
International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month – February 2025

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International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month is observed each year during the month of February. The month-long observation raises awareness about the ways to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases from a mother to a fetus. But what exactly are prenatal infections? Prenatal infections can be bacterial or viral infectious diseases that can be passed from a mother to her baby. This can happen either during pregnancy or during the delivery process. However, this can be easily and efficiently prevented with timely medical intervention. The motto of International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month is for mothers and babies to “survive and thrive.”

History of International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

Celebrations such as International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month are very important to ensure the long-term health of a community. According to a survey done in 2016, approximately 2.6 million infants die within the first month of life, and approximately 700,000 infants die each year due to infectious diseases. Since prenatal infections can have serious consequences on the health of the child and the mother, doctors recommend seeking medical intervention as early as one can to prevent any fatality.

Despite thousands of mothers posing high risks of transmitting infectious diseases to the baby, all is not grim. Most serious diseases such as hepatitis B, rubella, and varicella are vaccine-preventable diseases, meaning maternal immunization is effective and the transmission of the infections can be easily prevented to the fetus or baby. Women from childhood till conception should make sure that they are up-to-date with all important vaccinations since some immunizations are inadvisable during pregnancy. When the mother is pregnant, it is recommended that she take her maternal flu vaccines to prevent serious infections such as influenza. This simple vaccine can save the life of a newborn baby. After pregnancy, the mother
has to take postpartum vaccines to prevent getting infected by vaccine-preventable illnesses. This in turn also protects the baby from the same infections.

Maternal vaccines are integral to healthcare and play a crucial role in safeguarding a child’s health. International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month is also a celebration of medical sciences and scientific temperament that saves millions of lives, across the globe, every year.

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month timeline

20th Century
Mortality rates

Developing and developed countries discover they have similar mortality rates.

Oral Health Becomes An Important Parameter

Oral health can determine the health of a pregnant woman.

Maternal Mortality as “Sentinel Event”

It determines the overall competency of a community’s healthcare.

Maternal Mortality Reduces

Advancement in medical sciences and access to good healthcare are the reasons.

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month FAQs

What is the most common prenatal infection?

Cytomegalovirus (C.M.V.) infection is the most common prenatal viral infection in America.

What do prenatal viral infections cause?

Prenatal viral infections may result in pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, intrauterine growth restriction (.I.U.G.R.), or preterm birth (P.T.B.).

What causes fetal infection?

Congenital infections are generally caused by viruses that may be picked up by the baby at any time during the pregnancy or during the time of delivery.

How to Observe International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month

  1. Help a mother

    If you or someone you know is pregnant or a new mother, urge them to get screened for infections and get vaccinated on time. This could help save a life.

  2. Raise awareness

    Tell pregnant mothers that simple practices like good hygiene, prenatal care, and immunizations. Good nutrition can also help avoid dangerous infections.

  3. Spread the word

    Post about International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month on your social media accounts so more people can be informed and inform those around them. Take the time out this month to bring awareness to the cause.

5 Facts About Pregnancy That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. It’s never too late to conceive

    The oldest woman to get pregnant was a 66-year-old.

  2. Pregnancies can last more than nine months

    The longest pregnancy is recorded at 375 days.

  3. Twins are quite common in the U.S.A

    . 32 out of 1,000 babies are twins.

  4. The chances of conceiving reduce with age

    40-year-olds have a conception rate of 5%.

  5. Babies can cry in the womb

    A baby can cry in the womb at 28 weeks.

Why International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month is Important

  1. It saves lives

    Celebrations such as International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month save millions of lives every year, across the world. Bringing awareness to this cause could save more than one life.

  2. It improves collective health

    International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month aims to improve the collective health of the community. It does this by ensuring that mothers can raise a generation of healthy children.

  3. It’s an indicator of the community’s well-being

    International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month is also an indicator of the community’s well-being. Healthy mothers mean that the health infrastructure is accessible, affordable, and efficient.

International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 February 1 Saturday
2026 February 1 Sunday
2027 February 1 Monday
2028 February 1 Tuesday
2029 February 1 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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