 1988 and has trained over 5,000 graduates in more than 80 countries. The institute aims to spread information regarding business etiquette and how social networking and manners can lead to opportunities that will change your life. It is this thought process that led to the creation of National Business Etiquette Week.

Yes, you may be surprised to hear this but solely working hard and being good at your job will not get you noticed. No matter how intelligent you are, there is some business etiquette that you must follow in order to be noticed by the ones responsible for your next promotion. Interpersonal and intercultural communications are a must in a professional environment. Business etiquette includes being polite such as saying ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ as well as mastering the perfect professional handshake. Some of the common business etiquette rules that need to be followed by all employees include showing up to work on time, dressing appropriately, and always greeting colleagues with a smile. Most importantly, respect everyone around you and refrain from passing judgment. Following these simple rules can aid you in reaching new heights in your career.

National Business Etiquette Week timeline

2400 B.C.
Ancient Advice

Ptahhotep writes the first book on etiquette, which explains how men can succeed socially

The Royal Way

King Louis XIV introduces etiquette in the French court by handing guests behavioral guidelines.

18th Century
The Class Wars

Etiquette becomes a symbol of status.

The Modern Etiquette

Emily Post publishes a book on etiquette in society and business.

National Business Etiquette Week FAQs

What is meant by business etiquette?

These are a set of rules that decide how people in a business interact.

What are the basics of business etiquette?

Some basic rules include no gossiping, concentrating on your handshake, saying please and thank you and, most importantly, being on time.

What is basic office etiquette?

Always keep your desk clean and ensure no personal items are visible. 

How to Celebrate National Business Etiquette Week

  1. Read up on office etiquette

    There are so many office-related rules that you might not be aware of. To ensure your business etiquette is up to date, read up on the topic.

  2. Share articles on business etiquette

    Be vocal on social media and start sharing articles on business etiquette. This helps in promoting the week since your friends will be intrigued to read up on different forms of business etiquette.

  3. Pitch an idea for a seminar

    Talk to your boss and arrange a seminar regarding office etiquette at your workplace. This is essential since office etiquette must be learned by all those who have high professional goals to achieve.

5 Facts You Need To Know About Business Etiquette

  1. First impressions

    A firm handshake will make you appear smart and confident.

  2. You’ve got mail

    Replying to emails late is considered bad etiquette by bosses.

  3. In the cards

    People from Asian countries feel strongly about the importance of business cards.

  4. Bad habits

    Texting and playing with your phone at the (breakfast/lunch/dinner) table is unacceptable.

  5. Dress to impress

    The way you dress affects your reputation.

Why National Business Etiquette Week is Important

  1. It highlights basic manners

    National Business Etiquette Week is essential since it highlights the basic etiquette that many seem to have forgotten over time. Learning etiquette plays a great role in enhancing the image of employees.

  2. It improves communication

    Learning and applying etiquette in a workplace and business interactions increases mutual respect and improves levels of communication.

  3. It’s educational

    The week plays a great role in educating employees on how they can perform better and be more successful by adopting good business etiquette.

National Business Etiquette Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 June 5 Sunday
2023 June 4 Sunday
2024 June 2 Sunday
2025 June 1 Sunday
2026 June 7 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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