
Shape Up US Month – January 2026

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Shape Up US Month is observed throughout January. This is a campaign for children and adults in the U.S. to get healthier and live better lives. Shape Up US is both a campaign and an organization that works towards ending the epidemic of obesity across America. This month aims to offer teachers, parents, and community leaders the opportunity to assess their wellness needs, as well as that of the children and community under their care. The organization offers support to individuals and communities that work towards the goal of healthier lifestyles that address obesity and its associated comorbidities.

History of Shape Up US Month

Shape Up US Month is a campaign that is organized throughout January by an organization of the same name. The organization aims to raise awareness about healthy lifestyles so that children and their support systems have the education they need to make healthy choices about food and physical activity.

Shape Up US Month aims to work against the epidemic of obesity across the country and diseases associated with obesity like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Obesity is a major health issue in the U.S., which significantly increases the mortality rate of people in addition to making them more susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. People with obesity tend to spend more on medical expenses and tend to die from metabolic diseases at a young age.

Over 60% of the people in the country suffer from obesity. The primary causes of obesity are linked to a lack of information on what classifies as healthy food and what is an appropriate quantity. The majority of people trying to live healthier lives attempt to do so by eating fat-free or carb-free foods. However, that has nothing to do with the relative nutrition levels of the food.

That is why Shape Up US Month aims to empower people by giving them the information they need. The organization has designed wellness curriculums for elementary schools, as well as connecting communities with national organizations in the field of health and wellness. These organizations provide communities with information and studies on food, exercise, and other lifestyle changes that they can incorporate sustainably.

Shape Up US Month timeline

A Public Health Priority

The country’s Surgeon General notes that over 60% of the country is obese.

Creating a Difference is Founded

A non-profit organization called Creating a Difference is founded to raise awareness about healthy lifestyle options.

Shape Up US Gets Its Name

Creating a Difference is renamed and begins with its first Health and Wellness Expo in October 2009.

Number of Participants Increases

The Shape Up US organization works on expos to share information with communities where over 8,000 people and 150 businesses participated, the largest number until then.

Shape Up US Month FAQs

Is the U.S. number one in obesity?

Among the O.E.C.D. countries, the U.S. has the highest percentage of obesity in the population.

What is the healthiest state?

The healthiest state in the country is Massachusetts.

What is the most unhealthy food?

Sweet cereals and sugary coffee drinks are the unhealthiest food.

How to Observe Shape Up US Month

  1. Attend a Shape Up US expo

    The expos are open to the public and free for all attendants. They are a great opportunity to interact with the community and participate in discussions about wellness.

  2. Become a teacher with Shape Up US

    Rio Salado College offers a course in partnership with the organization that trains teachers in health and wellness. This is a great way to learn the latest in health and wellness and take it to the community.

  3. Participate in a cooking demo

    Compete in a National Cooking Demo at the Shape and Wellness Expos, and show off your tastiest, healthiest dishes! You can use the demo to get people excited about healthy food.

5 Facts About Obesity You Need To Know

  1. Childhood obesity is increasing

    19% of children between six to 19 years are either overweight or obese.

  2. Childhood obesity is on the rise

    Between the 1980s to the 2010s obesity doubled among children between two to five years and tripled in children over six years.

  3. Obesity is more dangerous than smoking

    According to the Surgeon General, the preventable comorbidities that develop as a result of obesity are much worse than those that develop from smoking.

  4. Obesity makes people susceptible to cancer

    Correlations have been found between obesity and certain cancers.

  5. Nutrition education is vital

    Nutrition education makes an impact on children’s lives by giving them the information they need to make healthier choices.

Why Shape Up US Month is Important

  1. We want to know about wellness

    We know that our information about nutrition and exercise is probably not the latest. We want to take this opportunity to brush up on our information and make healthy lifestyle choices.

  2. We need the help

    We have been dieting and exercising, but it is hard to do it on our own. We would love the community’s support so that we know that we are doing things in the right way and that we are not alone.

  3. We want to contribute to the community

    A big part of Shape Up US Month is to strengthen ties between communities and share information. We want to use the opportunity to share all the information we have about wellness with our community.

Shape Up US Month dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 1 Thursday
2027 January 1 Friday
2028 January 1 Saturday
2029 January 1 Monday
2030 January 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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