
National Sunday Supper Month – January 2026

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National Sunday Supper Month is observed for the month of January every year. Thanks to our hectic schedules, shared meals are slowly becoming a rarity and saved up for special occasions. National Sunday Supper Month is seen as an opportunity to recharge after a busy week. Families gather together on Sundays and share their meals over stories, chatter, and a general atmosphere of merriment. Since the celebrations are observed in the first month of a new year, National Sunday Supper Month also hopes to encourage the practice to last the entire year and get more and more families to sit together for their meals.

History of National Sunday Supper Month

National Sunday Supper Month was started with the simple motivation to share at least one meal with our families every weekend. The founder of the holiday, Isabel Laessig, started the Sunday Supper Movement to encourage people to spend more time together around the dinner table with food and loved ones. She spread the first words about the holiday through her blog, Family Foodie, and asked other bloggers to come together to share their Sunday supper ideas with their readers. Laessig used her warm personality and passion to bring together families, to sell the idea to major food and beverages brands, who were also charmed by the concept.

Since its conception in 2016, the Sunday supper movement has become a massive phenomenon due to its clever marketing methods and digital campaigns that have helped in promoting family values and bonding in a fun and engaging manner. The month-long celebration has gained national popularity and in partnership with similar-minded brands and influencers continues to be a popular holiday across America. Take this month to remind yourself of the importance of spending time with your family and sharing a meal with them regularly. Families support us through happy and tough times, and it is important to convey your love to those with whom you share these cherished ties.

The best part about National Sunday Supper Month is that it does not need much in the means of celebrations – a good hearty meal in the company of your family is all that you need! Laessig and foodie friends share recipes for easy meal plans and fun around the table.

National Sunday Supper Month timeline

The 1700s
Agriculture Families

The American family's structure has both husband and wife working the farm, and large numbers of children are needed to maintain farming productivity.

The 1800s
Generations Together Under One Roof

In the 18th century, the family is an extended one, with grandparents who live with their children and grandchildren.

The 1900s
Men In Charge

Men have superiority, make all the decisions in the household, and go to work while women stay home and take care of the house and children.

The 2000s
Scattered families

Ohio State University does a study in which the conclusion is “there is no such thing as a typical American family anymore.”

National Sunday Supper Month FAQs

When is National Sunday Supper Day?

National Sunday Supper Day encourages families to gather around the table, enjoy a meal and a conversation together each year on the second Sunday in January.

What is the meaning of Sunday dinner?

A large family meal is traditionally eaten on Sunday, often served in the middle of the day after church, is known as a Sunday dinner.

What are the different types of families?

Certain types of families that are becoming more prevalent there include one-parent families and couple-only families. These types of families can be identified as II-Electron and III-Nuclear families, respectively.

National Sunday Supper Month Activities

  1. Go on a family date

    Take your family on a date on a Sunday during National Sunday Supper Month. It’s a good way to relax with family without having to worry about who’s going to cook.

  2. Expand your family

    You can celebrate National Sunday Supper Month even if you are living away from your family. Include your friends, colleagues, and neighbors in your Sunday meal plans.

  3. Start a theme

    Pick a theme for every Sunday dinner. Every member of the family can pick a theme or cuisine.

5 Facts About Food That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Pricey pizza

    The most expensive pizza in the world costs $12,000.

  2. Ketchup medicine

    Back in the day, ketchup was used to treat diarrhea and indigestion.

  3. Most stolen food in the world

    Almost 4% of the cheese that is globally produced is stolen.

  4. Very nutty

    One in four hazelnuts ends up in Nutella.

  5. Foodie fear

    Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to your palate.

Why We Love National Sunday Supper Month

  1. It brings families closer

    In an age where everyone is so busy and constantly on the move, National Sunday Supper Month brings families closer by getting them to share their meals and stories.

  2. Fellowship makes meals more delicious

    Any meal becomes more delicious and enjoyable when shared with your loved ones. National Sunday Supper Month reminds us of the joys of sharing.

  3. It forms good habits

    National Sunday Supper Month encourages us to develop the good habit of sitting together with our family for meals and enjoying each other’s company. When we start getting in touch, we start enjoying each other.

National Sunday Supper Month dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 1 Thursday
2027 January 1 Friday
2028 January 1 Saturday
2029 January 1 Monday
2030 January 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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