Financial Wellness Month

Financial Wellness Month – January 2026

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Financial Wellness Month is observed throughout January and was created to remind us to pay closer attention to our financial wellbeing. It comes right after the hustle, bustle, and spending that comes with the holiday season, to help us slow down and prepare our finances for the new year and our lives as a whole.

History of Financial Wellness Month

Finances have been a cause of concern in human lives for as long as money has existed. It’s the key to unlocking all our material desires, but can also be our downfall and a source of frustration when it isn’t managed properly. That is why Financial Wellness Month exists, to serve as a reminder for us to prioritize our financial wellbeing.

As we all know, the term finance usually equates to money, however, finance encompasses not just money, but also the creation and management of money and investments. This means it deals with how you earn money, and also how you spend that money. Financial wellness has to do with your relationship with money and how secure it is regardless of the variables that could affect your future.

Just as we established earlier, financial wellbeing plays an important role in the lives of anyone who earns an income, meaning that employees need to understand this concept the most, and employers need to prioritize educating workers on financial wellness.

Some of the areas employees need financial support the most are in saving for retirement, paying off student loans, healthcare expenses, and budgeting or spending. Employers can educate their employees by organizing programs to help employees budget better, pay debts and save for emergencies.

Studies show that employees burdened with financial issues yield low productivity in the workplace. Some tips you could apply to help you boost your financial wellness are creating a stable source of income, budgeting, setting up an emergency fund, saving, evaluating your credit, and setting aside money to clear debts.

Financial Wellness Month is observed annually in January and helps prepare our finances for livelihood expenses and any unplanned future expenses.

Financial Wellness Month timeline

3000 B.C.
The Concept of Finance

The earliest evidence of finance begins.

1700 B.C.
Banking Laws

The Babylonian ‘Code of Hammurabi’ includes laws governing banking operations.

1200 B.C.
Cowrie Shells For Money

Cowrie shells are used as a form of money in China.

500 B.C.
Coins For Money

Coins start representing money.

Financial Wellness Month FAQs

Is Financial Wellness Month the same as Financial Literacy Month?

No, they are not. Financial Wellness Month is more tailored to helping us prioritize our overall financial wellness, while Financial Literacy Month is targeted at educating us on all things finance. Financial Wellness Month is celebrated annually in January while Financial Literacy Month is observed in April.

What are the four types of finances?

The four types of finances are; public finance, personal finance, corporate finance, and private finance.

What is a good credit score?

A good credit score should be within the range of 670 to 739. Scores lower than 580 are considered bad, and above 799 are considered excellent.

How To Observe Financial Wellness Month

  1. Create a financial plan

    Kick off the year on a good note by creating a financial plan for the coming year. Put down all your fixed and flexible expenditure, your projected earnings, your plan for savings, and also possible investments. This would give you an outlook on your finances for the entire year.

  2. Create a budget

    A lot of people run into debts and financial issues simply due to poor planning and living above their means. Today, we urge you to create a budget for your expenses and to stick to it. Living within your means helps you reduce debts and save better.

  3. Review your credit reports

    Your credit score is the majority of your available and feasible finances. It depicts your creditworthiness, and the higher your score, the better credit loans you can get. Reviewing your credit report helps you know where you’re at, and how you can get a handle on bill payments and limit your expenses.

5 Important Facts About Money

  1. One coin costs millions of dollars

    The Liberty Head nickel, made in 1931, was sold for 43.7 million dollars.

  2. Pennies are expensive to manufacture

    It costs $0.02 to make a single penny, which is more than its actual worth.

  3. Some U.S. communities have their currency

    Over 60 communities in the U.S. have their local currency while also accepting dollars.

  4. A woman appeared on currency notes

    Martha Washington appeared on currency notes back in 1886, 1891, and 1896.

  5. A lot of $100 bills are missing

    Close to two-thirds of $100 bills are not in banks or federal reserves and remain unaccounted for.

Why Financial Wellness Month Is Important

  1. It helps you budget better

    Financial Wellness Month forces us to prioritize our financial health. This causes us to come face to face with our financial issues, and helps us budget and plan better.

  2. It reduces anxiety

    Financial problems can become a major cause of anxiety and depression in our lives. This month helps us understand that whatever financial problems we have can be salvaged, and pushes us a step further in the right direction.

  3. It encourages financial stability

    Financial Wellness Month causes us to face our financial statuses head-on and prioritize them. It also encourages us to put our finances in order as we work towards financial stability. Programs organized within this month place us on the first step in the right direction to achieving financial stability.

Financial Wellness Month dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 1 Thursday
2027 January 1 Friday
2028 January 1 Saturday
2029 January 1 Monday
2030 January 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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