
National Black Diamond Month – January 2026

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National Black Diamond Month has been celebrated every January since 2015. Feng Shui Modern Grand Master and jewelry designer Carole Shoshana designated it as the chosen month to bring attention to the beauty and distinctiveness of black diamonds. These typically pea-sized diamonds are one of the toughest forms of natural diamond and they were first found in the Chapada highlands of Brazil where they were called ‘carbonado’ because they resemble tiny pieces of charcoal. They are more accurately described as ‘polycrystalline’ or diamond material of amorphous carbon, graphite, and diamond.

History of National Black Diamond Month

Black diamonds or ‘carbonado diamonds’ are found in only two places — Brazil and the Central African Republic. This jewel’s natural black color comes from many small, dark-colored inclusions and fractures. Most can be opaque and have an almost metallic luster. Others may have a translucent, speckled appearance. Some may be black but have a dark brown or dark green body. Most black diamonds used in jewelry get their color through procedures such as high pressure/high-temperature (9HPHT) and radiation treatments. This kind of diamond has greater durability compared to traditional crystalline diamonds that’s why it has been used in industries like mining for drilling.

A gem with such unique qualities, it’s no wonder, jewelry designer, Carole Shoshana chose it to create her Black Diamond Collection. It’s inspired by her spiritual journey through the images seen in the philosophy of Shan Shui Art. Based on the teachings of I Ching, Shan Shui encapsulates the emotion and spirit of the water and mountains. She wanted to design a jewelry line that showed the beauty she found on her travels to the Far East. The reflecting stones she saw in the mountain streams have now become the black diamonds in her jewelry pieces. She hopes that every piece brings peace and harmony to the wearer as well as keeps them on course to personal happiness.

National Black Diamond Month timeline

The Carbonados are Discovered

Black diamonds are found by Portuguese miners in Brazil.

Late 1800s
The Use of Black Diamond Drillers

Prized for its cutting and grinding effectiveness, the diamond is used in the construction of the Panama Canal.

The Black Diamond Accessory Line is Launched

Swiss jewelry house ‘de Grisogono’ releases jewelry and watch collection, ushering in an appreciation for black diamond jewelry.

The Biggest Black Diamond Sold

U.S. auction house Sotheby’s sells a faceted, 555.55-ct carbonado diamond called “Enigma.”

National Black Diamond Month FAQs

Are black diamonds real diamonds?

Yes, black diamonds are real, natural diamonds.

What do black diamonds represent?

Similar to traditional diamonds, they symbolize not just love, purity, and fidelity. They are also thought to convey passion, power, and charisma.

Do black diamonds sparkle?

Yes, but they don’t sparkle like regular white diamonds. Instead of a refractive firework-like sparkle, black diamonds glitter with a metallic shine.

National Black Diamond Month Activities

  1. Read up on black diamond owners

    Get some background information on these owners. Learning how much they paid for the gems and where they sourced them from can make for fascinating reading.

  2. Make a passion list

    Just like how black diamonds are a symbol of passion, go on and write down everything and everyone that inspires and fires you up. Engage in those activities that are your passion and appreciate everyone that inspires you.

  3. Start a black diamond fund

    You may not own one now, but if you can start saving. As an investment or as a wearable accessory, a black diamond is sure to be an important purchase for your future.

5 Famous Black Diamonds

  1. The Spirit of Grisogono

    Found in Central Africa, it’s the second-largest black diamond ever to be part of the black diamond collection of Swiss jeweler Fawaz Gruosi.

  2. The Gruosi Diamond

    This heart-shaped stone is set in a necklace of white gold, smaller black diamonds, white diamonds, and garnets.

  3. The Black Orlov

    Discovered in the early nineteenth century, it’s also known as the ‘Eye of Brahma’ Diamond.

  4. The Korloff Noir Diamond

    Owned by the Korloff Jewellers of France, it’s supposed to bring happiness, prosperity, and luck to whoever touches it.

  5. The Black Star of Africa

    It’s the world’s second-largest cut diamond that’s bigger than a golf ball.

Why We Love National Black Diamond Month

  1. It celebrates something unique

    Black diamonds are not easily sourced. We love that they are a bolder choice than regular white diamonds.

  2. They’re from outer space

    Some scientists believe that carbonado diamonds have extraterrestrial origins and that they are formed from meteorites colliding with Earth. This only adds to these diamonds’ mystique.

  3. It’s dramatic

    From its origin to its uses, to what they symbolize, black diamonds are always striking. We like the pizazz they bring and that you just cannot ignore them.

National Black Diamond Month dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 1 Thursday
2027 January 1 Friday
2028 January 1 Saturday
2029 January 1 Monday
2030 January 1 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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